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Your Most INteresting Bootie bump...


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Yes, once again Im curious of my fellow CPer's trials and tribulations involved with BOOtay....:D

So, have a story, of interest?

Location?, where you work?, with the female driver of a church bus? :eek:

Which ever the case, Im curious... so that I could further blackmail any of you down the line....jk....


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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

you should start off, u made the post.. this isnta free wack off porn story post.. hehhe

hehe, so true so true, its only fair..

Ok so here goes...

Tis was a warm yet breezy evening this past summer...

Ok, forget the shakespearean angle..

This past summer I was waitering at this fine dining restaraunt/bar/hotel place down the shore.

It was a sunday night and everyone at work was counting the minutes until we closed, including myself.

Sunday was the famous "in the biz" night and usually the best night of the week to hit up the local bar and clubs, all the crew was going to be out..

Anyways, if any of you waitered or bartended before you knew how terrible it was to get THE last table of the night...

Not only is the entire staff waiting for you to kick them out so we could leave, but also the tend to be the longest staying fucking table ever...joy.

So, around 9 or so, typically right when we stopped seating I was the oh so lucky one to get the last table.

When i was told of this, I of course was pissed off. THen when I realized it was two gorgeous ladies....no sweat... Of course.

Well, to make this long story shorter, I was being my normal flirtatious self (working on the tip of course), and before you know it the conversation became a bit provocative..

This happend alot, I mean modestly speaking i just have a great smoozing ability sometimes.

Anyways, the latina woman (by the way the other was italian..oy), said something a bit risky..

And the other said something about me blushing..I in turn mentioned to the two that I have the skill of not blushing at all (of course I was lying). Well this in turn became the challenge for the two de jur ...or bon sai (of the night)...whatever..

So, the conversation came about to whether or not I could handle the 26 year old nurse and the 28 year old pyschologist..

I of course said I wouldnt even break a sweat.

A couple hours later they that they wanted to give me my tip after work... they gave me a room number and a hotel...

Ok, so I blushed a little then..

I went back to my house, got a shower and dressed to go out..

I was planning on going to the local club not really thinking those girls were that serious..

then halfway driving down the strip I was near the hotel, and I thought...hmmm

Worst case scenario? I go up to the room and bam, its some old guy watching t.v.

I thought for a second and said fuck it, stopped and got a bottle of wine and provisions...;)

Then went a bit nervously up to the 3rd floor and knocked and the door...the lights were off...my heart was thumping...and knock knock knock..

Took a deep breathe and said shit....was about to turn around..

then vola..

THe door opens...and two Unbelievable gorgeous chicas, in langerie saying that they werent sure I was going to come so they started allready..

Phew...lets just say it was 11;30 when I came that evening ..and 630am when I got home...

By the way, Ive enjoyed redbull and shiraz ever since then ten times more after that experience...


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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

ok u gave us every detail that we would have rather not heard.. what did you do WHEN U GOT TO THE HOTEL..???

:laugh: My god everyone is a critic..

I spent three pages on telling the pretense to the menage a toi and you think I could summarize that 7hr escapade in less wordage?...lol..

Well to attempt to summarize, it was not as porn-flick style like most would assume, but more so was an incredible eruption (pardon the punn) of passion and lust.

We spoke for a bit, talked about everything from harley's to goals and dreams etc..

One girl went into the other room for a moment so I crept over to the other and began making out per sae, then a few moments later, the same with the other girl.

Of course the two caught on and that was when we began to play...for full footage you can send me $29.95 for the three tape set or $35.95 for the two disc dvd package....

Behind the scenes footage and money shots included on the dvd..lol

I really rather not ellaborate anymore, at the moment Im allready going to have to take a cold shower...

but in retrospect...

I had beautiful time...

no strings...

and no problemos..


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Originally posted by LikmyLipz


i dont really have any intreasting booty storys...

i dont do one night stands :(

Trust me, neither do I. I was just bragging thats all, That was the first one nighter Ive ever had, and most likely the last.

Even though it was interesting it still was a bit overrated, a little bit...:blank:

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz


i dont really have any intreasting booty storys...

i dont do one night stands :(

After reading about you planning bi sleep overs I don't know if I believe this statement :laugh: :laugh:

I am just kidding don't be offended

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Ok, Im still in awe how I just recently blurted out such a story...

I believe I may be bi-polar and really had no control of such a move..

So, I guess Im the only person out of....let me check

Damn...over 80 views of this thread that has a story...

come on your party poopers..

I mean granted I know its not fair, me being a stud and all, easy for me to come up with such an experience, but surely you guys have to have something...:hat:

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Originally posted by eccentricmofo

Ok, I just got this sudden feeling that me telling this story is going to come back and bite me in the ass...:rolleyes:

Yeah i know the feeling, i try not to share stories on cp but sometimes it is just too tempting. But then again i don't really have too many stories.

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