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Do you do nice things for people? Are you..."Nice"

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The way i normally look at things is that no one is doing anything to help me so fuck everyone else. I usually only do nice things to help people out after i know that they have done things for me and are worthy of my time. I did something recently for someone that they will never know i did but i know it helped them out very much. I really surprised myself because normally if I do something for someone I want them to know i did it. But not this time... and i kind of feel good about it. I don't understand why i feel good about it though. The answer may seem quite obvious to you but if you could understand how i perceive people and think its quite confusing......

Anyone else?

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I do that shit all the time at work, and it seems that people at work never acknowledge your work, time and effort till it's time to leave for a new job..

But as in your case w/ the person not knowing, I am a total believer in Karma, so I help and help, but for some fukin reason, I never get helped.. this thread just got me thinkin..So maybe I should kill everyone, maybe my luck will change...

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I always try to be nice to people by offering help in any way I can. I tend to find that people mistake your kindness for weakness, or they just step all over you like you are a door mat. Im getting sick of it actually. But its in my nature to be nice.

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Originally posted by notallthere

The way i normally look at things is that no one is doing anything to help me so fuck everyone else. I usually only do nice things to help people out after i know that they have done things for me and are worthy of my time. I did something recently for someone that they will never know i did but i know it helped them out very much. I really surprised myself because normally if I do something for someone I want them to know i did it. But not this time... and i kind of feel good about it. I don't understand why i feel good about it though. The answer may seem quite obvious to you but if you could understand how i perceive people and think its quite confusing......

Anyone else?

Hmmm, I wonder what you did....

Oh you know I am a firm believer in Karma as well....Also when you do something for someone out of the goodness of your heart...without seeking acknowledgment or gratification from the person...it is a truly selfless deed and it means you generally care......that positive karma will definately come back to you :D

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Hmmm, I wonder what you did....

Oh you know I am a firm believer in Karma as well....Also when you do something for someone out of the goodness of your heart...without seeking acknowledgment or gratification from the person...it is a truly selfless deed and it means you generally care......that positive karma will definately come back to you :D

Only when your drunk:tongue:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Hmmm, I wonder what you did....

Oh you know I am a firm believer in Karma as well....Also when you do something for someone out of the goodness of your heart...without seeking acknowledgment or gratification from the person...it is a truly selfless deed and it means you generally care......that positive karma will definately come back to you :D

yeah ok satan :devil:

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i always do nice shit for everyone and most of the time when i need something or need help ..... nobody is around to return the favor. which is why i have taken some time lately to really evaluate who and who isn't my real friend.

like hunnie- i beleive in karma

"the love you give will come back tenfold"


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I still don' think it will "get" me somewhere and i am not going to become some "do gooder" But for once i did and it simply was because if i was in this persons situation i would have liked it done to me. I did it for nothing in return., Not even for a return in good karma.

I just did it because i would have wanted someone to look out for me like i did for him and that gave me some level of self satisfaction

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Hmmm, I wonder what you did....

Oh you know I am a firm believer in Karma as well....Also when you do something for someone out of the goodness of your heart...without seeking acknowledgment or gratification from the person...it is a truly selfless deed and it means you generally care......that positive karma will definately come back to you :D

What she said!! Right on with that hunnie..:aright:

But sometimes, and especially when guys are concerned, the nicer you are the bigger DICKS they are!!!:mad:

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I do my best to make all my friends smile... especially the female friends...

Why just the other day, one of my girls was a bit under the weather... so I ran over to offer some cheer...

After about an hour of eating box and playing Mince Diver in her room... she was a new woman.....

Its the giving that makes us good people....

But the recieving is what makes us smile!!!!


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Originally posted by notallthere

The way i normally look at things is that no one is doing anything to help me so fuck everyone else. I usually only do nice things to help people out after i know that they have done things for me and are worthy of my time. I did something recently for someone that they will never know i did but i know it helped them out very much. I really surprised myself because normally if I do something for someone I want them to know i did it. But not this time... and i kind of feel good about it. I don't understand why i feel good about it though. The answer may seem quite obvious to you but if you could understand how i perceive people and think its quite confusing......

Anyone else?

A random act of indess never killed anyone......:D

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Originally posted by somegirl24

What she said!! Right on with that hunnie..:aright:

But sometimes, and especially when guys are concerned, the nicer you are the bigger DICKS they are!!!:mad:

That is so true, the nicer you are to a guy the more he eats it up and the bigger the dick he is. I am too nice, to too many people, sometimes I wonder why I am so nice, but thats just me, even when I act like a bitch I feel bad about it.

I hate being NICE :mad: :mad:

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A nice guy, in short, is a chump. Being labeled a Nice Guy by other men is an insult - being labeled a Nice Guy by women is the proverbial "kiss of death". You will do well in life as a Nice Guy - you will have lots of friends, be popular at work, and so on - but ultimately you will do it alone.

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Originally posted by dibs

That is so true, the nicer you are to a guy the more he eats it up and the bigger the dick he is. I am too nice, to too many people, sometimes I wonder why I am so nice, but thats just me, even when I act like a bitch I feel bad about it.

I hate being NICE :mad: :mad:

But sometimes it's just easier to be nice and not deal with the shit.....

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

But sometimes it's just easier to be nice and not deal with the shit.....

Thats prob the reason I am so nice, I hate dealing with the shit.....

But I hate when people take me being so nice for granted.

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