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has anyone did anything work related at all today?

Guest jroo

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Wow sensitive much?

Your right I should've known that NAS was going to go completely bankrupt and sell everything off therefore not having a need for ANY employees. Well maybe the janitors were still there to clean the toilets after the rats used them. Also I should've known that WorldCom was going to go bankrupt and layoff 17,000 THOUSAND employees and a WHOLE division. Obviously I am still in demand as I never had a problem finding a job.

The one thing you are right about is my need and desire for money. I will say it, I love money and that is a major motivator for me, just as posts are for you. Whatever floats your boat. case opened.:laugh:

nope case closed. good day pete. :laugh:

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Uhmm.. Sorry for bringing this baby back up from the dead, but that's BS that only expendable employees were laid off.. 1/2 of the IT people that I know in NY were laid off (including myself) and most of them are very intelligent and hard-working people.. They shut down whole departments, regardless of your experience and your quality.. I was taking a class while on unemployment and let me tell you, some of the people in my class were nothing short of brilliant, on top of being very professional and pleasant.. Sorry but what you said is just total BS..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss

Uhmm... Noone is whining.. I was just sayin'.. If they were joking, ok.. I didn't know that..

i'm sorry if you took offense on what i posted mysteriousss, wasnt my intention. it was more directed at pgiddy, who thinks he can bash everyone and everything at his whim.

i didnt like him basically saying that everyone is lazy son of a bitch on this board. i would be more at ease on the bull shit he typically posts here, but the fact that no one here really knows him, doesnt really give me a clear perception of where he is coming from. i know how to take most of the BS posted on the board from almost everyone because i know them and know what they are about: that they are trustworthy, hardworking people regardless of the differences of opinions that we all have from time to time.

pgiddy usually posts a lot of shit directed at 2 particular people on the board, but they know him and know what he is about, we dont. so whether he was joking when he made those coments or not is something i do not know. while its easier for us to communicate with each other through the message board, one of its limitations is that you do not know in what context the person who wrote a certain post wrote it in. knowing them, makes it easier to see when the person is joking and when they are not.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss

Uhmm.. Sorry for bringing this baby back up from the dead, but that's BS that only expendable employees were laid off.. 1/2 of the IT people that I know in NY were laid off (including myself) and most of them are very intelligent and hard-working people.. They shut down whole departments, regardless of your experience and your quality.. I was taking a class while on unemployment and let me tell you, some of the people in my class were nothing short of brilliant, on top of being very professional and pleasant.. Sorry but what you said is just total BS..

Actually, brilliance and expendability have nothing to do with each other. An employee or department can be deemed expendable or MORE expendable than others. Expendable is not a derogatory term. It just means that compared to other positions in the company, those that were made redundant were expendable because those roles could either be shifted to other employees or gotten rid of altogether. Most of the time, there's nothing personal about layoffs. It's just a business decision.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Actually, brilliance and expendability have nothing to do with each other. An employee or department can be deemed expendable or MORE expendable than others. Expendable is not a derogatory term. It just means that compared to other positions in the company, those that were made redundant were expendable because those roles could either be shifted to other employees or gotten rid of altogether. Most of the time, there's nothing personal about layoffs. It's just a business decision.

Hun, I know that.. But in pgiddy's case, he meant that they were expendable for being LAZY.. At least that's how I read it.. I coulda been wrong.. I ain't gonna argue over this or nothing like that.. Just sayin...... Sore subject with me obviously..

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Guest jroo

my mom was laid off from the company that hired me. shit happens, 10 other people were laid off right afterwards.

____________________ is, must people on here are joking around.

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