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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

I weap in sorrow....

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


We really need to hang out one night.... I took Rod and Somegirl out to TNT a few weeks back... we had a blast...

And no to answer your question.... I am not one of those in the shadows holding my dick...

I get a seat on the front line and hold it......

As far as taking care of the girls... no doubt bro... as Digga will attest, the bartender spotted us and cleared a nice spot for everyone in the krew to sit down and pound drinks....

So I am sure they are happy with the treatment...

My only point was that I dont think everyone wants to hear about how much money we drop on a tip..... its all relevent to the person tippin....

That was all...

Ill see ya there soon bro... Had to take a week off...

Yea..we had an awesome time! VIP treatment all the way...

The clearing of the bar was the best!:laugh:

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  • 10 months later...
Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

I leave the Jerzee board for one day to reak havoc on Boston and extend my reign in the lands of CP....

and I come back to find fuckin slinkies posting useless non-sense... and all these new pieces of shit posting hello's and how are ya's.....


This is a fucking message board.... put here to help you social introverts and insecure humps at a chance in extending your social bubble and getting to make some new friends....

(and for guys like me to find break the hearts of innocent little CP Angels) heh heh heh.....

Kidding girls... I love each and every one of ya.... in your favorite position....

And I keep tripping over these meaningless posts from the newbie's and washouts.....

Such as....

My New Screename-

**Dan are you fucking serious... bro, I love ya.. but as JT Marlins' CEO, I expect more from ya....

Anyone Still Up-

**Euro... love the bod babe.... but that was the most desperate cry for help... if you need ass... holla.... dial up... but dont post....;

Buc Sandman Block-

**Bon... bro.... You are never going to land that Jerzee stripper, or get the Beama of your dreams if you dont get a life, crawl out of your jar, and stop playin high school hopscotch online..... You and Trewguy are still drooling all over yourselves and missing all the action at the clubs on the weekend....

Little tip for ya.... line up the ass... get her in the club... buy her a dozen drinks, have ML2K1 initiate her, THEN START BUMPN...

Its sad that I have to constantly change gears and hit reverse to get all of you on the bus and on the way to class.... I am almost in need of a tranny service after my long day on the road in Boston....

I may need to spend some time here at home first fixing things and bringing food to the needy, before I start branching off to help the rest of the CP Planet break out of thier bubbles....

Team Mangled- Mad props to all my boyz for watching the gates while I was away... I sleep well at night knowing my guards are armed heavily, and have a keen eyesight to the pollution trying to attack this great fortress....




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Originally posted by roddigga

weird??? is that all you got, do you know what runs through our minds after an arm work out????

jess w/ out me and riggs on this board there would be no hope for some of these people, ya know, we're not here to bash, we're just here to put a smile on peoples faces.........

and when people are feeling blue, we tell them to raise there little hands in the air and ask in a nice CP manner, "please get your foot off my throat, i can't breath!!!"

oh and jess, i'm comin to NM so please hook up a CD!!!!

bwaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha


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