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I Jus Had A Fuckin Craziest Day

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Originally posted by heretic909

Sorry, I just needed to type some stoopid shit to amuse myself because I'm drunk and most of the people I know are asleep right now. Don't take this seriously since I have no idea about who the fuck you are or why you're playing with stink bombs. If it's any consolation, I'm the only white person in my neighborhood that speaks English as a first language, so I understand your pain. HAHA No I don't. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. I just remember something about stink bombs and Asians whatever the hell that means. But it reminds me of the ultimate stink prank that some kid did in my high school fuckin 10 years ago. He shit into a cup and left it inside someones locker. After a couple hours, you couldn't even walk down that end of the hallway without gagging, and they couldn't find the source of the stench until the kid had to go to his locker and found the shit. But yeah, anyway... what the fuck was I talkin about? ummm... what the fuck is this post about?... damn I need to drink some coffee...

Holy cow, that has to be one of the funniest thing i've read in a LONG time. Not the content... just the rambling... Good quasi-story man!:laugh: :laugh:

P.S: you type better drunk than most people on here SOBER. Impressive.

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