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i marched

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Originally posted by njangel

Im anit-war, but I didnt march & never would for two reasons:

1) Its not going to change the governments actions

2) Protests usually turn violent & make the "anti-war people" look hostile & aggressive

i totally agree..however i sympathise with ppl who marched although i'd never do it. why? just because i don't believe that marching helps + i don't like to be politically manipulated (so that one day a democrat (for example) will win the elections because 100.000 ppl marched and he was supporting them)...

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Originally posted by zlatang

i totally agree..however i sympathise with ppl who marched although i'd never do it. why? just because i don't believe that marching helps + i don't like to be politically manipulated (so that one day a democrat (for example) will win the elections because 100.000 ppl marched and he was supporting them)...

sorry, but with that sort of attitude, the government would be compelled to act on their own terms and not know what the public wants...(not like they give a damn what the general population wants anyways...they shape their views and fit it into the media and in general life so the public can adhere to them without even realizing it)...propoganda....

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Originally posted by nympho69

why is it unpatriotic to stand up for what you believe it?

why is it anti-American to be against war?

and since ur calling people idiots, and unpatriotic for not supporting war

let me ask u something else

how come your sitting in front of the computer instead of wearing an army uniform?

why havent you enlisted?

its funny cause someone asked me why doesnt the U.S. have terrorists groups attacking Iraq, or civilian targets.

my response, yes we do they're called the U.S. army....

I myself agree something must be done to punish those for 911

but starting a war wont solve the problem or stop terrorists attacks from happening it might just have the reverse effect...

Bottom line supporting the government blindly does not mean your supporting "freedom" and your patriotic

its actually supporting a dictatorship in which the people have no voice

So I opened this thread to read about the protest

then I read your post

And cant help but say to myself "is he serious"

(shakes head)

I wont even bother reading the rest of the thread to save myself from reading any more comments like yours



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Originally posted by sassa

sorry, but with that sort of attitude, the government would be compelled to act on their own terms and not know what the public wants...(not like they give a damn what the general population wants anyways...they shape their views and fit it into the media and in general life so the public can adhere to them without even realizing it)...propoganda....

politics is so dirty

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Ya know what makes me sick about you people who oppose any kind of war at all....you were all probably first in line to wanna jump down Bin Laden's throat and blow him off the face of the Earth after 9/11. Nothin' wrong with that...but why does it take something like that for you to feel that way? Why not the threat of something like that? Because thats what this war with Iraq is pretty much about...Saddam dis-arming and his capabilities to launch a chemical or biological attack on our contry that would make 9/11 and the # of casualties look like a small car acident. And don't tell me you didn't wanna shed some blood over there. There was no New Yorker or American who didnt want some sort of revenge.

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