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Is America putting itself in a bad position?

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I am a supporter of Bush and America, but I almost feel like I was mislead into believing that we were 100% sure of Iraq's WMD programs. Bush got on his soapbox and told the world that our intelligence was 100% certain of the programs and almost made you believe we had this "smoking gun" that everyone is talking about. Well, the more I look at it the more I see Washington changing their tune and claiming that "regime change" is their policy. They are talking less and less about the threat from Iraq, and more about Saddam oppressing his country. It is beginning to make me feel as though we were mislead by Bush and his administration and now they are backpeddling to try and keep people on their side. I have a feeling that Bush is going to lose support for this war, his rating are going to drop, the US is going to look like a bunch of assholes, and our economy is going to go into the shitter (dividend tax maybe offset this?). Anyway, I used to be a huge supporter of this war, but with unfettered access of inspectors and their inability to pinpoint weapons has began to change my opinion. I see keeping the inspectors there full time for years, but maybe not war. In any event, I will still support the US if we go in.

What is everybody's thoughts?

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Originally posted by underwater

I am a supporter of Bush and America, but I almost feel like I was mislead into believing that we were 100% sure of Iraq's WMD programs. Bush got on his soapbox and told the world that our intelligence was 100% certain of the programs and almost made you believe we had this "smoking gun" that everyone is talking about. Well, the more I look at it the more I see Washington changing their tune and claiming that "regime change" is their policy. They are talking less and less about the threat from Iraq, and more about Saddam oppressing his country. It is beginning to make me feel as though we were mislead by Bush and his administration and now they are backpeddling to try and keep people on their side. I have a feeling that Bush is going to lose support for this war, his rating are going to drop, the US is going to look like a bunch of assholes, and our economy is going to go into the shitter (dividend tax maybe offset this?). Anyway, I used to be a huge supporter of this war, but with unfettered access of inspectors and their inability to pinpoint weapons has began to change my opinion. I see keeping the inspectors there full time for years, but maybe not war. In any event, I will still support the US if we go in.

What is everybody's thoughts?

I'm definitely for keeping inspectors there longer, but at the same time, they should lift those sanctions. It really isn't fair to say, "OK, we haven't found any WMD's yet, but we're gonna stay here till we do, and at the same time keep imposing sanctions on you".

Gotta look at this objectively...if there is a "smoking gun", prove it, if there are WMD's, prove that they're there, otherwise lift those freakin sanctions, and let the country prosper.

BTW, I'm NOT a strong supporter for a war unless its absolutely necessary...even then, I would support the use of special forces to take Saddam out rather than an all out war.

Also, I'm NOT a supporter of Bush's hardline approach to foreign policy.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I'm definitely for keeping inspectors there longer, but at the same time, they should lift those sanctions. It really isn't fair to say, "OK, we haven't found any WMD's yet, but we're gonna stay here till we do, and at the same time keep imposing sanctions on you".

Gotta look at this objectively...if there is a "smoking gun", prove it, if there are WMD's, prove that they're there, otherwise lift those freakin sanctions, and let the country prosper.

BTW, I'm NOT a strong supporter for a war unless its absolutely necessary...even then, I would support the use of special forces to take Saddam out rather than an all out war.

Also, I'm NOT a supporter of Bush's hardline approach to foreign policy.

i disagree...we lift the sanctions when we conclude that there are no WMD's, not till then....and as far as special forces taking Saddam out, good luck that man is even harder to pinpoint than Osama

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Weapons inspections is a farce, and always will be---I do not think anyone expected these to work...

I think the U.S. was forced into this bullshit (weapons inspections) when they knew it wouldn't work, and now the U.S. is boxed into a corner.....

As I mentioned in an earlier post, if the U.S. does have solid intelligence of WMD, going public with that information does need to be balanced against compromising how the U.S. got that intelligence....

I know leftists hate to hear that, but it is a extremely valid issue....

Also, when WI's were kicked out in 1998, it was confirmed that Hussein had chemical and biological arsenals that needed to be destroyed---this was confirmed already....

Where did these weapans go???......is the world community simply to believe Hussein destroyed these weapons from 1998-2002 out of the goodness of his heart, and because Hussein stated so in a weapons declaration?......

IMO, if anyone was mislead, it was the U.S., from the standpoint of going down the path of inspections, and banking so much on them...

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