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Official PVD REVIEW @ Roxy

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Originally posted by kitty19

teklord -- met you on the friggin line, i thought you were gaaf from ezdreamer.com (pink kangol cap wearing freak)

just wanted to say whats up.. the girls you were with were mad cool like you were!

glad to hear you had a great time. ;)

Hi! Yeah I definetely remember. I hope you had a good evening with PVD, I know I did. Thanks for keeping us company on line, the good thing about PVD is that he attracts a friendly crowd. Everyone was chatting away on line and cracking jokes all the time. Yeah there were a few riots and people got pissed but all in all I made it to the end.

Hope to see you next time. :tongue:

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Originally posted by jjcbebe

. PVD was great but I did not liek how he basically threw down the same beat over and over and he played some songs twice..just a little differently.. I mean maybe he thought some people were too cracked out to notice.. I do not know.

um--THat's how PVD spins. The same god awful beat over and over and over. In fact, that's all trance, or whatver genre they're lumping his sorry ass in.

And yes, the crowd is cracked out. How else can you listen to that garbage?


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Originally posted by x-phactor

6. roc project - never (filterheadz mix)!! i lovedd reminds me of tomaz vs filterheadz -susnhine it practically is that but with vocals! those 2 would of mixed PERFECTLY!

so sick. soooo sickkkkk. Def sounds a lot like sunshine. I was hoping for it also. And all that Tech....you shudda seen me and ronin just yellin TECHHHHHHHHHHH at the top of our lungs...

I was looking for u bro..didnt see u...next time :rock:

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Originally posted by ivehadit

um--THat's how PVD spins. The same god awful beat over and over and over. In fact, that's all trance, or whatver genre they're lumping his sorry ass in.

And yes, the crowd is cracked out. How else can you listen to that garbage?


:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Zeeker--i guess Ronin was madd that u talk all kinds of shit on the board and then try to shake his hand like shits all good...Basically i guess thats the prob. You guys deal w/ it. I got my own message board drama to deal with...:laugh:

I'm not gonna argue about this. But I don't talk 'all kinds of shit.'

I'm not on here calling people 'homos' or 'fags' or making threats, or making up fake names, or posting photoshopped pictures, or doing any of that shit. I post under one name, my real name is Zack, I go out every weekend, and I run into the same people when I am out. I'm not flexing my 'online muscles,' or whatever I was accused of.

The only times I have ever made a comment on this board about someone, was when that someone tried to say something to me, and in one case something about a friend of mine.

And if there is online 'tension' (or whatever term is used to describe when people get all pissy over stupid online arguments) between me and someone else, I won't even think twice about approaching the kid and shaking his hand, because, it's a MESSAGE BOARD, and I would seriously be caught dead before I take any of this shit seriously.

There are only a handful of people on these message boards that really know me, and that's only because I have hung out with them in person. To take what I post on here to heart, and decide you want to fight me in a club over it is just retarded.

I understand he's your boy and you see things the way he does, for the most part. But think about it objectively for a sec. Some kid from CP tries to start shit at PVD with you, over a stupid argument you had on CP like, two months before....

Like me, you would probably think the kid was joking at first. And then when you realized he was serious, you would probably laugh in his face. Then you might get a little annoyed at the fact that you just missed a few minutes of PVD for it all.... Then you'd get pissed and start to wonder what the hell is wrong with the kid.

Maybe not though...we're two different people.

Maybe Quoth is right, and he was just having a bad day or drank too much or something...That I can halfway understand...

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Originally posted by Ronin

I didnt want to fight u, never said i wanted to, i just told you to "get the fuck out of my face." You insisted to keep nagging me then I got pissed off. I don't know you, I don't want to know you, I'm not your friend, and don't want to be your friend, so don't pretend to be my friend. That's all. You and smokesum can continue to post more shit directed at me, but as of now, im through on the topic. Carry on fellas.

"Bro, I will ruin you."

"Bro, I will kill you."

"Bro, keep fucking with me. You don't even wanna know out blah blah blah."

That all followed by a push and an oh-so-intimidating stare down. :rolleyes:

Dude, who are you kidding??? I've already heard from a couple of people that you said you wanted to fight me, and how you almost did. So, let's not play that one off. If you feel stupid about it, good. But don't try and play it off now.

All I insisted on doing was being civil and shaking your hand. I guess that makes me an asshole. I am now also done with this.

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Originally posted by Ronin

cody u dislike pvd yet have a pvd poster on your wall?

I don't dislike PVD.. I just don't care for him either way.. besides.. I have SF posters on my wall as well as Hunka Bunka and Exit and Oakenfold on my wall.. I basically have on my wall just about all club flyers that were ever handed out to me.. I didn't pick and choose which ones to put up because I don't have enough to do that right now.. but once my walls get filled and more flyers come in, the picking and choosing will begin. ;)

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ronin thinks he is a c-list celebrity because people see him and ask him if he's on clubplanet.... :laugh: .... dude if you don't want people to bother you take that queer ass picture of you and tietso off your sig.... maybe then will people not know what you look like and not come up to you :idea: ..... seriously bro ...... getting dj's autographs and creating photoshop shrines to them is just not cool for a grown man to be doing ......

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Originally posted by underwater

ronin thinks he is a c-list celebrity because people see him and ask him if he's on clubplanet.... :laugh: .... dude if you don't want people to bother you take that queer ass picture of you and tietso off your sig.... maybe then will people not know what you look like and not come up to you :idea: ..... seriously bro ...... getting dj's autographs and creating photoshop shrines to them is just not cool for a grown man to be doing ......

and another moron who doesn't know what a joke is. and yes, i devote my love to tiesto every night to my shrine in the corner before i go to bed.

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