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***HaPpY BiRtHdAy EriCa***

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i just saw this thread right now...Thank you guys...You are makin my day so much better since i am spendin it studyin for my final tomorrow :mad:

I know i am a youngin but now i get to party wit all you guys & from the pictures, all of you look very young still :D

badass, i know i am goin to be at taste & dunno if i can make it this weekend, but i promise you i will make it there sometime soon cuz all i hear are good things...plus, me, lori & your g/f were talkin about celebratin all our b-days together

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Originally posted by perns2002

Have a happy birthday - Yeah your 21, but you probally have been for a while huh. HA HA. :)

i can honestly say that this is my first day bein 21, cuz i was the only one out of a majority of my friends that didn't have a fake ID & that's why it sucked even more bein a youngin

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Originally posted by erica127

i just saw this thread right now...Thank you guys...You are makin my day so much better since i am spendin it studyin for my final tomorrow :mad:

I know i am a youngin but now i get to party wit all you guys & from the pictures, all of you look very young still :D

badass, i know i am goin to be at taste & dunno if i can make it this weekend, but i promise you i will make it there sometime soon cuz all i hear are good things...plus, me, lori & your g/f were talkin about celebratin all our b-days together

My girl wont be there this week she is still on vacation but maybe the weekend after you know what to do when you come just PM me

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