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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I thought you said you made a late night call to Cookie. :shaky: Oh, I get it. You were dialing every chick in your phone looking for a booty call weren't you! Called out, baby, called out. Hehe. It's all good. We've all been there.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by vicman

a big *HINT*HINT*HINT* to uh, our very own "DUI guy" and our very own "phone calling on I-95 on the way back from Hybrid cracked out guy"

the most important thing is getting there, not getting there faster.

who is the "phone calling on I-95 on the way back from Hybrid cracked out guy" ?? whats that story??

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Guest jroo

i wasnt fucking wasted when i got charged with my dui. i wasnt even drunk, you could take one shot of tequilla and blow over a .08 with out gum, pennies or anything. i agree wtih all that you guys have put. but dont yell at me for blowing a .09. remember i took 3 drunk people home that night safely. stupid people cause accidents, not fast people.

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Originally posted by therunner

But all your stories are made up - Fiction. Kinda like Star Wars - You know nobody can believe shit you write. Especially if it's about sex.

everything i write on is based solely on participatory research

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maybe if people in this country could actually drive we wouldn't have to worry so much...

i got my license first try after less than 7 hours of "practice" driving - mostly in parking lots since i wasn't insured! that shit doesn't fly in a lot of other countries (ie. germany).

and with all these idiots driving 5 ton SUVs, i think i'll stick to the metro thanks.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by vicman

i'm just saying the faster you go the less reaction time you have. no need to hit 100 if you can get there in a reasonable time going at 70.

true, but if you can go faster SAFELY, then i'm all for it. modern technology has allowed us to make great achievements in all area's of life. do you think we would have any advances in science if everyone was satisfied with standards from the 50's? SAFETY FIRST CUZ ACCIDENTS LAST is my motto, always has been. on a lighter note, i saw an older izuzu rodeo flipped upside down on the way home yesterday. on rolling road. completely upside down on the roof. i wish i could have seen what happened. there were no ambluances or nothing. there was a cop on top putting a chain around the axle. the rodeo didnt look that bad, just upside down at an intersection.

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Originally posted by jroo

true, but if you can go faster SAFELY, then i'm all for it. modern technology has allowed us to make great achievements in all area's of life. do you think we would have any advances in science if everyone was satisfied with standards from the 50's? SAFETY FIRST CUZ ACCIDENTS LAST is my motto, always has been. on a lighter note, i saw an older izuzu rodeo flipped upside down on the way home yesterday. on rolling road. completely upside down on the roof. i wish i could have seen what happened. there were no ambluances or nothing. there was a cop on top putting a chain around the axle. the rodeo didnt look that bad, just upside down at an intersection.

i guess i'm speaking with a brick wall on this: there is direct correlation between driving faster and the number of accidents.

now that does not mean that you should drive at 30mph, but you are placing a greater risk on your life the faster you drive, and placing at greater risk the lives of other people on the road.

its up to you man, i'm sure your a good driver, but if you feel that need to go at 90mph (or faster) when your on 395 (or anyother road), then deal with the speeding tickets, deal with points on your license and maybe one day youll have to deal and live with an accident.

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Guest jroo

word, speeding tickets suck. why do they even make it so that cars can go over 90 mph? accerlation can save your life too. but you shouldnt have to go over 90 for any reason.

about dealing with accidents, that sucks, killing someone would be worse. killing yourself would be the easy way out

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

maybe if people in this country could actually drive we wouldn't have to worry so much...

i got my license first try after less than 7 hours of "practice" driving - mostly in parking lots since i wasn't insured! that shit doesn't fly in a lot of other countries (ie. germany).

and with all these idiots driving 5 ton SUVs, i think i'll stick to the metro thanks.

So true... the Farhschules (driving schools) in Germany take a grip of time to get through. And you have to be good, reason being - if you have an accident the school that trained you may be investigated and will have to provide proof that you were actually a good driver.

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