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How are the raves in Cali?


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Hey guys...I'm curious on how the rave scene and the raves are like in Cali. Hows the music? What styles of music is it? Is drum-n-bass still big there...it's dead here on the east coast. Who are the big name DJs at parties? Is DJ Polywog any good? Who are the DJs that regualrly spin on the west coast? Any big names?

Does Spundae still throw the huge parties out there?

How are the vibes in Cali?

Sorry about the flood of questions...I know sounds like I'm doing a term paper...just asking 'cause the rave scene has changed drastically here on the east...and I might be heading out to Cali sometime late next year.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks. smile.gif


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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I'm just about to find out. I am slated to go to Animania 2000 on Dec. 16...whatever possessed me to go, I don't know.

Actually, I was invited by a co-worker...I don't know if I would have personally chosen to go to this one since I don't really recognize most of the djs...I know Doc Martin will be making an appearance, that's good enough for me...

I'll keep you posted on the outcome...

Also, I went to a rave in New Jersey last year...Whistle 2...It was a little to f'ckd up for me...no body was dancing at all. It was a bunch of old geezers and 13 year olds sitting on the dirty ass ground rubbing each other...this is fine by me, but not in the middle of a dance floor...went to a afterhour (9 am to sunset) rave afterward in Pennsylvania. It was outdoors and was pretty tight...we'll see if either of these two compare to Cali...

cwm24.gif djfrost

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