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so on my early morning ride to the gym i was witness to the most horrible car crash that i have ever seen taking place in front of me in my entire life.

i was going up wisconsin ave. in bethesda to get to rockville, just before it becomes rockville pike around 6:00am, it was still dark, and it was on the bridge that goes over the beltway on the aforementioned road.

there are 4 lanes in that part of the bridge as one lane leads to the entrance to the beltway to VA. i was on the second lane and a few meters in front of me on the third lane was a garbage truck. on the first lane a few meters behind me was another car, i think probably a bit smaller than my tercel.

the car on the first lane sped up and passed me and merged into my lane and started to merge into the lane the garbage truck was on. at this point we were a few meters from the entrance to the beltway and the car started to merge into that lane. because the garbage truck was right in front of him, my guess is that it (the garbage truck) blocked the view from the person in the car as to where the exact loaction of the entrance to the beltway was.

my thought was that the car just wanted to get on the lane the garbage truck was, but he wanted to get into the beltway. by that time it was to late, the car couldnt make the entrance to the beltway and hit the cement bend (dont know if the correct term is "bend" but its on the road and its there to separate the one lane leading to the entrance to the beltway from the others continuing onto rockville pike). anyway i saw how the chasis of the car (i think its called the chasis) get got totally stuck on that cement "bend" or separator and sparks everyewhere as the car continued forward and hit a post and saw things flying everywhere, both from the car and from the post along with a loud crash sound from the impact. some of the flying debris hit my car, luckily the car on the lane next to me had noticed this also and slowed down as i moved into his lane to try to get away from all the stuff flying around.

i couldnt really stop on the road, but called 911 and reported the accident. i wouldt be surprised if the person in the car passed away from the crash because it was a head on colission with the post. but i guess the person got seriously injured.

i was thinking about it throughout the morning and dont know why the person instead of driving slower and getting across the lanes to the entrance to the beltway behind me, instead decided to speed up and try to get across in between me and the garbage truck.


having said that, i must confess that, a few years back i almost got killed in a car accident in mexico, which is another reason why i always drive slower than most people do.

i just hope the person in this accident didnt get seriously injured.

on the way back, traffic on wisconsin was backed up all the way behind NIH and there were still county people removing the debris from the post and the car.


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That's scary.. I hope the person/people in the car had every lil gadget to help protect them.. But then again, in some accidents it just doesn't matter..

And yep, I always get the smartass comments that girl, you got a sports car, why don't you just floor it? Sorry but my life is worth a lil more than a 5 minute thrill.. And more importantly, the other people driving on the road who might become victims of someone's stupidity or recklessness.. But some people just don't learn unless it really hits close to home..

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Wow, Vic, that sounds horribly traumatic. I hope that person is alright. I've heard of worse accidents and people walking away from it.

One of my friends was in a terrible car accident a few years ago, whereby a semi ran him off the road, and his car got crushed when he hit the bridge on the side of the road. He got out of his car and surveyed the damage. Both he and the officers who reported to the scene couldn't fathom how he managed to walk out unscathed.

Another one of my friends was in bumper-to-bumper traffic one time on 95, and there was this dude on a motorcycle behind him weaving in between the cars at a great speed. A car behind the cyclist (just before the backup) sideswiped the guy, knocking the guy off his bike and into a skid down I-95. The guy got up, but his ass caught on fire from the friction.

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Originally posted by vicman

the most important thing is getting there, not getting there faster.

Exactly. When I was younger I lost 5 very close members of my family because the driver wanted to see how fast the car could go. He was the only surivivor when they hit an 18 wheeler head on that was rounding the corner.

I hope the person in the accident this morning is okay. It really is a hard way to learn a lesson :(

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a few years back i was "lucky" enough to get into a car crash that saved my life.

i was driving on the highway in mexico and it was raining and there was this segment of this highway that went through hills in a descent in an "S" form.

as i was getting closer to that curve i started to slow down by hitting the break (that was a big mistake, shouldve slowed down by shifting gears) and my car started to skid. nothing i could do, although i later realized (after the wreck) that since i was going down on a hill there was nothing on the other side of the road but the bottom of the hill.

at the same time there was another guy going up that hill in his car, i slammed into him, which stopped my car from skidding and from reaching the end of the road which wouldve have led to me falling down the hill.

luckily i wasnt going that fast and i hit the other car right in front of the passenger side door. he only got a bump on his forehead and i nothing happened to me.

but it was a close call, and it was the price i had to pay because it was common knowledge that there were a lot of accidents in that area of the highway and my parents had asked me to leave until the following day to avoid driving in the rain.

as i was riding back on the "Judiciales" police car, they got notified that there had been another accident in that same area of the highway involving a truck.

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It's very different when it happens right under your nose.. I was driving back from the Bronx to Brooklyn at like 4am on a highway.. There were maybe 2 or 3 other cars around, and then I see 2 cars speeding up real fast behind me.. They were FLYING, obviously playing around with each other.. Then one of the cars tried to pass a car that was in front of me but he was going to fast and musta steered a lil too hard.. So his car literally stood up on the left 2 whells, then he musta steered the other way, coz it went on the 2 right wheels.. And back and forth like that 3 more times.. And then he shot across the highway and rolled a couple of times.. That shit was SCARY.. But guess what, he got out of the car, walked around to his friend who pulled up behind him.. I looked like this :eek: His car was totally wrecked but the guy was one LUCKY mofo to get out of this one alive.. And everyone around him was lucky he didn't cause anyone else to crash.. These idiots piss me off...

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A couple years ago a good friend of mine from my high school days lost both his parents when a car full of teenagers T-boned them while doing 90 MPH through an intersection. His parents survived the accident, but were trapped in the car because the body of the car was so mangled. As people were trying to help them out, the gas tank exploded and they were burned to death.

I don't like people that drive like maniacs. If you pull a NASCAR on the highway and crash and kill yourself, well, then fuck, you deserve it. But when you drive like a maniac and hurt others, then you don't deserve to live.

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Originally posted by vicman

on the first lane a few meters behind me was another car, i think probably a bit smaller than my tercel.


What kind of car is smaller then a tercel? You should've stopped to help, you ever think about that. Maybe your little workout could've waited a few minutes. Basically, driving around here sucks. I'm not sure which is worse, the drivers or the roads.......

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Originally posted by pgiddy

What kind of car is smaller then a tercel? You should've stopped to help, you ever think about that. Maybe your little workout could've waited a few minutes. Basically, driving around here sucks. I'm not sure which is worse, the drivers or the roads.......

you cant stop in the middle of the road there. you have cars coming going north into rockville from both bethesda and the beltway.

take drive over there and see if you would be able to stop without causing more accidents when its pitch dark.

shit, i meant a corolla...my old car was a tercel.

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Originally posted by vicman

a big *HINT*HINT*HINT* to uh, our very own "DUI guy" and our very own "phone calling on I-95 on the way back from Hybrid cracked out guy"

the most important thing is getting there, not getting there faster.


I agree dude !!! its better late then never!!!!!

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Originally posted by vicman

a big *HINT*HINT*HINT* to uh, our very own "DUI guy" and our very own "phone calling on I-95 on the way back from Hybrid cracked out guy"

the most important thing is getting there, not getting there faster.

But dude, I wasn't driving that night, and I only called Gina, not you, so you wouldn't be distracted!

That sucks though, witnessing an accident happening...I've seen a couple just after they've happened, and its really really scary!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

But dude, I wasn't driving that night, and I only called Gina, not you, so you wouldn't be distracted!

I thought you said you made a late night call to Cookie. :shaky: Oh, I get it. You were dialing every chick in your phone looking for a booty call weren't you! Called out, baby, called out. Hehe. It's all good. We've all been there.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I thought you said you made a late night call to Cookie. :shaky: Oh, I get it. You were dialing every chick in your phone looking for a booty call weren't you! Called out, baby, called out. Hehe. It's all good. We've all been there.

That was a different night Shady :laugh2: Cookie was in the car with me when Krish called... he called like 3 times giggling like a school girl.

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