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Earthquake Coming. Imminant Danger confirmed for Cali..


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Originally posted by deepfunk

Thanks Jersey boy.

Don't bother ever coming out here.


Jerseyboy and proud biotch

Been to Cali for a few months. and came back to Jersey. nuff said

as for sassa

you talk shit, but while you're freezing your asses off in the East, it is almost 70 degrees here today and I am about to take a walk on the beach...

Keep your 70 degree days I'll gladly take the 5 feet of snow outside and go skiing.

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Originally posted by kostaP

are you kidding me. Cali sucks cock. Jersey is the best you have anything you want in jersey. The best of all worlds.

are you serious....jersey is the armpit of the east coast....

i was going to school there as an undergrad until i got the fuck out and moved to cali..and couldn't have made a better choice, cali is much more chill than jersey...only thing i can think good of jersey is the food...(damn they have good food!) and stuff doesn't close down at 2 am like they do here...:(

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Originally posted by deepfunk

Yeah the 2AM close is probably the biggest drag, although some of the best clubs in LA will go 'till 4AM.

Look man, if you dig Jersey great for you, have it. Me, I'll take cali.

i was just trying to get a rise out of you people. Youre all soooooo boring. Consider all the crystal meth that is available out there i figure you guys would be up all night clicking away at those keyboards since all the clubs close so early.

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  • 1 month later...

How is it I posted this a month and a half ago and its only on page 5.

Do you guys have nothing to talk about.

I know Im gonna get a comment like you have better things to do with your time etc etc. But youre liars. You have nothing better to do. All you see is Weyes wisdom of my cock. (No offense but Thats all there is on here)

There's no Drama There is no promoting there are barely any reviews

Dave if youre reading this the LA board should be in black and white take out the color from their board because it is too much excitement in their everyday boring life. This La thing is sooo Blase. I remember when Cali used to be cool.

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He hasd over 2300 posts, telling US we have nothig beter todo than clicking on the boards at night.....think he was talking about himself.

Maybe we enjoy our lives a little more, hang out at beaches, outdoor restaurants spent time with friends and YES, clubs, rather than post boring eastcoast/westcoast bashing thrads!

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Haha...all this west coast hating only validates the state of excellence that is Cali.

But the post did trigger a thought - if the big really does hit, and Cali does sink into the Pacific, there would be a new West Coast. The I.E. would be prime real estate...imagine that...haha :laugh:

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