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Hypocrisy of CP

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Originally posted by smokesum

why do people here make negative comments about someones' looks when they themselves are nothing to look at??

Beauty is only skin deep and is in the eye of the beholder.

Hating gets you no where in life.:rolleyes:

amenn:) :tongue:

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I believe this is a message board and without some drama here and there it would be no fun. Secondly we talk about hypocracy... And some of the same people on this thread have put in some of there own abuse towards others... Everyone does it.

Secondly I know this has to do with another thread. So I must say I believe people did there judging because "someone" asked why one would make a comment about a person in a sweatsuit and not look at the women in the picture. So one sarcastic comment deserves another.

Just my 2 pennies...

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Originally posted by smokesum

why do people here make negative comments about someones' looks when they themselves are nothing to look at??

Beauty is only skin deep and is in the eye of the beholder.

yeah, I'm not too fond of busting on people's looks. Not that I never have, but it's just an asshole thing to do. And I agree, a lot of the people who do talk shit, are the ones who have absolutely no right to.

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Originally posted by zeeker

yeah, I'm not too fond of busting on people's looks. Not that I never have, but it's just an asshole thing to do. And I agree, a lot of the people who do talk shit, are the ones who have absolutely no right to.

i totally agree with you. and even the people that can talk shit, shouldn't. :)

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Originally posted by smokesum

why do people here make negative comments about someones' looks when they themselves are nothing to look at??

Beauty is only skin deep and is in the eye of the beholder.

Hating gets you no where in life.:rolleyes:

agreed... however i learned from experience that typically when one is making fun of someone or criticising them, theyre really either just jealous and or criticising themselves... oh well... dont sweat it... i dont, its just another bs thing we all have to deal with...

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Originally posted by elementx

I believe this is a message board and without some drama here and there it would be no fun. Secondly we talk about hypocracy... And some of the same people on this thread have put in some of there own abuse towards others... Everyone does it.

Secondly I know this has to do with another thread. So I must say I believe people did there judging because "someone" asked why one would make a comment about a person in a sweatsuit and not look at the women in the picture. So one sarcastic comment deserves another.

Just my 2 pennies...

well sometimes a joke is simply just a joke... what sucks about messageboards and the internet and etc... is that you can tell voice inflection and tone and facial expressions so a lot of things written get misunderstood or taken the wrong or goes right over ppls heads... in any event, what im trying to say is that if its in good fun or etc (harry potter, carrot top, etc. just some examples of ppl we goof on the board) then there shouldnt be any problem with it, but if its meant in a malicious or derragatory (sp?) tone then i think i speak for all we can do with out it...

as for the thread that this is reffering to i totally missed it or either over looked it so im just simply speaking in a general sense...

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Originally posted by smokesum

why do people here make negative comments about someones' looks when they themselves are nothing to look at??

wouldn't that make sense? i mean, if you're an ugly fuck then you should be fully qualified to comment on it -- you look in the mirror every day, that's enough to make you an expert specialist on ugly fuckdom and hence gives you the expertise to comment on others ugly fuckdomness.

conversely, if you're some hot supermodel, then you have no idea what being an ugly fuck is all about and lack the skills needed to analyze said fuglyness.

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Originally posted by dr0ne

wouldn't that make sense? i mean, if you're an ugly fuck then you should be fully qualified to comment on it -- you look in the mirror every day, that's enough to make you an expert specialist on ugly fuckdom and hence gives you the expertise to comment on others ugly fuckdomness.

conversely, if you're some hot supermodel, then you have no idea what being an ugly fuck is all about and lack the skills needed to analyze said fuglyness.

this is definately true...

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Originally posted by dr0ne

wouldn't that make sense? i mean, if you're an ugly fuck then you should be fully qualified to comment on it -- you look in the mirror every day, that's enough to make you an expert specialist on ugly fuckdom and hence gives you the expertise to comment on others ugly fuckdomness.

conversely, if you're some hot supermodel, then you have no idea what being an ugly fuck is all about and lack the skills needed to analyze said fuglyness.

no that doesn't make sense. IMO if you are ugly you shouldn't like it when people call you ugly and remind you cause it will hurt your feelings, which is the reason why you wouldn't do it to others..:D than again I'm not ugly so who knows lol:cool:

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WTF!? thats like saying if someone is white, dont comment on it because youll remind them... lol... listen if you are a person who is ugly, deal with it, if you are a person who is good looking deal with it, if youre fat deal with it, if youre skinny deal with it... because its you... and youre going to be you for the rest of your life...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

WTF!? thats like saying if someone is white, dont comment on it because youll remind them... lol... listen if you are a person who is ugly, deal with it, if you are a person who is good looking deal with it, if youre fat deal with it, if youre skinny deal with it... because its you... and youre going to be you for the rest of your life...

I think I am gonna copy that quote and paste it in the Quotes thread in the Bump forum. I like it... :)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

WTF!? thats like saying if someone is white, dont comment on it because youll remind them... lol... listen if you are a person who is ugly, deal with it, if you are a person who is good looking deal with it, if youre fat deal with it, if youre skinny deal with it... because its you... and youre going to be you for the rest of your life...

not everyone feels that way and will take things said to them differently. Some people can't deal with things like that and except themselves..

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well dont you think its time they start??? only infants and babies are sheltered from reality... grownups (and i hate that term but its what we are) are not, and we should accept ourselves and do the best with what we have... or have been given... you think i dont look at magazines because i cant afford six thousands dollar suits, or i dont watch cribs, because i cant afford that stuff and it reminds me im middle class??? do you think that most ppl dont watch wildon because it reminds them that theyre not going to be there??? please... if anything that should stimulate you or motivate you to attain these things not hurt you or impede you from living your everyday life... listen im no brad pitt, but im not jerry lewis either... but i love my body, and my appearences (not in a narcissitic way or vain way) and i deal with my shortcummings or the things that make me less attractive... its about marketing... (ie personality) the personality is what sells and the personality is what makes ppl ultimately attractive or unattractive... look at adam sandler many women say hes great looking but in actuality he really isnt but its his personality that carries him forward... blah etc... similar situation with me, like i said im not one or the other, but because of my personality and the way i carry myself... some how (by the grace of GOD) i manage to pick up women... so all in all what im saying is this the sooner one realises who they are and except it... the sooner they will reach their "utopia" or at least be well on their way to reaching it... the problem is not with the ppl who are saying these things but the problem lies with the way the ppl are hearing and dealing with the things said... ppl will always comment on something, you have to realise what is true and what isnt and what is genuine and what is bullshit... if you have a nice car someones going to say its ugly, you have a nice outfit someones going to say its out of style, you get a new haircut someone will say something...(like some ppl on here with dual or triple screennames who have nothing better to say but negative shit, and i still dont get it till this very day why some ppl get hurt or emotional or overreact as to whats being said... do you care what this person thinks? do you even know who this person is??? didnt you know that the internet was designed so ppl can hide from reality and comment on others in an anonmous fashion???) but if you know what you like, and you like what you know... then these words will fall on deaf ears... follow? does any of this make sense??? if i was speaking i could prolly articulate my thoughts a lil better, i hope you all get the point of what im trying to say here...

fuck! i hate editing, but the spelling errors were getting to me

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lol... i was looking for that thread i was going to update everyone on the situation... (but dial up sucks when you try doing a search on cp) in any event after careful evaluation of the situation and speaking to a few ppl whos opinions i respect and trust... i am turning down the offer... (along with reading what they wanted me to sign... unbelievable shit...)

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