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A black mans life is worth 45 days in jail


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MIAMI -- A judge could decide today whether to grant a former federal agent bail while he appeals his conviction and sentence.

David Farrall was sentenced yesterday to three months in jail and one year of probation.

He was convicted late last year of driving drunk in a November 1999 accident that killed two brothers.

The victim's family addressing the court yesterday.

Joy Stewart, the victims' godmother, said "Your honor, the family is saying in this courtroom today, that David Farrall was very much aware of the fact that he was breaking the law, when he made the decision to drink alcohol and drive the night of that tragic accident."

Family members say 90-days in jail is no comparison to the loss of two lives.

Farrall will also have to attend DUI school, perform community service, and he'll lose his license for a year.

This man killed two young black men last year while DUI. he was driving on the wrong side of the highway and crashed into the car occupied by the two black males. when police arrive he lied and said the other car was drivign in the wrong direction. He was convicted of DUI but not of vehicular man slaughter as he should have. Personally I find this a disgusting, since I too was convicted of DUI. though I was not in a car accident, I was merly pull over with a nice buzz. I was given the same exact sentence, with the exception of the 90 day jail sentence. which goes to show you a minorities life is not worth much, if it was taken by a "law enforcement agent". I do not blame the system for this, I blame the jurors and the PIGS who investigated the MURDER. David Farell I hope you suffer the rest of your misserable life, I hope your family suffers you fucking murderer!

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Originally posted by nifer

thats just... sick.

he kills two ppl because he was dumb enough to drive drunk and all he gets is a slap on the wrist

do you have a link for this?

worst of all, he was an FBI agent..... basically thats all the article says, but I am sure if you dig deeper you can find all the details from the case. www.wsvn.com or www.wplg.com

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