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How long does it take...


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to get over and ex. Ive been talking to this girl for about 2 months. Everything is great when we hang out and we talk every day. She's told me that I treat her better than her ex did and I am understanding of her situation right now. Still, she dosen't seem to feel ready to move on from her ex of 4 years. Ladies, any suggestions on what I should do?

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Originally posted by clubrat98

to get over and ex. Ive been talking to this girl for about 2 months. Everything is great when we hang out and we talk every day. She's told me that I treat her better than her ex did and I am understanding of her situation right now. Still, she dosen't seem to feel ready to move on from her ex of 4 years. Ladies, any suggestions on what I should do?

How long ago did they break up and why??? I'd say a good amount of time...I went out with my ex for 3years and it took me almost a year to be over him enough to move on :blank:

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it depends on the nature of the breakup... in my experience... ive gotten over an ex that i was with for almost a year... in a matter of a few days... on the other hand, its taken me longer to get over an ex i was with for 3 mths.

both were terrible breakups... but for some reason the length of time it took to get over them were entirely different.

theres no given time... its one of those "depends on the person" situations.

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alls i can say guy is that you should move on cuz if shes still inb love with her ex or still has feelings for him whats to say that shes not still in the sack with him. it hurts but move on and when and if shes ready she will come back to you but dont play yourself if she still has feelings for him

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

that is what Charolette on Sex and the City said:tongue:

i remember hearing that phrase when me and my ex broke up in 1996. i would wonder when i was gonna get over it. it took a lot longer than 7 months though

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