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Looks like we have a SATURDAY NIGHT in NEW YORK CITY!!!


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The grand opening of Float was a HUGE success!!!Thanks to all of you guys and the entire Metro Lounge/Merge family for showing NYC how we do it and WE ALL make a party what is supposed to be......A PARTY!.

First of i want to start off by saying i am so sorry to Buck and the crew for the problem at the door. I knew and PK was worried that the door would be kind of messy the first night because of the mahem. Sorry you guys (buck and crew) and anyone else that was on the list that had a couple setbacks at the door. I know it was crazy, and it was somewhat expected, but, WE WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU THIS SATURDAY.......................ON MY WORD AND PETEY K's WORD, ok?:D Also, the thing with closing earlier than expected, the club was serving liquor aftehours (which is a no no) and in the city i guess the cops to "walk throughs" from what i was told, and saw alcohol on the tables and because of that made us close earlier. I was told next week everything will be fine for the afterhours.

Now on to the crowd, HOT!. Hot girls,REALLY HOT GIRLS, good looking crowd. THE METRO LOUNGE FAMILY IN FULL EFFECT!. Glad to see everyone. Felt like home after a little while. RICHIE WAS OFF THE METER! Hearing him play 2 nights in a row, and playing somewhat different, but still with that energy and maybe even more crowd reaction, is a great thing.RICHIE YOU ARE THE MAN!

Hope everyone had fun. The few small kinks will be worked out, but all in all, with such a large crowd, i think thins ran fairly well. iI think (and hope) the staff seemed pretty friendly.Let me know some of you thoughts/suggestions. Good or bad:D

Thanks again, to everyone who came out to support. Like i said, we will make sure to take of you for the incovience this week. Thank you.







coming in 2 weeks.............THE NYC WHITE PARTY @FLOAT

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George and crew...lol

1st off, I am not going to try and make this a negative post, b/c I really had a blast in Float last night.... BUT, there are a few things to get off my chest......

WHY DIDN'T it open on time???? besides my crew, which was 30 storng b/c of the b-day party, ALOT of peole got there EARLY (10:30) for the open bar and the CP comp list.....

So 11:15 (45 minutes later) they let people in the club, and they say the comp list is closed???? and on top of that the open bar is closed..........

I'm sorry guys, you know I have nothing but MUCH respect for the whole Metro staff, you know how I trek from Brooklyn w/ my crew to come and party up there, but that is just bad business....... I know it is not all your fault, but it does reflect on you, you made that place what it was last night... and it was ALOT of FUN!!!!!!!!!!

Music was on point, crowd was really good looking, very hot girls....

too many familiar faces to shout out to you all.....

I met a few new people, sorry, I don't remeber your names at this point.... last night is somewhat of a blur....

George, THANK YOU for the help with the Bracelts, I really appreciate it.......

Tara...... "resourceful" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great time dancing with ya...... but you still can't hold acandle to me.... ;)

Zee, you shouldn't be allowed to look that good when you go out...

Kosta, I was looking for you in the 1st stall, why didn't you show???

Siciliagirl, hello, goodbye... hit and run... lol

I don't even know who else I saw.....

See you all soon,

and George, you OWE me, and my crew.... and I WILL collect...

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Originally posted by lock16

Tara...... "resourceful" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great time dancing with ya...... but you still can't hold acandle to me.... ;)

You remember everything!!! :laugh:

I would have totally forgotten....

and lockstar puleeeeeze with the candle crappola :tongue:

aight patna!

we tear it up ;)

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George....Don't Sweat it bro....everyone still had a great time....I thought the night was awsome. Richie tore it up and ink was insane upstairs.....Overall on the Buck meter I give it 4 shots out of 5. the only negative was that ass at the door.

I will be back!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Omg!!! :laugh:

George you kill me... :laugh:

I have 1 word for FLOAT this Saturday...


I loved it! :heart: , Richie was amazing as usual...

Petey, thanks for everything! ;)

I will definately be back! :D


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