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What Where You Like In Highschool? (best & Worst Memori

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Yea Highschool "DAZE"..

Good ol days of teenage angst..

Locker rooms, cheating on tests,

cliques, football games, crushes,

Freaks, geeks, nerds, stoners,

jocks, goths and cheesy dances.

I'd never ever ever do it again..

but I wouldn't trade those memories

for the world. It felt like it would

never end then BAM it was Prom-night

and then graduation and then we all

said goodbye and split up....

Some friends I still keep in touch

with..some I lost along the way.

But all I need to do is open up my year book

to see what a goof I was (We all where)


I was the kid with the Smiths

shirt that new all the lyrics to

every Cure and Siouxsie and

the banshees song..that got

beat up by the jocks and called

a fag every gym class because I

wouldn't shower with the football team.

(awe the good ol days) I was "DuckY"

from pretty in pink and I humg out with

all the dorks that thought the world just

didn't get them..so we dressed in black

and hid in the art room and smoked weed

behind the bleachers with a radio playing

Joy Divison.....

Funny I'm still kinda like that.



(Cue in Simple minds:

"Don't you....forget about me")


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yea ok..I know we did

this one before (I think)..

so perhaps we could do a

new angle on this subject:








I'll kick it off:



*The day I made a video that got projected

during a talent show and got standing aplauses.

*An art show I threw with a friend in the Art room

that made the San Antonio newspaper.

*Dating the hot "preppy" girl in Rome

to all the "Jocks" horror and taking her to the prom

in a hurse.(Yea yea I was a goth...shutup)

(I split my highschool between Texas

and Italy)


*Getting kicked out of the school

in Texas, getting thrown into rehab

and kicked out of my house.

*Getting beaten up so bad that I couldn't walk or

show my face in public for a week in Texas.

*Having one of my best friends die in a car crash

right after he drove me to a party.




NEW ORDER: "ceremony"

DEPECHE MODE: "Never let me down again"


THE CURE: "Play for today"

JOY DIVISON: "Love will tear us apart"

LOVE AND ROCKETS: "All in my mind"

THE SMITHS: "How soon is now?"


THE THE: "Heartland"


ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN "Bring on the dancing horses"

BAUHAUS: "Of lillies and remains"


THIS MORTAL COIL: "Like a kangaroo"


THE PLUGZ: "Reel ten" (inst)


(An industrial mix that ends at

the foot of Acid house)



CLOCK DVA, 808 STATE...etc

(but that's more for the college years)


(Me 1989, wearing a hat in front

of a friend's painting)


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ok if i could like totally GO THERE!!



i was like 17....and AndyWarhol was Like GOD TO ME....

it was all about, skipping 8th period and "scoring" some "Pot" in the Village!.........smoking up in the boiler room......and stubiling back into class.....flunking out of GYM.......LONG HOT CITY DAYS.......During the summer....and Pulling an all nighter at The MUDD Club, Cause PAT BENATAR was there....and after hours at The GO GO Room.......and 1st period class at 7am.....LOL

i was the freak, i wore mom n pop village pants, and was rocken the leg and arm warmers to DEATH....i was SOOOOOOO GAY

Back then i was a DRAG QUEEN.....Before i even WAS A QUEEN?


it was all about clove cigs.....St Marks St.....

a dive called Zombies.....and Really Shitty weed....


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ok. mug;s HERE WE GO...LOL

Worst moment's....Walking in on a friend who decided to hang himself in the Boys locker room......

Getting Beat up, because i wore eye liner, and cause my nick name was Dik Dik"

Being Sexually Assulted by the STRAIGHT guys in my school, Cause apperently, i sucked dick better than there girlfriend's.....


once my Aunt Passed away, she left me all of her Estate, and money.....and taking a Limo to n from school WAS LIKE SO COOL,

i mean ok, picture this....me 3 of my fag hag's, goth/punk.freaks pulling up infront of a Public school on bleeker....in a LIMO....every day....It was intresting to see there face's....

But the best....came when i was doing the door @ Divine..

and they Saw who i was.....it was classic....

the next week, my picture was taken with Andy Warhol, and Matty lowinski in the Voice, and It was all over school, i dropped, out got my GED...and went on with my life...

talk about rubbing it in, huh? LOL

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Best Experiences:

Going outside during lunch to smoke a blunt with my crew. Regardless of how many rival crews there were in my high school, they all got down together outside when it came time to smoke a blunt. The skaters, the gangstas, the punk kids, the smart kids; all of them got together to blaze. It was a good time.

Taking two hits of acid (kaleidescope) before coming to 1st period, and then starting to trip REALLY hard by second period. I remember the tingly feeling in my spine, the feeling of restlesness, the electricity in my gut....damn, it was a carefree time.

Bumming change off of every individual in the cafeteria in order to buy lunch.

Meeting an individual who would eventually become my best friend for years to follow.

Going outside before History, baking my friend's car out, and then going to class only to laugh when hearing my professor ask "Where've you been?"

Telling my art teacher, Ms. Schoen, that she has no breasts, and that she's a cunt.

Making fun of this Iranian girl named "NADA." I'm sure you can imagine the fun I had with that name!

Organizing when and where we were going to meet to chill out after school.

Worst Experiences:

Witnessing the return of heroin on the drug scene. All of a sudden, everyone was a smack head (especially those who listened to alternative music, for some reason). Drugs started taking over the school, and students were eventually prevented from going outside during the day. This decreased the comradery among students during blunt time.

Going to school while tripping hard (on a hit and a half of Yellow Shield hits), and getting caught for being there when i wasn't supposed to be there (I was on suspension, but went to hang out with friends, lol). I got caught, and my older brother had to come from work to pick me up. Until that day, I never knew what it was like to get punched hard in the face while tripping very hard on acid.

Getting kicked out of most of my classes for being a wise ass.

Realizing at one point that I was nothing more than a fucking druggy who hung around school and did absolutely nothing to better himself. The novelty of getting fucked up started to wear off, and the reality of what I was going to do after high school started setting in.

Getting robbed and nearly killed for all of my money (I used to sell at one time). This made me realize that: (1) I'm not cut out for drug selling, and (2) I am too much of a non-fighter to be around drug dealers. I really got my ass kicked during this robbery. I got snuffed in the bathroom from 4 older guys who were friends of a friend, got knocked on to the floor, got kicked in the mouth and face, and then had my right eye kicked very hard with a boot. I couldn't see out of my eye for over a month.

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best memories: i was a nerd, i had fun in class though, i went to a private school so the classes were small and the teachers were really good...having all my classes with my best friend was good stuff :) i think being yearbook editor my senior year gave me a boost, everyone wanted to be in pics, so everyone wanted to talk to me lmao

worst memories: i was a nerd!!!!!!!! i got made fun of a lot :( i always ruined the curve and always kept all my work to myself, so i got hated on...

soundtrack: hmm i listened to a lot of punk rock...blink 182 (b4 they sold out), new found glory (before they were on mtv), get up kids, 3eb, etc etc

pic...hahahahah here's a good laugh:


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Ahhh high school. Sometimes I wish I could go back.

House parties every weekend. 300-400 people, kegs, and they only charged $5 bucks. That got you a plastic cup and entrance into someones backyard.

The liquor store that sold to all us 16,17,18 year olds. We would go there every friday and saturday night to find out who was having a party that weekend.

Smoking out of a minature bong in the car before school. Then going to first period cooking class blazed.

We were not allowed to leave campus at anytime during the day. We had a metal fence around our campus, so we would put alcohol in minature scope bottles and go to our locker in between classes and take a swig.

Oh god, running up the "hill" during gym with the teachers following behind us in thier golf carts yelling at us to keep going.

The senior lunch lawn during lunch!!!

I could go on forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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nice topic....

i was the "american" in high school. i went to a jewish high school in israel that was very diverse: jews, arabs, bedouins, druze, ethiopians, russians, europeans, americans, circassians, etc.i moved there when i was 14 and started to study hebrew with a tutor who later became like a second mother to me. i was very much the "hippie", torn t-shirts, multicolored hemp bracelets, dyed black hair, jeans,and shorts and sandals...i also had my goth stage where i wore all black for 3 months straight....

i lived in a small town near my school that i hated...everyone living there my age were very cliquish and i couldn't stand that. so i was the outcast or black sheep of that place...10th grade i finally found a group of awesome friends that i could relate to and hang out with. we had a blast until our graduation party. after breaking all the champagne bottles and dancing like mad on

the stage, reality sunk in. most of my friends being jewish israelis had to enlist in the army, while i was trying to start university in the country. i couldn't get in, got into a big problem with the government and had to leave the country in a rush. went to greece, then came here.

high school was great...looking back, i wish i didn't want to leave as much as i did and enjoyed it while it lasted...

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Originally posted by lillizzy

best memories: i was a nerd, i had fun in class though, i went to a private school so the classes were small and the teachers were really good...having all my classes with my best friend was good stuff :) i think being yearbook editor my senior year gave me a boost, everyone wanted to be in pics, so everyone wanted to talk to me lmao

worst memories: i was a nerd!!!!!!!! i got made fun of a lot :( i always ruined the curve and always kept all my work to myself, so i got hated on...

soundtrack: hmm i listened to a lot of punk rock...blink 182 (b4 they sold out), new found glory (before they were on mtv), get up kids, 3eb, etc etc

pic...hahahahah here's a good laugh:


lizzy i give the hair a 10 ..:eek::laugh::D

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