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Would you date someone that's not your type ?


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yes or no ?

Would u date someone that's not your type lookswise /personality wise just to give them a fair chance ?

Or to see " Maybe I'll really like that person ?"

I only date very outgoing and funny guys I really don't like shy, quiet types - should I give this one guy a try ? hmmm


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Originally posted by dolcemimi

yes or no ?

Would u date someone that's not your type lookswise /personality wise just to give them a fair chance ?

Or to see " Maybe I'll really like that person ?"

I only date very outgoing and funny guys I really don't like shy, quiet types - should I give this one guy a try ? hmmm


I have on more than one occasion....if I think someone is cool they become more attractive in my eyes, even if they are someone that I would not have considered dating before I knew them :tongue:

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Originally posted by browneyedqt

I have on more than one occasion....if I think someone is cool they become more attractive in my eyes, even if they are someone that I would not have considered dating before I knew them :tongue:

i dont really think anyone has a "type" cause everyone finds so many people attractive( you can find an attractive person in any kinda hair color, body type) i think its jus twhat yo uare attracted too

nd btw- i give girls more credit cause you see alot more pretty girls with ugly guys then pretty guys with ugly girls (girls can usually over look the looks part for personallity) IMO

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Originally posted by incredulous

i dont really think anyone has a "type" cause everyone finds so many people attractive( you can find an attractive person in any kinda hair color, body type) i think its jus twhat yo uare attracted too

i was going to post something similar... everyone talks about their type, i don't think i've ever really had one... i've been attracted to so many different kinds of people, there hasn't been consistancy from one to the other, both aesthetically and personality wise.

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sure...dumb example, but my ex is blond with blue eyes,and i;m not really attracted to them...

my current guy has blue eyes too, but i look past that, although i loooooooove dark smoldering eyes on a man....:)

but if it's a matter of personality and how you click...no, that's just asking for trouble. you have to be able to be compatible on that level, and if you're very introverted and someone you're seeing is not, it might cause unnecessary problems in your relationship you could have avoided in the first place.

it's all about that "click" or spark or energy...or i don't know what it is...it doesn't have a name...you just know it's there when you've met the right person...or A right person for that matter, doesn't have to be sexual, it could be a good friend, whatever...

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Looks wise...usually people TEND to be attracted to a certain look, but there are people we come across who are the total opposite from what we look for physically but still manage to catch our attention..

As far as personality...I think it's good to have a partner who is different from you...I always used to go for guys who liked EVERYTHING that I did because I felt the more you have in common..the better the relationship will be but I think opposites attract...b/c if you find someone who is opposite of you it gives you balance b/c your both filling a void in each other....If your with someone who is similar to you in too many aspects your never going to learn anything or grow...

I say it's worth a shot & you should give this guy a chance...you never know it could work out great :)

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Originally posted by mssabina

i was going to post something similar... everyone talks about their type, i don't think i've ever really had one... i've been attracted to so many different kinds of people, there hasn't been consistancy from one to the other, both aesthetically and personality wise.

same here... i dont really have "a" type... what attracts me varies from person to person...
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Guest gabo
Originally posted by LikmyLipz

ya know? i really dont have a type.. guys ask my my type all the time.. and i can never answer

your avatar is making my cock hard

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Looks-wise, sure, I'd never rule out someone solely because he doesn't fit the mold of what I'm normally attracted to. Attraction transcends the superficial.

Originally posted by sassa

but if it's a matter of personality and how you click...no, that's just asking for trouble. you have to be able to be compatible on that level, and if you're very introverted and someone you're seeing is not, it might cause unnecessary problems in your relationship you could have avoided in the first place.

it's all about that "click" or spark or energy...or i don't know what it is...it doesn't have a name...you just know it's there when you've met the right person...or A right person for that matter, doesn't have to be sexual, it could be a good friend, whatever...

I agree- while someone doesn't necessarily have to fit my "type" when it comes to their personality... if there's no spark, there's just no spark. Not much you can do about it.

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Yeah, I dont really have a specific type either. My current boyfriend is Dominican and all other guys I have dated have been the all American boy. I think change is good. We also have different opinions about things and usually when he says he likes something, I like the opposite- it's funny. And before him, most of the guys I dated had light brown/blonde hair where I always said I liked dark guys.

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Originally posted by lollib

Yeah, I dont really have a specific type either. My current boyfriend is Dominican and all other guys I have dated have been the all American boy. I think change is good. We also have different opinions about things and usually when he says he likes something, I like the opposite- it's funny. And before him, most of the guys I dated had light brown/blonde hair where I always said I liked dark guys.

omg, i love ur avatar, its sooooo cute!!!
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Originally posted by sassa

my ex is blond with blue eyes,and i;m not really attracted to them...

I share ur taste im not atracted to blond guys at all but i have a few exceptions so .... i guess u cant say NEVER !!!! heheh

is strange i dont have a special taste or a preference but must of the people i date with had a little over weight :rolleyes::blank:

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i don't think i can say that i have a type either...i have gone out wit a skater, a preppy boy & then my most recent which was all into cars & everything...two were only a lil taller than me & the other was a lot taller than me....there's has to be some kind of physical attraction though in order to have it work, but i can't say that only one specific guy would catch my eye...As long as they treat me with respect, that's all i care about...so i guess i give lots of different guys chances & i think that's the best thing to do...try not to stick with one specific type, unless it's really working for you

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Originally posted by erica127

As long as they treat me with respect, that's all i care about...so i guess i give lots of different guys chances & i think that's the best thing to do...try not to stick with one specific type, unless it's really working for you

well said erica, there is a lot more to life than a hot body, most of those guys are not worth the trouble

i dated a big 6'3 italian guy for a while, this kid could have played for the giants, but he was the sweetest most genuine guy ever. when we first met, i was not attracted to him right away but after getting to know him i couldnt get enough. i felt so secure with him and our sex was great because we were so emotionally connected. i wish more guys had half as much respect.

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Originally posted by sexyfukncritic

well said erica, there is a lot more to life than a hot body, most of those guys are not worth the trouble

i dated a big 6'3 italian guy for a while, this kid could have played for the giants, but he was the sweetest most genuine guy ever. when we first met, i was not attracted to him right away but after getting to know him i couldnt get enough. i felt so secure with him and our sex was great because we were so emotionally connected. i wish more guys had half as much respect.

thank you sweety & that last line about sex, holy shit is that true...my ex & i were so comfortable with each other & connected & he wasn't really hot & he wasn't that big either & i hate huge guys personally..he was the perfect size for me...but once i got to know him, he was so hot in my eyes & my girls finally saw what i was talkin about...all this talk makes me miss him :(

if it's meant to be it's meant to be..gotta let it go to see if it comes back around :D

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