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12 chemical warheads found in Iraq weapons bunker...


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this is just the tip of the iceberg...


Iraq - U.N. inspectors on Thursday found 11 empty chemical warheads in "excellent" condition at an ammunition storage area where they were inspecting bunkers built in the late 1990s, a U.N. spokesman reported.

A 12th warhead, also of a 122 mm, was found that requires further evaluation, according to the statement by Hiro Ueki, the spokesman for U.N. weapons inspectors in Baghdad.

It was not immediately clear if discovery of the warheads constituted a "material breach" of the U.N. resolution requiring Iraq to itemize all of its weapons of mass destruction.

At the United Nations (news - web sites), the U.S. ambassador said he could not offer an assessment without further information.

"I simply cannot answer into that kind of hypothetical proposition without having more facts at my fingertips," John Negroponte said.

The team used portable X-ray equipment for a preliminary analysis of one of the warheads and collected samples for chemical testing, Ueki's statement said.

"The warheads were in excellent condition and were similar to ones imported by Iraq during the late 1980's," the statement said.

The warheads were found during a visit by inspectors to the Ukhaider Ammunition Storage Area, 75 miles south of Baghdad.

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Originally posted by underwater

this is just the tip of the iceberg...


Iraq - U.N. inspectors on Thursday found 11 empty chemical warheads in "excellent" condition at an ammunition storage area where they were inspecting bunkers built in the late 1990s, a U.N. spokesman reported.

A 12th warhead, also of a 122 mm, was found that requires further evaluation, according to the statement by Hiro Ueki, the spokesman for U.N. weapons inspectors in Baghdad.

It was not immediately clear if discovery of the warheads constituted a "material breach" of the U.N. resolution requiring Iraq to itemize all of its weapons of mass destruction.

At the United Nations (news - web sites), the U.S. ambassador said he could not offer an assessment without further information.

"I simply cannot answer into that kind of hypothetical proposition without having more facts at my fingertips," John Negroponte said.

The team used portable X-ray equipment for a preliminary analysis of one of the warheads and collected samples for chemical testing, Ueki's statement said.

"The warheads were in excellent condition and were similar to ones imported by Iraq during the late 1980's," the statement said.

The warheads were found during a visit by inspectors to the Ukhaider Ammunition Storage Area, 75 miles south of Baghdad.

What is the source for this information? Who reported this story?

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Originally posted by underwater

i am assuming that you watched this on the news last night....it was all over the news about 1:00 yesterday afternoon....i was watching it live on fox...

yup I saw it, its only a matter of time before I am able to say "I told you so"

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Originally posted by dnice35

Its a small find but it shows that Iraq might have other things in hidding.

Miami, home of of WMC!

so you, matas, guyman, and meli, all live in miami?....i'll have to meet all of you guys when i come down there....i might come for the WMC or on memorial day weekend....my parents bought a condo in delray so i'll be back and forth in FL all the time.....i've actually been trying to convince my girlfriend to move with me to miami.....funny...i never realized all of you live down there.....i just watched a special on the restaurant "Versailles", not sure if thats the spelling.....but it looked pretty good.....

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Originally posted by underwater

so you, matas, guyman, and meli, all live in miami?....i'll have to meet all of you guys when i come down there....i might come for the WMC or on memorial day weekend....my parents bought a condo in delray so i'll be back and forth in FL all the time.....i've actually been trying to convince my girlfriend to move with me to miami.....funny...i never realized all of you live down there.....i just watched a special on the restaurant "Versailles", not sure if thats the spelling.....but it looked pretty good.....

For sure dude, I am sure we're all gonna be doing our rounds for WMC, just let us know ahead of time.

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Originally posted by underwater

i am assuming that you watched this on the news last night....it was all over the news about 1:00 yesterday afternoon....i was watching it live on fox...

Ah ok. I had to question the source because you didn't post where that report came from.

I was at work this afternoon and during one of my breaks I picked up a Boston Globe newspaper that someone left on one of the tables in the cafeteria and that story appeared on the front page.


However in the Boston Herald I found this:


Bush has not yet convinced public on the justification for war; support could increase if inspectors find weapons

Associated Press

Friday, January 17, 2003

WASHINGTON - Despite months of effort, President Bush has not yet convinced most Americans there is justification for U.S. military action to depose Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, polls show.

``I think a little more diplomacy would be in order,'' said Creig Crippen, 84, a retired Air Force veteran from Deland, Fla. ``I don't like this pre-emptive idea. That's imperial. That's not democratic.''

There is widespread support for ending Saddam's rule, but that support is conditioned on proof of a threat from Iraq and on the support of U.S. allies, said a poll released Thursday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.

The poll became public as the United Nations said U.N. inspectors in Iraq looking for evidence of weapons of mass destruction had discovered about 11 empty chemical warheads south of Baghdad.

Two-thirds or more in the Pew poll and other recent polls say they favor military action against Iraq, but only under certain circumstances.

For example, the Pew poll suggested that support for war is strong, 76 percent, if U.N. inspectors find nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in Iraq. The support is evenly split if they find no weapons but determine Iraq has the ability to make these weapons.

The public does not buy the administration's argument that Iraq must prove it does not have these weapons to avoid a U.S. attack. Almost two-thirds, 63 percent, said Iraq's failure to prove it does not have weapons would not be a sufficient reason for a war.

More than half, 53 percent, say the president has not yet explained clearly what's at stake to justify the United States using military force to end Saddam's rule, according to the poll. Some 42 percent say he has.

The number who say Bush has clearly explained what's at stake has eroded since his September address to the United Nations, when it was 52-37 saying he had given a clear explanation.

At the White House, spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush continues to work with other countries on a peaceful solution.

``But if Saddam Hussein will not disarm peacefully and it becomes necessary to disarm him by force, then what we would be doing is not only disarming a real and growing threat, but liberating Iraqi people from a brutal, oppressive regime,'' McClellan said.

The Pew poll of 1,218 adults was taken Jan. 8-12 and has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

``I believe that this is an action that is due because of Saddam Hussein's complete lack of respect for the democratic world and his people,'' said Philip Pederson, 65, a sales manager from Wheatland, Calif. He is a Vietnam veteran.

Though the president has been making his case against Iraq in earnest since September, White House officials say the heavier lifting doesn't begin until Jan. 28, when Bush delivers his State of the Union address. That's one day after U.N. weapons inspectors issue a preliminary report on what they've found in Iraq.

The drumbeat for war continues Jan. 31, when Bush meets at Camp David with his staunchest anti-Iraq ally, British Prime Minister Tony Blair. If Bush chooses to go to war, whenever that might be, there would be a final, Oval Office address in which he would spell out reasons, White House officials say.

Some in the public will be skeptical no matter what the president tells them about Iraq.

``I think they've made it very clear,'' said Rachel Wheatley, 23, of Washington, ``that they're not really interested in what the inspectors have to say.''


Getting back to your posting about the finding of the missles, I stumbled upon which said, "The warheads were in excellent condition and were similar to ones imported by Iraq during the late 1980's."

Back then Iraq was entangled in a war with Iran as we know and at that time we were pissed at them because of the hostage crisis. During that same time the US was supplying Saddam with weapons to fight against them.

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Originally posted by dnice35

Its a small find but it shows that Iraq might have other things in hidding.

Miami, home of of WMC!

True. But you could be right about the other things Saddam may be hiding and I think they could be chemicals though none have been found so far.

"The team used portable X-ray equipment for a preliminary analysis of one of the warheads and collected samples for chemical testing, Ueki's statement said."

They have proof there are weapons but no proof there are any chemicals so that's not enough but lets see what happens when the results come in. There is a possibility Saddam may be hiding chemicals. Iraq does have the technology to make them but you have to understand we gave the Iraqis that technology. The US has a record for creating their own monsters.

We made Saddam who he is as much as we made Osama.

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