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i marched

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Originally posted by katnyc

as i looked out my living room windown this afternoon at the thousands of protesters moving up and down lexington avenue, it struck me as ironic that the last time i saw so many people on lexington avenue was september 11, 2001.

only that time, people only moved uptown, and i felt a very un-new york-like sense of compassion for all of them.

If, God forbid, anything happened in New York, all these anti-war protesters will run away like rats. And they will blame Bush for "not doing the right thing" to protect them.

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Originally posted by moderfoker

If, God forbid, anything happened in New York, all these anti-war protesters will run away like rats. And they will blame Bush for "not doing the right thing" to protect them.


man i like this "moderfoker" kid he has some brains for once.


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Originally posted by thehacker

the jury is still out on whether or not we actually succeeded in afghanistan - we don't even know if osama is dead, and we sure as heck don't know about further agression by members of the al queda whom we just haven't located...

saddam may be a shit to his people but so is castro... you don't see us declaring war on cuba (anymore, at least)...

Your right, we're not delcaring war on Cuba... thats because they pose no threat to us, and despite communism, the country isn't a poster child for brutality (like Iraq, and Afghanistan under the taliban). Remember the last time nukes showed up in Cuba... did we do anything about it then? yes, i think Kennedy took that fairly seriously.

And when it comes to Afghanistan, how could we have not succedded? No, we didn't capture every single Al Queda member, but we distrupted their network and took out a fundamentalist dictatorship that enjoyed slaughtering its own people. No, it didnt turn overnight into a rich nation, but now it atleast has a chance to try to do so.

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i marched as well..whether or not the protests changed anything...i dont care...i was out there to show my support against the way and the Bush regime...

i admire anyone who went out there today..and braved the cold and i also admire anyone who stands for what they believe ...it was a great turnout..im glad i was a part of it

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Originally posted by freshjive

ok...you're saying that CNN said that N Korea has nukes pointed at NYC and WASHINGTON?


name calling, very mature. And yes I did hear that on CNN. Let me guess you know someone on the inside of the Govt. and are giving you info. So you know everything.
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Originally posted by sfkid22

name calling, very mature. And yes I did hear that on CNN. Let me guess you know someone on the inside of the Govt. and are giving you info. So you know everything.

North Korea has the missles to deliver a bomb the west coast... to the best of our knowledge, they cant hit anything but that area.

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Originally posted by quoth

he is just waiting for us to make the 1st move...when and if that happens..then he will launch his weapons of mass distruction and all the nay sayers will then be like...

and if we don't make a move at all?

i'm merely suggesting (and by marching, supporting the idea of) that our lovely government is not at all considering the power of doing nothing at all and seeing what happens, or doesn't happen.

another thing... kuwait's right next door and scared shitless. we're all assuming our biggest problem is retaliation against the US coming from saddam. but who's to say that if we go in guns firing, he won't threaten kuwait with genocide to force them to his side, then we have an even bigger problem, and even LESS access to oil.

there are so many parameters and other arenas (north/south korea, afghanistan, israel) and i sincerely believe our government is not taking the time to look at the WHOLE PICTURE - it is, thanks to Bush's lead, focusing on this one thing we could do NOW NOW NOW.

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

Your right, we're not delcaring war on Cuba... thats because they pose no threat to us, and despite communism, the country isn't a poster child for brutality (like Iraq, and Afghanistan under the taliban).

if youre talkin about brutality...towards women..children..anyone..and human rights violations..just look to China..yes...America's "MOST FAVORED NATION"

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Originally posted by sfkid22

name calling, very mature. And yes I did hear that on CNN. Let me guess you know someone on the inside of the Govt. and are giving you info. So you know everything.

no "inside info" needed...i just don't listen to regurgitated half-truths. CNN nor any other news source has stated that n korea has a nuclear missile pointed at nyc or washington dc. they said that they have long range missiles that are capable of reaching the us WEST coast...if u look at a map, u will learn that nyc and washington dc are east coast.

and yes, u r an idiot...quit spreading false info.

ur earlier post was waaay off too.

go read my reply.

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Originally posted by freshjive

no "inside info" needed...i just don't listen to regurgitated half-truths. CNN nor any other news source has stated that n korea has a nuclear missile pointed at nyc or washington dc. they said that they have long range missiles that are capable of reaching the us WEST coast...if u look at a map, u will learn that nyc and washington dc are east coast.

and yes, u r an idiot...quit spreading false info.

ur earlier post was waaay off too.

go read my reply.

My info way off? maybe the whole dc and ny thing but anything else , def not. For someone thats over 30 u sure don't know how to have a discussion
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Originally posted by thehacker

and if we don't make a move at all?

i'm merely suggesting (and by marching, supporting the idea of) that our lovely government is not at all considering the power of doing nothing at all and seeing what happens, or doesn't happen.

another thing... kuwait's right next door and scared shitless. we're all assuming our biggest problem is retaliation against the US coming from saddam. but who's to say that if we go in guns firing, he won't threaten kuwait with genocide to force them to his side, then we have an even bigger problem, and even LESS access to oil.

there are so many parameters and other arenas (north/south korea, afghanistan, israel) and i sincerely believe our government is not taking the time to look at the WHOLE PICTURE - it is, thanks to Bush's lead, focusing on this one thing we could do NOW NOW NOW.

if we dont make a move at all??????????? ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME???

WHY THE HELL do u think bush is sending all that military over there for???

u think its for a fuckin pre-super bowl tailgate party??


He just wants the UN to say "ok yes u can use force" so that when they do..america wont have all this bi partisan from the other countries cause its what the themselves suggested.

Although whatever the UN says means jackshit since Bush has veto power and can override that...he still is not stupid cause he knows if he can gain support from the UN to use force...then other countries might change their mind and become our allies.

As for kuwait..fuck kuwait they are harmless. there will be no genocide thats completely ludacris.

If anything kuwait would love a war cause then investors could come and invest in the land and make it rich and worth 3 times more what anything here is worth now that saddam would be overthrown.

Furthermore..what u MUSTTTTTTTT WATCH OUT FOR is:

when we overthrow iraq....that will be a country with no governing body which means..we need to step the fuck in their A-SAP before other muthafuckas try to overpower us like Bin Laden and Al-quada...could u imagine if we get saddam out and bin-laden or al-queda themselves look to run the county???

But dude...if yer such a fuckin patriot than u would have faith in our president and our government wheather yer a democrat or republican.

Basically yer just talkin all this hippie shit from yer ass.

But i always like a good debate.

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Originally posted by moderfoker

Originally posted by sfkid22

This is not a argument this is a fact. They can't find Weapons of mass distruction.

Of course, they can't. And they never will. Because it's a WEAPON OF MASS DISTRUCTION. And when we find it, it will be too late.

this makes no sense whatsoever!

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Originally posted by quoth

when we overthrow iraq....that will be a country with no governing body which means..we need to step the fuck in their A-SAP before other muthafuckas try to overpower us like Bin Laden and Al-quada...could u imagine if we get saddam out and bin-laden or al-queda themselves look to run the county???

who helped these guys gain power in the first place..

good ol USA...

- z

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Originally posted by danwilson

Originally posted by Quoth

WHY THE HELL do u think bush is sending all that military over there for???

u think its for a fuckin pre-super bowl tailgate party?? :laugh: :laugh:

I thought it was for a mass-feltching.

Wanna feltch me



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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i gota agree with u NJ....i noticed people gettin overly aggressive today..for no fuckin reason..there was some idiot in a colonial type hat stoppin traffic..

im there to protest the war..but i wish someone woulda ran his dumb ass over

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by mangos

good for you, you anti-American traitor

When Bush said last week "you're either with us or against us" I know he was speaking about foreign countries, and more specifically France, but I wish he would have been talking about the people within our borders too. I'm sick of idiots like this not having a sense of nationalism or patriotism...what ever happened to that? Its like I said before...do we need something as tragic as 9/11 for that to happen? I hope not...

why is it unpatriotic to stand up for what you believe it?

why is it anti-American to be against war?

and since ur calling people idiots, and unpatriotic for not supporting war

let me ask u something else

how come your sitting in front of the computer instead of wearing an army uniform?

why havent you enlisted?

its funny cause someone asked me why doesnt the U.S. have terrorists groups attacking Iraq, or civilian targets.

my response, yes we do they're called the U.S. army....

I myself agree something must be done to punish those for 911

but starting a war wont solve the problem or stop terrorists attacks from happening it might just have the reverse effect...

Bottom line supporting the government blindly does not mean your supporting "freedom" and your patriotic

its actually supporting a dictatorship in which the people have no voice

So I opened this thread to read about the protest

then I read your post

And cant help but say to myself "is he serious"

(shakes head)

I wont even bother reading the rest of the thread to save myself from reading any more comments like yours


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