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Moo...come out and play!

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Come to Axiom tomorrow, I'll even do it on a non bench day, I could do that after my workout. I don't even know where colonia is!!! Come to Axiom in Fairfield RT46 east, it would be too pathetic for me to actually drive to Colonia to prove something. I will be happy to do it for you, but you got to come see it.

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Good luck Bro....

Sounds like you are definately bankin on a win...

Cannot wait to hear the results...

Not for nuthing, but if you can pull off 330 at your weight...

Thats pretty impressive... natty light or juiced....

One request....

Answer me honestly...

Did you really shed a tear like you say you did in your writing???

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For you non-juiceheads, try Gaspari Nutrition's One-T... everyone that I know who is using it put on 8-11 lbs. in 3-4 weeks and also increased their strength. Its potent shit, ya gotta go 4 weeks on and 4 off. In the offtime, use Clomex... it will bring back your drive and stop ya balls from shrinking. One-T as close to legal juice as you'll find.

Moo bust out a bottle of this shit and I guarantee you'll impress the critics.

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Good luck Bro....

Sounds like you are definately bankin on a win...

Cannot wait to hear the results...

Not for nuthing, but if you can pull off 330 at your weight...

Thats pretty impressive... natty light or juiced....

One request....

Answer me honestly...

Did you really shed a tear like you say you did in your writing???

I don't know if the tear actually came out, but I was defenitely glassy eyed.

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A few thoughts from the Stacked.

#1. Moo...Colonia is off exit 131a...Next to the Muscle maker Grill same owners who own Rbar...

#2. Axium sounds like a Gay Bar...you sure its a gym?

#3. God help me that I read that wrong in your post...you were crying after labor day? Holy shit! lay off the pills....

#4. Yeah...take 1T...buy into the bullshit that it is similar to juice...hahahaha.....

#5. If the NJguido.com bus had navigation you could find Colonia.

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Not to waste your flavor or anything...

But I have to go with Stacked.... That 1T shiznit sounds like another new gimic to get big without juicing...

Fortunately there is a very uneducated market of gym rats and slinkies that will waste a third of their paycheck on this stuff trying to get big....

I put between 8-11 solid pounds of muscle on in that time period when I do growth and insulin... I find it hard to believe this miracle drug works the wonders it claims on the label...

I have a bad taste in my mouth on any kinda GNC and Nutrition products after our expeirence with a few of the nutrition companies and the misrepresentation they pull with thier products...

Has the FDA done any research on this new product????

Where does Rich have his products tested????

And who is backing this product?? Other than Rich???

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For you non-juiceheads, try Gaspari Nutrition's One-T... everyone that I know who is using it put on 8-11 lbs. in 3-4 weeks and also increased their strength. Its potent shit, ya gotta go 4 weeks on and 4 off. In the offtime, use Clomex... it will bring back your drive and stop ya balls from shrinking. One-T as close to legal juice as you'll find.

What's the side effects of taking this????

I took Nor-Andro 19 for a couple of weeks, and I swearmy hair started comming out when I combed my hair. So I stopped

Nor Andro-19 worked, it was like drinking 5 cups of coffee a day

What's One-T have in it, is it some sort of creatine mix?

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Guest hotshit
Originally posted by njdionysus

For you non-juiceheads, try Gaspari Nutrition's One-T... everyone that I know who is using it put on 8-11 lbs. in 3-4 weeks and also increased their strength. Its potent shit, ya gotta go 4 weeks on and 4 off. In the offtime, use Clomex... it will bring back your drive and stop ya balls from shrinking. One-T as close to legal juice as you'll find.

Moo bust out a bottle of this shit and I guarantee you'll impress the critics.

I dont think so, that shit is fake it gives you all the negative elements of steroids without positive growth. Maybe it was mental for your friends, better off needle in the ass if you ask me.

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Most girls do not like meetheads?????

I really think we all need to sit down and compare notes...

First of all...

there is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference between these two terms...



The meathead would be the likes of Stacked.... BigTime from what everyone tells me, Digga, Dave, Carguy....

All those previously listed... work out and train harder than the average guy.. but dont get out of hand...

The juicemonkeys... are the ones we see all puffed up, unable to put thier arms behind their backs.. and walk around like swollen ticks...

Most are not very fun to be around anyway... as they dont get fucked up, party, or have much of a sense of humor....

I have no problems getting ass when it is needed... nor do any of the Iron Brethren... BigTime, I am going to assume you dont have problems bro... everyone tells me your size is only outdone by your personality...


point is TheMoo...

Dont point fingers at us larger folk, and pretend like we are not getting ass, and they we are not out to impress the ladies...

I hate to say it bro... but you keep replying via the tongue of a slinkie....

Here's a little secret....most girls don't like meatheads, I'm out to impress girls not guys!!!

Shit like that is just a shot in the dark....

I can think of about ten girls I have hooked up with, that dont like slinkies...

Two of my ex's still call me regularly for the booty call... they both stated that once you have a guy who is solid, and keeps his shit tight... it just aint the same.......

So I shit on your theory, and your cornflakes....

and one more thing....


I am pissed because I showed you some support, and let everyone see the soft side of Bus, by being nice and giving you some props...

Now I look like a sappy fuggin quiff, because you have not annied up...

Hell..... I cannot believe you passed up free workout, and meal...

For the record....

You need to switch gyms....

I have been to fairfield a few times to see one of our customers, Protein Plus....

I have even lifted at Axiom Gym on 46...

You definately need to get out and see some new venue's bro...

Just keep the cb on bro.....

if ya cannot find your way home...

Holla out the cry...

"Lost sheep to shepard....Lost sheep to Shepard..."

and Uncle Jessie will guide you home...


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Originally posted by njbigtime

Bus- To be honest i coudnt say it any better. I agree 100%. Enough about this bench off that will never happen. When is there going to be a Team Mangle night out

Come to Axiom today and watch me do it. I am not going to drive to someones gym to prove myself to a bunch of people I can care less about. But on side of all of this, bus you are right, meathead is not the right word, juicemonkey is more like it. And I never pointed anyone in particular out, I was generalizing. And I am not going to come on here and tell you about all my ex girlfriends and how much ass I get, thats my business and I am too much of a man to brag about it. You wanna see me throw up 275 (kiddie weight) come to Axiom, Until then don't bother harassing me about a bench off because I can care less about proving myself to you. Now if you are all going to put up some real money, I might reconsider and i would be happy to take it from you. If this ever happens you will lose, I can't remember a time that I couldn't bench 275.

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OK...MOO....I will put up $100...to come to NYSC Colonia...Today to watch the 275lbs crush your rib cage....I will introduce you to some bitches, eat some muscle maker and then go tanning....Are you really going to say no to this deal? Come out and play Mr. Moo...or are you scared...The Stacked simply puts on clinics in the gym....Realize that my gym is comprised of all the OTHER club population that thinks CP is for GEEKS....ya hear?

6:30 good for you?

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