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New Male Birth Contol Pill coming out... thoughts?


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Originally posted by adeliz01

Personally, that would be great to not have to remember, but I think it would be harder to trust someone else to remember.......

Plus, female B.C. makes da (.) (.) bigger...

Guys, would you take it?

doubt it, it's not my job, plus condoms work just as good and they are safer. Also whats the side effects?

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

The boyfriend can't remember to do basic stuff like take out the trash and pick up dirty clothes and I'm gonna trust him with the b.c. pill?? I don't *think* so! :tongue:

thats probably 99% of the male population out there

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from askmen.com :laugh:

Who can take it?

"Any breathing male can be a candidate for this pill. We're not aware of any reasons why a particular male shouldn't be taking it," said Dr. Richard Anderson of Edinburgh University's Centre for Reproductive Biology. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the pill is still being tested.

Due to the lack of protection against STDs, experts hope that it will be used mainly by men in long-term, monogamous relationships rather than for casual sex.


Are there any side effects?

In clinical trials, no major side effects were noted aside from weight gain in a small percentage of men, similar to what most women experience when on the pill. But this pales in comparison to the more serious complications women expose themselves to when taking the pill, such as blood clotting, nausea, headaches, and dizziness. However, we must wait for the results of the current study in order to be certain that there are no other side effects.


Will men use the pill and will women trust them?

An international survey conducted with 4,000 men and women revealed that 66% of the men said they would use alternative male contraceptive methods if they were available -- 75% of the women said they would trust their partner.

In the U.S., a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 71% of American men said they would consider at least one male birth control option. Of these men, 66% would be willing to try the pill.


How much will it cost?

Although the price will not be determined until the pill is ready to be marketed, it should be similar to that of its female counterpart, which costs between $15 to $20 US per month. Depending on the frequency of sexual activity, the male pill could turn out to be only slightly more expensive or equal to the price of a dozen condoms.


Will it affect men's ability to have children in the future?

It is completely reversible. In the preliminary trials, the sperm concentrations of all 66 men returned to pre-study levels within 16 weeks

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

What a prince.

funny thats another word commonly used to describe me, wow your two for two!!

No side effects as of yet, bwhhahaha just wait a few years and you develope a third nut......

I'm saying you can't go wrong with condoms in terms of safe sex...this pill or whatever is just for preventing prego......

Definitely not sold yet and not gonna be.........

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

from askmen.com :laugh:

Who can take it?

"Any breathing male can be a candidate for this pill. We're not aware of any reasons why a particular male shouldn't be taking it," said Dr. Richard Anderson of Edinburgh University's Centre for Reproductive Biology. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the pill is still being tested.

Due to the lack of protection against STDs, experts hope that it will be used mainly by men in long-term, monogamous relationships rather than for casual sex.


Are there any side effects?

In clinical trials, no major side effects were noted aside from weight gain in a small percentage of men, similar to what most women experience when on the pill. But this pales in comparison to the more serious complications women expose themselves to when taking the pill, such as blood clotting, nausea, headaches, and dizziness. However, we must wait for the results of the current study in order to be certain that there are no other side effects.


Will men use the pill and will women trust them?

An international survey conducted with 4,000 men and women revealed that 66% of the men said they would use alternative male contraceptive methods if they were available -- 75% of the women said they would trust their partner.

In the U.S., a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 71% of American men said they would consider at least one male birth control option. Of these men, 66% would be willing to try the pill.


How much will it cost?

Although the price will not be determined until the pill is ready to be marketed, it should be similar to that of its female counterpart, which costs between $15 to $20 US per month. Depending on the frequency of sexual activity, the male pill could turn out to be only slightly more expensive or equal to the price of a dozen condoms.


Will it affect men's ability to have children in the future?

It is completely reversible. In the preliminary trials, the sperm concentrations of all 66 men returned to pre-study levels within 16 weeks

this research has been done in scotland? dont the scots eat haggis? i dont trust anyone that eats haggis.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss

Yeah right, it's safe.. Suuuuuuure.. This stuff f*cks up your hormones, one way or another.. But better him than me LMAO..

easy there, I don't think any man in his right mind would take that stuff. So you better just keep filling that prescription..........

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Originally posted by pgiddy

I'm saying you can't go wrong with condoms in terms of safe sex...this pill or whatever is just for preventing prego......

Definitely not sold yet and not gonna be.........

That's why I like her to swallow...As far as I know, that's 100% effective against pregnancy....down the hatch = no babies

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

So you look kinda like this? :confused:


No that is the man formerly known as Prince, duh where've you been:rolleyes:



A male member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a son of the monarch.

A man who is a ruler of a principality.

A hereditary male ruler; a king.

A nobleman of varying status or rank.

An outstanding man, especially in a particular group or class: a merchant prince.

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Originally posted by revaluation

That's why I like her to swallow...As far as I know, that's 100% effective against pregnancy....down the hatch = no babies

:laugh: oh shit...

yo - you aint supposed to say that shit OUTLOUD!:D

for real though- i think the pill fucks girls hormones up. it isnt natural. i dont think anyone should be on the pill.

i definitely wouldn't take that shit - they have probably run trials for only a few years. no way of knowing the long term side effects.

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