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Vote on Draper's Return--Make a Difference


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Originally posted by codica3

Yeah, because you're someone special who suddenly has the right to decide who should and shouldn't come to the club. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That's ironic coming from you. He has that power, as much as you have the power and know-all to decide that Draper should never DJ at Exit again. :rolleyes: X 1,000,000

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lol.... that archived thread is hilarious about Draper. I posted on it too.

Anyways, I've been a Draper supporter for the longest time. I still like him even today. But I think his time at Exit should be done for now. He had his time at Exit, and Exit eventually became horrible. I went last week, and I saw Exit going in a different and better direction. I think if Exit wants to continue in that different/better direction it should not bring back Draper. If it does bring back Draper Exit will show it's potential customers in the future that it is not totally commited in going in that different direction. Therefore that different "better" crowd will never come. And Exit will just continue to bring back the "bad" exit crowd.

I think Draper does have talent. He should definately continue to DJ somewhere in the city. Possibly Limelight Fridays? I heard there party is not doing too good. Dave Marvisi owns Limelight also. And Draper will definately draw numbers. I just believe his time at Exit is DONE.

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Originally posted by zeeker

Because only a year and a half ago, he was that annoying little e-tard, sucking on blowpops and chanting Draper's name.

Rob was never an "e-tard", that whole "blow pop" draper phase ended as soon as it began. Rob has been a fan of the music, and since we were not educated in anything BUT club exit and Tony Draper, that is all we knew.

What happened?

Exit closed for renovations;now we had to have other options. We heard some of the greatest DJ's in the greatest clubs and came to a realization. Draper sucks!

Back on Topic........

From a business standpoint, I totally understand why they would want to bring him in every once in a while. He has a large following, and the club needs to make money. He has the 4am slot, its not like you have to deal with him from 12-5.

You people have other options now. We are trying to do a good thing with the midnight room. If Tony Draper is on main floor starting at 4, you can GUARANTEE we are going to book someone that the people want to hear. Do your thing til 4 oclock, but we will bring in the Mike Bugouts, The Jon Stephens', The Toochs, The Dejas, The Teks,Danny Woo's The Tranceaddicts, and so much more!

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Originally posted by zeeker

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have these kids, who supposedly hate Draper, rant and rave all day about how they hate him. And how they will never go to Exit if he gets in the booth, even if it's just for one night a month. Those people are the fucking problem. They bring nothing but negative vibes to the scene. THEY are the problem.

Thats what i meant!

They should stay out of the clubs! I dont want them there!

Ahh sometimes I wish I were more eloquent, i need to get my college on!

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Legend38: Answer me these questions please....

1. Do you think that Draper really warrants all of the hate that he gets?

2. Do you think that all that hate and negativity is good for the scene? And by scene I'm referring to Exit and it's future.

I personally think 'No' for both.

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Originally posted by zeeker

Legend38: Answer me these questions please....

1. Do you think that Draper really warrants all of the hate that he gets?

2. Do you think that all that hate and negativity is good for the scene? And by scene I'm referring to Exit and it's future.

If he was resident DJ in Long Island or Jersey club, No. But he is resident in NYC's MEGACLUB. DJ's that deserve to be headlinging that club do not have the opportunity to.

2)The hate is not good for the scene, but there is hate eveyrwhere. Tony Draper as resident is not good for the scene either.

Tony Draper once every six weeks? Who cares? There are options now.

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Originally posted by zeeker

That's ironic coming from you. He has that power, as much as you have the power and know-all to decide that Draper should never DJ at Exit again. :rolleyes: X 1,000,000

And with my all-knowing power, I'm going to make this statement: Draper and DJ shouldn't be in the same sentence. :laugh: :laugh:

You keep talking about how Robin takes the board and his clubbing too seriously.. I think you got it all backwards.. :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by codica3

You keep talking about how Robin takes the board and his clubbing too seriously.. I think you got it all backwards.. :laugh: :laugh:

hmmmm, yeah, not really though. I'm all laughs when I'm out. I just get easily annoyed by certain things CP.

Originally posted by legend38

Tony Draper once every six weeks? Who cares? There are options now.

Thank you.

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Originally posted by zeeker

well, it seems that you are agreeing with me then....

You're right, maybe the issue isn't realy Draper. But why on Earth do people play it off like it is?

For some people it is the issue.

If people want to move on, then why does everyone flip the fuck out when the guy's name is mentioned? It's rediculous.

Because it's a message board and people can do what they want.

Why would someone call someone else a moron for believing that the hate on Draper is undeserved?

That was unnecessary, but I didn't think he meant for you to take it so seriously.

Having Draper do afterhours, one night a month seems like it makes sense. Satisfy the people who really like him just that one night, and maybe those who don't like him can stay home, or party in a side room. Right? You seem to agree with that.

Because some people have a problem with this idea because they've seen what happens when Draper comes back once. It makes sense, but once again, if people who hate Draper wanna bitch about it, then they're allowed to.

So, then since the problem is apparently with the people who 'hate' on Draper, shouldn't we look to silence them?

Who said that's the problem. There are a lot of problems and to each person, there are different problems. What's a problem to you isn't necessarily a problem to someone else and vice versa.

I mean, you bring up the Judge Jules incident....

Think about it. A guy pays $35-40 that night to come to Exit. Maybe he paid that money to hear Draper. Maybe he doesn't even know who Judge Jules is. Seeing as the kid paid money to get in that night, just like everyone else, why is it wrong for him to chant Draper's name?

Because it's rude. Plain and simple. DUHH. If you wanna talk about problems, that's a problem to me. It might not be a problem to you, but it is to me. See the next section for clarification.

That person obviously doesn't know or appreciate Judge Jules music, and why should he? Chanting the name Draper is a positive form of expression. You're not chanting anti-Judge Jules expressions....you're chanting positively towards Draper. And why not? You like him as a DJ. Where is the crime in that?

You're wrong here zeeker. At least I think you're ABSOLUTELY wrong. This IS NOT a positive form of expression from the standpoint of the people who paid the same amount of money as the kid chanting Draper but who came to hear Judge Jules. This is an EXTREMELY annoying and EXTREMELY NEGATIVE form of expression in the eyes of the VERY SAME PEOPLE who paid the VERY SAME AMOUNT of money to hear Draper. Yes you're chanting positively towards a DJ you enjoy BUT on the other side of things you are giving negative vibes to people who wanna hear the Judge and NOT Draper.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have these kids, who supposedly hate Draper, rant and rave all day about how they hate him. And how they will never go to Exit if he gets in the booth, even if it's just for one night a month. Those people are the fucking problem. They bring nothing but negative vibes to the scene. THEY are the problem.

Once again, I disagree. They are not the problem of the overall club scene so don't try pulling that complete bullshit. If people don't like Draper, they have ever right to express their dislikes of him just as much as they have the right to express their dislikes of Judge Jules or Howells or Robbie Rivera or JP or anyone else. To them, Draper is the problem. And to say that people who hate Draper bring nothing but negative vibes to the scene is an extremely dangerous generalization. I'm not a fan of Draper but I bring positive vibes to many aspects of the scene. I support the talent that I like, I support the upcoming DJs that I like, I support parties in their push towards change, I support international talent. I support what I like, and so do all the other people who don't like Draper so what the hell is the problem with that. People hate on everything, you're not gonna change their minds, and you have no right to.

I think the difference is quite clear here. But I have a feeling people will still be ignorant and stupid.

What's with the name calling? :tongue:

I agree with you, that bringing Draper back isn't a good idea at this point. I only feel that way because, like you said, this is not a perfect world, and there are so many close-minded, ignorant people out there. Unfortunately people like that are going to make it impossible to successfully bring him back. this is getting pretty long here, so I'll cut myself off here.

Final statement: there are close-mineded, ignorant people on BOTH sides of the spectrum here so watch where you point that finger. :aright:

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ok, I don't have the patience to reply to every single one of those replies. But a lot of what you said is very true. Now re-read it and take your own advice. It's rude to chant for Draper while Judge Jules is on? Chanting another DJ's name isn't half as rude as some of the shit that you post about Draper. But, like you said, and I agree, it's a message board.

About the roninmess thing...I don't take anything that kid says seriously. But thats not because I understand the kid's humor, and I know he's kidding. Again, the kid is a walking contradiction, and is ignorance defined...but thats just what I think, there's no reason to argue with you about that one. About the rest of it, it's all just a matter of us disagreeing, which is fine. I'm not trying to change people's minds, thats impossible. But whereas I'm not trying to change your mind, or make you see what I see, don't expect me to accept what you see. I guess this won't really get us anywhere, except Exit on Friday. See you guys there then.

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