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It was Edgar's birthday, but my treat...


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Holy Crap, Friday night was AMAZING! Abby, Stef, you two missed out HuuuuuGE!! Ok, so me and some friends arrive early and are immediately escorted to our VIP table in the back. Let me first say this, I am a small town guy (not one of Miami's clubbing brats who complain over BS) so all the accomadtions were especially overwhelming. We start getting drinks and then I met Camila who, on top of all her radiant beauty, is also charming and concened over our well being. In Miami, someone that cares about more than my money (and I know because I never have any)? Incredible. Then Edgar comes and the party is on. They brought out 2 huge ass plates of mixed sushi and... being that sushi is my favorite food, I am sitting at one of my top 3 favorite DJ's table, having a beer with him and talking about MY little piss-ant radio show while people are flocking our table... I am just happy as a pig in shit! The whole time he could have pulled an Acosta an not gave a shit about his true fans, but he made sure to intro me to everyone that came by. Maybe I'm old-school, but I just really appreciate shit like that. Then the birthday cake comes and EVERYONE gets a slice. Ha, it even had little records on it. After that, it was time for him to go on and I got my buzz on so I'm all good. A few tracks go by and Pete and Matt show up, so there are even more people to share the night with. O2 was unusually crowded and the crowd was LOVING it, but what else is new? As my night was ending (one of our friends had a bit much and needed to go) on comes Ghostland ft. Sinead O'Connor - Guide Me God (PvD mix) which is my favorite song at the moment and he follows it with Ralphie B - Massive, also a favorite, but last year. So as we are leaving, the owner comes up to me to see how my night was. Would Luis care to do that to anyone who spent less than $500? Shit no. Oxygen is just a classy place with easily the best staff I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. My name is Joe Clubber, the broke college kid who only brings his heart to the dancefloor. The forgotten son of greedy club owners. So here's a GOD BLESS EDGAR AND O2 for making his birthday party one of the best nights I've had in awhile... minus PvD @ Glow and WMC!!!


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