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Regular Vs Caffiene Free


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Originally posted by marcid21

ringadingding... aren't you just the poster boy for health and fitness....:rolleyes:

no, hes the posterboy for not drinking things that suck...

soda tastes awful, rots your teeth, and takes the paint off cars... god only knows what it does to you intestines... F that S.

water motherfuckers.

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Originally posted by joeg

no, hes the posterboy for not drinking things that suck...

soda tastes awful, rots your teeth, and takes the paint off cars... god only knows what it does to you intestines... F that S.

water motherfuckers.

:laugh: :laugh:

soda is bad if you are on a diet, it helps love handles get even bigger with all the extra sodium.

but i personally think there is a diffrence in the diet soda, but that just might be because i see the bottle before i drink it.

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Originally posted by incredulous

soda is bad, but you drink beer :confused:

beer is even worse :blank:

I drink water 7 days a week.

Beer = Recreational. Maybe 1 night or 2 nights a week...

Soda = Everyday Day beverage for most people.

Please don't compare the beer to the soda. :D

Water cleans the kidneys. Which in turn prevents stones. Etc... Etc... Also speeds metabolism. And to tell you the truth. My metabolism can use some speeding up. Also water actually quenches your thirst. Soda on the other hand makes you thirsty. And I am sorry. Being the poster boy for health. May as well give me the award for brains also. Because I think I like drinking something that quenches my thirt instead of making me more thirsty.


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Originally posted by elementx

Water cleans the kidneys. Which in turn prevents stones. Etc... Etc... Also speeds metabolism. And to tell you the truth. My metabolism can use some speeding up. Also water actually quenches your thirst. Soda on the other hand makes you thirsty. And I am sorry. Being the poster boy for health. May as well give me the award for brains also. Because I think I like drinking something that quenches my thirt instead of making me more thirsty.

if you want to speed up your metaoblism, there are many ways you can do it. when i get ready for summer the only thing i would drink is water( used to drink milk, but there is way too much sodium and too much sugars)

if you want to lose serious weigt (meaning getting shreded) the best advise i can give you is count carbs, protein, and fats. fuck counting calories (BULLSHIT) and dont believe all the nutritional shit on the labels.

(and if you are serious about getting more cut, you have to cut the alcohol-bad for muscles and not good for weight)

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Originally posted by incredulous

if you want to speed up your metaoblism, there are many ways you can do it. when i get ready for summer the only thing i would drink is water( used to drink milk, but there is way too much sodium and too much sugars)

if you want to lose serious weigt (meaning getting shreded) the best advise i can give you is count carbs, protein, and fats. fuck counting calories (BULLSHIT) and dont believe all the nutritional shit on the labels.

(and if you are serious about getting more cut, you have to cut the alcohol-bad for muscles and not good for weight)

Trust me. I know about all of this. And it is just about impossible to cut out Alchohol in the summer. Way to many BBQ's and what have you... I do not want to be thin. I actually like the way I am. And I know there are many other ways to speed metabolism. Just mentioned it about water because that is what I choose to drink. I will never be shredded. It is just not in my genetics.

For some reason I just get bigger. Never ripped. So fuck it why fight my own body. I just try to stay as healthy as I can.

Which reminds me. Cardio starts in just 1 more week. :mad:

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Originally posted by elementx

For some reason I just get bigger. Never ripped. So fuck it why fight my own body. I just try to stay as healthy as I can.

i am like that too, its easy to get bigger, but hard to shred up. I thought i couldnt do it, but last year i actually did cardio 3 times a day, never cheated(i ate 10 small meals a day), and worked my ass off....and i did get the six pack.

today was the first day back in the gym in like 2months. i dont know i can do all the shit over this year :(

and bump to th cardio shit :mad:


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Originally posted by incredulous

i am like that too, its easy to get bigger, but hard to shred up. I thought i couldnt do it, but last year i actually did cardio 3 times a day, never cheated(i ate 10 small meals a day), and worked my ass off....and i did get the six pack.

today was the first day back in the gym in like 2months. i dont know i can do all the shit over this year :(

and bump to th cardio shit :mad:


Cardio I dont mind in the warmer climates. Cause I just get on my bike and ride for hours. Go to the beach put my head phones on and bike anywhere between 25 and 40 miles per day. Depending on how much time I have and how good I feel.

But doing cardio in the gym sucks...

By the way. This THREAD has officially been jacked.

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Originally posted by marcid21

wtf are u guys talking about....???

I said nothing about diet / exericise....I'm talking about caffinated vs caffiene free....is there a taste difference??????

...don't lose track of the issue at hand, please...:D

Sorry hun. I had to stick to my " Poster Boy For Health " Title. So I changed the subject to health and fitness.

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Originally posted by marcid21

wtf are u guys talking about....???

I said nothing about diet / exericise....I'm talking about caffinated vs caffiene free....is there a taste difference??????

...don't lose track of the issue at hand, please...:D

Oh and I answered your question in my first post.

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Originally posted by marcid21

..can you guys tell a difference? say like, in Diet coke? :confused:

I definitely can.. I can tell the difference between the diet not the actual caffeine or not..

i.e. caffeine free sprite tastes exactly the same to me.. but diet sprite has a completely different taste..

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Originally posted by elementx

Which reminds me. Cardio starts in just 1 more week. :mad:

sorry i know its off topic but..........i used to hate cardio ..i do it 7 days a week a and somtimes twice a day..now i love it...GOD FORBID i miss it...missing it is not an option ...hahah.....

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Originally posted by fineones

sorry i know its off topic but..........i used to hate cardio ..i do it 7 days a week a and somtimes twice a day..now i love it...GOD FORBID i miss it...missing it is not an option ...hahah.....

i know what you mean. you kinda like it after it sets in your everyday routine. but getting started SUCKS

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Originally posted by fineones

sorry i know its off topic but..........i used to hate cardio ..i do it 7 days a week a and somtimes twice a day..now i love it...GOD FORBID i miss it...missing it is not an option ...hahah.....

omg...my workout never feels complete without at least a half hour of cardio....

my usual is 30 min. on the treadmill (( running for 20 out of 30 min.)) and the EFX machine for 20...

btw...what's the difference if you do your cardio before or after weight training???? I normally do cardio first thing.

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