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Any word on Exit court hearing today?

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Originally posted by Drunk

I know the head of security. He didn't know!

just tellin ya what i was told

there was even a mass e-mail sent out from SF management in response to a fake flyer that was going around stating that they would be open this weekend and that it would NOT be the last party at SF

soooo i guess people will have to wait and see....either way i'll be home

Etienne! :D

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I don't know why you people don't get it...undercovers bought drugs in the club....saw people doing drugs in the open. And this wasn't a one weekend thing. It went on for 22 months! Exit and SF are both done. No judge/court is gonna let them open back up. They'll be allowed to open for private parties and all that, but just like Twilo, we'll never be seeng either place open again.

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Originally posted by mangos

I don't know why you people don't get it...undercovers bought drugs in the club....saw people doing drugs in the open. And this wasn't a one weekend thing. It went on for 22 months! Exit and SF are both done. No judge/court is gonna let them open back up. They'll be allowed to open for private parties and all that, but just like Twilo, we'll never be seeng either place open again.

yes but if the dealers had no connections with ownership they cant close these clubs or you would have to shut down every club and neighborhood bar in america this is not a peter gatien type deal where the owners had house dealers most people who got busted were college kids and alot of FAKE drugs were purchased (alot more fake thaan real) the 5-0 were so stupid and cocky then didnt send the drugs out for lab tests until a week before the hearings they came back 70% fake lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't know why you people don't get it...undercovers bought drugs in the club....saw people doing drugs in the open. And this wasn't a one weekend thing. It went on for 22 months! Exit and SF are both done. No judge/court is gonna let them open back up. They'll be allowed to open for private parties and all that, but just like Twilo, we'll never be seeng either place open again.

I wish I had a crystal ball like the one you do mangos.

Your negative specaulation is no different then other's positive speaculation. It's all just specualtion in the end. Everything is just an opinion on a fucking message board. Do most pople get that?

Unless you are litigating over the case and are the judge (even the judge doesn't have his mind made up until the case is 'closed', then you are no more right then anyone else.

Can we end the needless, pointless, speculation until we hear the verdict?

Does anyone employ any logic in their thought processes or do most people just 'spew' bullshit?

This 'speculation' and 'I heard from so and so' and 'hey, they bought drugs for 22 months... etc..." is FUCKING stupid...

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

I wish I had a crystal ball like the one you do mangos.

Your negative specaulation is no different then other's positive speaculation. It's all just specualtion in the end. Everything is just an opinion on a fucking message board. Do most pople get that?

Unless you are litigating over the case and are the judge (even the judge doesn't have his mind made up until the case is 'closed', then you are no more right then anyone else.

Can we end the needless, pointless, speculation until we hear the verdict?

Does anyone employ any logic in their thought processes or do most people just 'spew' bullshit?

This 'speculation' and 'I heard from so and so' and 'hey, they bought drugs for 22 months... etc..." is FUCKING stupid...


very well said. Until the judge decides, even if u have an In with Marvesi or Grant's lawyers you dont know shit. Speculation unless you are involved with the case and know all the real facts is also annoying and has littered this and other boards since both places closed. As soon as a verdict is passed, Im sure we will hear about it and we can debate then.

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appaerntly the court date was pushed back from its original day, a few days ago, Due to the Snow on 1 day, and because the Attorney's did not get some legal Slip, something very minor, and the judge Stalled it another day,

i spoke to marv yesterday and there very Positive that the club will continue to operate, but that it lays in the hands of the court, but the clubs attorney;s are Fucking REALLY GOOD, so who knows? i think the court date was set for 1pm today...

im sure somone will post something soon.....


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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

I wish I had a crystal ball like the one you do mangos.

Your negative specaulation is no different then other's positive speaculation. It's all just specualtion in the end. Everything is just an opinion on a fucking message board. Do most pople get that?

Unless you are litigating over the case and are the judge (even the judge doesn't have his mind made up until the case is 'closed', then you are no more right then anyone else.

Can we end the needless, pointless, speculation until we hear the verdict?

Does anyone employ any logic in their thought processes or do most people just 'spew' bullshit?

This 'speculation' and 'I heard from so and so' and 'hey, they bought drugs for 22 months... etc..." is FUCKING stupid...


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Originally posted by jaysea

appaerntly the court date was pushed back from its original day, a few days ago, Due to the Snow on 1 day, and because the Attorney's did not get some legal Slip, something very minor, and the judge Stalled it another day,

i spoke to marv yesterday and there very Positive that the club will continue to operate, but that it lays in the hands of the court, but the clubs attorney;s are Fucking REALLY GOOD, so who knows? i think the court date was set for 1pm today...

im sure somone will post something soon.....


Bro have you halted work on your place to see how this all works out? And have Crobar and Spirit done the same?

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The 22 month thing isn't heresay...its a known fact that was in the police reports. And just because these people weren't associated with the owners doesn't mean they can't shut these places down. Its the owners/managements responsibility to provide a drug free, safe environment. Its their job to make sure security is doing their part to crack down on the use and sale of illegal drugs. When the police saw what was going on, they came to the decision that they werent doing their part and were iresponsible. This stuff is not my opinion...its fact. Just like when Twilo was shut down for drugs, and people OD-ing...the owners don't have anything to do with the kids who this was happening to, or selling the drugs...but that doesn't mean the city can't close their doors for good. And this isn't negativity, its called REALITY.

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The 22 month thing isn't heresay...its a known fact that was in the police reports. And just because these people weren't associated with the owners doesn't mean they can't shut these places down. Its the owners/managements responsibility to provide a drug free, safe environment. Its their job to make sure security is doing their part to crack down on the use and sale of illegal drugs. When the police saw what was going on, they came to the decision that they werent doing their part and were iresponsible. This stuff is not my opinion...its fact. Just like when Twilo was shut down for drugs, and people OD-ing...the owners don't have anything to do with the kids who this was happening to, or selling the drugs...but that doesn't mean the city can't close their doors for good. And this isn't negativity, its called REALITY.

You're missing my point mangos. Just because Twilo went down, doesn't meant that Exit will asslo suffer the same or even a similar fate. My point is, until the verdict is rendered what is one's 'opinion' of 'reailty' is 'speculation'. I'm not trying to argue with you, I am just trying to state the facts as they currently are.

mangos - Sorry if I came off as an asshole toward you too. I didn't and don't mean to.

This thread here is what one would call part of 'the rumor mill'.

Every case in court is a little different. Ask 'Bugout' as he's in Law School. You could 'concievably' try the exact same case 10 times in the same court and get a different verdict 5 out of those 10 times. Until the verdict is rendered on Exit, anyone is welcome to give their 'opinion' or 'speculate'.

By stating your opinion on Exit's fate, you are also applying what happened with Twilo to Exit's case and in the process you are trying to pass off Twilo's 'reality' as 'fact' for you 'believe' will happen to Exit.

With respect to Exit, reality is what's going on in the court not here on clubplanet.

Right now the game is being played in court and it isn't over until the verdict is rendered.

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Originally posted by mangos

Just like when Twilo was shut down for drugs, and people OD-ing...the owners don't have anything to do with the kids who this was happening to, or selling the drugs...but that doesn't mean the city can't close their doors for good. And this isn't negativity, its called REALITY.

TWILO WAS NOT SHUT DOWN BECAUSE OF DRUGS. That may have been the reason the mayor, cops, etcetc *wanted* to shut it down, but that's not the LEGAL reason for them closing.

So who really fucking knows, if that's all they have on them. As long as the renovations on Exit weren't done under the name "Carbon," and if SF has a cabaret license, maybe they'll resume operation as usual. :laugh2:

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Originally posted by mangos

The 22 month thing isn't heresay...its a known fact that was in the police reports.

its called REALITY.

First off--supposedly there were a LOT less than 122 arrests or something so again, unless you read the actual police report, you didnt get the real story.

Wanna talk about REALITY? Imma steal this theory from Grant's attorney b/c he said it on the news but think of REALITY this way--

REALITY is if you have 3000 people in a club and 30 get in w/ drugs lookin to sell them -- and u also got DEA undercovers lookin to buy walking around the club for over 6 hours with no other intention but to buy drugs---they are gonna find each other. Period.

You could do full body cavity searches and people are still gonna sneak drugs in. Point is, as long as u got undercovers lookin to buy and people selling, give them long enough and they will find each other.

Thats Reality and Thats the clubs best shot of getting off here IMO.

Mike Bugout

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