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Your views on a possible draft...


Do you support a draft bill?  

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Rep. Charles Rangel is supposed to introduce into legislation today a bill that would reinstate the draft....What are your views on this??.....I, for one, am for this....I think it would def. make politicians think twice about waging any war if there was a chance their kids would get called into the service....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Rep. Charles Rangel is supposed to introduce into legislation today a bill that would reinstate the draft....What are your views on this??.....I, for one, am for this....I think it would def. make politicians think twice about waging any war if there was a chance their kids would get called into the service....

What about kids who aren't parented by a politician? Those are the ones who will most likely wind up getting drafted should the bill pass. I bet alot of parents will start thinking twice about the war (and the draft) also.

As for kids of politicians, there has been a history of kids who have been finagled out of the draft by their politician parents. George W. Bush is an example. His Dad (Senator at the time) got him out of the draft.

I agree with you that would make politicians think twice about waging war should their kids get drafted but I'm sure non-politician parents will feel the same way about a mandatory draft as well as war.

Either way, I'm against the draft.

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I wouldnt even call what we did in Afghanistan a war....We had more deaths as a result of equipment failure than due to enemy fire....Plus for the most part we had local militias do the fighting....Now its down to a peacekeeping force that will likely bog down a number of troops for an extended period of time....But if we did commit a large number of ground troops from the begining, I think we wouldnt be wondering where Bin Laden is hiding....

Future wars or conflicts would most likely require us to use alot more ground forces than we have recently....Iraq will be a good example of that....Most of the fighting will take place in cities...Being that the US wants to avoid civilian casualties, much of the new technology goes out the window.....So large numbers of troops will have to be commited to clear these cities....And thats a task that will most likely take an extended period of time and result in heavy casualties on both sides....

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Originally posted by normalnoises

What about kids who aren't parented by a politician? Those are the ones who will most likely wind up getting drafted should the bill pass. I bet alot of parents will start thinking twice about the war (and the draft) also.

As for kids of politicians, there has been a history of kids who have been finagled out of the draft by their politician parents. George W. Bush is an example. His Dad (Senator at the time) got him out of the draft.

I agree with you that would make politicians think twice about waging war should their kids get drafted but I'm sure non-politician parents will feel the same way about a mandatory draft as well as war.

Either way, I'm against the draft.

If you get drafted then you get drafted....Its your duty as an American to defend this country....People are naturally going to be pissed about it....But thats just the problem with this generation....Alot of people are willing to take whatever they can get but never want to give anything back......We're just too pampered as a nation.....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

If you get drafted then you get drafted....Its your duty as an American to defend this country....People are naturally going to be pissed about it....But thats just the problem with this generation....

Alot of people are willing to take whatever they can get but never want to give anything back......We're just too pampered as a nation.....

I agree, especially your last statement---that is why I believe the view that the draft will make politicians think twice about waging war is weak, and is somewhat tunnel vision

The depth of our "pamperness" (is that even a word?) extends well beyond politican's children......and I do not mean just "material pamperness" but from an ideologocial, edcuational, philisophical, etc, aspect as well

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they have 6 months to draft me...cutoff age is 26?.....if called upon for duty i would head out with a smile on my face....fearing death...but also looking forward to killing as many of those scumsuckers as possible....i would be scared but the United States preserving freedom is more important than my life....anyone who says they would not want to go is a pussy and a coward...

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Originally posted by dnice35

I too am in favor of a draft. I think those "liberasl" should be the first to be drafted, they are pussies anyways, maybe getting drafted will toughen them up a bit.

your comments are really starting to get more and more disturbing..."liberals" are people, just like you. they don't have three legs or a tail....seriously, wtf is wrong with you....

if this shit happens, i would like to see how you would handle being drafted yourself...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sassa

your comments are really starting to get more and more disturbing..."liberals" are people, just like you. they don't have three legs or a tail....seriously, wtf is wrong with you....

if this shit happens, i would like to see how you would handle being drafted yourself...:rolleyes:

hmmm well lets think about your question. how would I handle being dranfted?


I would luv the chance to take out some fucking towel heads.

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Originally posted by dnice35

I'd take you on any day dough boy!

dough boy?? u have balls!!!! u sloppy fat pig...the only distance running u will beat me in, is running from ur house to DUNKIN' DOUGHNUTS...fat boy!!! if u eat one more jelly doughnut, ur gonna need some rope to keep ur pants up...:laugh:

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try to put me down as much as you want we both know the truth. you jogged for a month and all of a sudden you think you got skills? please..... the fat pig of my ex could probably take your ass out running. the day you are able to do a mile without me having to call the rescue, then we talk..... til then, shut your mouth, you pig!

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Originally posted by dnice35

the fat pig of my ex could probably take your ass out running. the day you are able to do a mile without me having to call the rescue, then we talk.....

ur ex fat slob of a pig could literally take out an NFL lineman...whats ur point?? and as far as me only running for a month..u fat lazy Honduran...i can run 5k pretty easily...whenever u want put ur gut and excessive fat to the test let me know...i will even give u an edge, i will tie a doughnut to the end of a stick and tie it to ur back...so u can try to chase after the doughnut...u will set a new land speed record for an animal of ur size....u fucking bi-ped. elephant...if u go swimming u could have been a manatee but ur just a bit too fat...more like a baby whale....:laugh:

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Originally posted by dnice35

where the hell did that fat fag of Matas go? come back here and fight like the obesce man that you are. fucking butter ball!

please change your fucking avatar. it is very offensive.

btw, you two can stop bickering...i'll outrun both your fat asses.

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Originally posted by sassa

please change your fucking avatar. it is very offensive.

btw, you two can stop bickering...i'll outrun both your fat asses.


you out run me? theres a better chance that Arafat and Sharon will end up in bed together, than you beating me running.

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