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Are you a guy and your girl is on the pill.....

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The Pill changes tastes

By Kiran Randhawa in London

January 21, 2003

TAKING the Pill can change a woman's taste in men, a study has found.

Schwarzenegger as Conan the Barbarian - just your type ... if you're on the pill / File

The effect is so marked that falling for a man while on the oral contraceptive drug could see her choose the wrong partner.

In a series of tests, women both on and off the Pill were shown images of different types of men and asked to pick who they thought would make the best potential long-term partners.

Those on the Pill were most attracted to more macho types with rugged features, including big cheekbones, a wide jaw and prominent chin.

Those not on the pill chose more feminine-featured men as life partner material.

Psychologists believe softer features indicate a sensitive nature which may suggest to a woman trustworthiness and faithfulness.

Because women on the Pill are not ovulating and cannot have babies, it is thought these qualities, excellent for long-term partners, are not uppermost in their minds. Instead, their instincts turn them towards the most attractive male on offer.

The study was carried out by psychologists at St Andrews and Stirling Universities in Scotland.

The social consequences of these findings are potentially immense, according to researcher Tony Little.

Where a woman chooses her partner while she is on the Pill, and then comes off it to have a child, her hormone-driven preferences have changed and she may find she is married to the wrong kind of man.

Previous studies suggest women are attracted to more masculine-looking men at the most fertile time of their menstrual cycle. During the less fertile times, they choose men with more feminine-looking faces.

A controversial implication of this research is that, in evolutionary terms, it could be natural for a woman to be unfaithful to secure both the best genes and the best carer for her children. Although a less masculine man may be a better life partner, healthier children would be produced by a more rugged type.

The Daily Telegraph


Schwarzenegger as Conan the Barbarian - just your type ... if you're on the pill / File

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