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CP peeps in Belmar

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Only at Djais Happy Hour on Saturday....

I am seaside slut any other day or time of the weekend.....

Bar A is subpar to having a root canal, and Headliner is up there with parachuting chuteless......

wait... there is hope.....

Post Happy Hour Titties at Centerfolds... the the lovely Italian Princess Barmaid, Livvy....


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Oh my god...

Somegirl.. you like the beach?????

What ring size are you.....

I figured there had to be one flaw.... I convinced myself you dont like havin sex, hate partying, and would never spend time at the beach....

Now how am I suppose to sleep tonight????


You already asked me my size...I told you..imma 4!!!!:laugh:

Just keep your eye on those airplanes..you'll be out like a light in no time!!

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Fri: D'Jais happy hour. XS at night.

Sat: beach all fucking day (inbetween 16th and 18th Ave), D'Jais for happy hour. Merge/Temps at night

Sun: do i have to say it?

we're goin to get our house in the next couple weeks. how's the housing situation down there this season????

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dogekid Fri: D'Jais happy hour. XS at night.

Not to bad use atlantic shore reality

Fuck century 21

We were the only peeps in Belmar to get evicted last year and Century 21 screwed us out of our security deposit!

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Originally posted by swngingjohnson

Me and my friends used to John MacGowan Realty...real awesome guy...won't show you the shit houses like the others...

Where is everyone's house this summer?

mine is 103 16th Ave....2nd one in from Dunkin Donuts

don't mention that fucker's name around me again. we got into a nasty law suit with him a few years back. he rented us a fucking money pit... let's just say the fridge smelled like burnt, rotting cow bladder by the 2nd week. oh, but they offered us an extra week at the end of the summer. like i'd wanna have 1 more week to possibly aquire AIDS in that disease-infested SHITBOX!!!!!

sorry.. i just really hate that bitch ass pussy.

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Originally posted by voodoolounge


You and the girls can all crash at my house. As long as you all sleep in my bed

Knock on doors all day, frig the realtors!

____________________________ (the line)


she'll be busy all summer long, thanks for asking though

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Originally posted by dogekid

i keep tellin my friends that, but they're alwasy last minute motherfuckers. regardless, i'm sleeping in your bed once a weekend anyway.

I know...its open and ready for ya kid..

Ronnie..I've known you HOW LONG??

ITS FUCKEN LORI not LAURIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

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We were at 115 16th ave. We just opted for a house on 13th that was twice the size of that one. I can deal with walking the extra blocks for comfort, I just have to carry my hoes on my back a few more blocks from DJAIS

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Originally posted by dogekid

don't mention that fucker's name around me again. we got into a nasty law suit with him a few years back. he rented us a fucking money pit... let's just say the fridge smelled like burnt, rotting cow bladder by the 2nd week. oh, but they offered us an extra week at the end of the summer. like i'd wanna have 1 more week to possibly aquire AIDS in that disease-infested SHITBOX!!!!!

sorry.. i just really hate that bitch ass pussy.

dayum....i guess i was wrong...he seemed cool when we saw him and all the houses he showed us were real good.....haha i hope its not the same house i'm in this summer :eek:

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