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How Many Of U Think?



6 members have voted


    • Yes...they both need be "hitting it"
    • No...let the frustration boil over into the Forum

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that Sassa and Igloo need to get to doing what they need to be doing...u guys should just get a rooom...and release each other's stress levels in the form of "Republican/Democratic Unity"...u know some ole' fashion "booty slapping"...u guys could role play if u want...Igloo can be Pres. Bush and Sassa could be Saddam...what happens after Igloo whips out his "Weapon of Mass Descruction" is up to our imaginations...:laugh:

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Originally posted by sassa

someone must be really repulsive if they were to prefer having sex with a goat over a person...

1. depends on the person u dont wanna have sex with

2. depends on the goat that is gonna replace the person that u dont wanna have sex with

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by sassa

someone must be really repulsive if they were to prefer having sex with a goat over a person...which makes me wonder about you all.

I tought you were open minded about things,

you should try one first and then talk.....

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Originally posted by sassa

someone must be really repulsive if they were to prefer having sex with a goat over a person...which makes me wonder about you all.

I'm not for having sex with animals (but you can feel free to describe some of my X's as such), But if you SASSA talk the way you type, I'd rather kiss a dog.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

I'm not for having sex with animals (but you can feel free to describe some of my X's as such), But if you SASSA talk the way you type, I'd rather kiss a dog.

i don't nearly swear as much, it's people with such narrow minds like yourself and most of the people on this forum that make me curse. but i still hope you kiss a dog anyways, that's probably about the only ass you are capable of pulling.

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Originally posted by igloo

I just opened this thread....hilarious...

I agree, I do think Sassa would be better served by an injection of compassionate conservatism....

After I get done with her, hers views will be aligned with Ann Coulter

when hell freezes over, will i become a cold disillusioned bitch like ms. coulter.

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