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anti-war messages in the grammys

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Originally posted by cintron

whatever is going to happen will happen, regardless of what people chant and cry about.

best to support the soldiers and stop trying to create a rift in the nation's political base. it's shaky enough as it is.

couldn't agree more

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Howard Stern put it great this morning about all these people in Hollywood saying stop the war.. They are all in california laying in the sun and surfing, of course they don't want a war to interfere with their lives:rolleyes: Not that anyone does but please, half these people don't have a clue to what they are talking about..

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Originally posted by cintron

whatever is going to happen will happen, regardless of what people chant and cry about.

best to support the soldiers and stop trying to create a rift in the nation's political base. it's shaky enough as it is.

Oh thats bullshit .. It's the middle class's sons and daughters that are going to be dying in this conflict.. Guys from GWB's social strata do NOT fight for this country..

... Also, FUCK the nations political base and FUCK its stability... The only reason there's rifts in it is because the politicians that we've chosen to lead have done their damnedest to undermine the public's confidence in them through shady back room deals and blatant cock sucking favoritism to whomever can bid the highest...

... Love this country? You bet... Love the people that run it? They can fucking die for all I care..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Oh thats bullshit .. It's the middle class's sons and daughters that are going to be dying in this conflict.. Guys from GWB's social strata do NOT fight for this country..

... Also, FUCK the nations political base and FUCK its stability... The only reason there's rifts in it is because the politicians that we've chosen to lead have done their damnedest to undermine the public's confidence in them through shady back room deals and blatant cock sucking favoritism to whomever can bid the highest...

... Love this country? You bet... Love the people that run it? They can fucking die for all I care..


Why dont GWB and Saddam sort it out old school and have a duel at dawn:duel:

I wonder how quick they would be to fight when its there own asses on the line.

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Originally posted by crosspatrick


Why dont GWB and Saddam sort it out old school and have a duel at dawn:duel:

I wonder how quick they would be to fight when its there own asses on the line.

i believe saddam actually proposed to duel bush before....since he knows he'd totally kick bush's ass....the guy came from a poor family, had to steal to eat until he became a thug for the baath party....bush was just a spoiled rich kid, lived the good life, went to yale due to family connections (how many 'C' students do you know getting into yale?)...etc etc. oh yeah...not to mention saddam's just a plain sick crazy fuck.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Oh thats bullshit .. It's the middle class's sons and daughters that are going to be dying in this conflict.. Guys from GWB's social strata do NOT fight for this country..

... Also, FUCK the nations political base and FUCK its stability... The only reason there's rifts in it is because the politicians that we've chosen to lead have done their damnedest to undermine the public's confidence in them through shady back room deals and blatant cock sucking favoritism to whomever can bid the highest...

... Love this country? You bet... Love the people that run it? They can fucking die for all I care..

haha, i can always count on you for some good ol' hate ;)

the middle class sons and daughters aren't the only individuals fighting and dying in this conflict. Everyone is involved from all sorts of classes.

the armed services don't only represent the nation's happy average 35 year old mid-tax-bracket people or trailer parks all over Oaklahoma. Everyone's in there.

Friends of mine who have graduated from harvard, caltech and Princeton are also fighting in this war. two are in marine aviation and one is involved in army spec forces. beyond that i don't know.

It's too easy to spout off rhetoric about the war only affecing X people while everyone else is on the sidelines reaping the benefits. That's more of what we'd like to believe because it would be easier to believe.

the fact that our political base is fragmented and fucked up i won't dispute. george carlin said it best:

"if you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to have selfish and ignorant leaders."

;) so on that note, the next person i see screaming about no blood for oil, or save the poor iraqi people from our murdering soldiers, is gonna get a kick right to their fucking throat.

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Originally posted by cintron

whatever is going to happen will happen, regardless of what people chant and cry about.

best to support the soldiers and stop trying to create a rift in the nation's political base. it's shaky enough as it is.

A-men! I don't want a war, or like the idea but I'm American...I'm going to back our soldiers and our leaders under all circumstances. We live in an amazing country with amazing freedoms, and I don't take that for granted. Therefore, I'm gonna support our political leaders and back them. I have a very close friend who is being deployed to Kuwait...he doesn't support a war, and doesnt think its necessary. But he tells me how it makes him sick to see these people protesting a war and de-nouncing their own government. He makes a good point when he tells me, instead of spending all that time and energy on protesting the war, spend it on supporting the soldiers who are going to fight it. By doing so, you're still showing you are against a war, but you're doing it in a positive way. Food for thought...

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Originally posted by cintron

haha, i can always count on you for some good ol' hate ;)

the middle class sons and daughters aren't the only individuals fighting and dying in this conflict. Everyone is involved from all sorts of classes.

the armed services don't only represent the nation's happy average 35 year old mid-tax-bracket people or trailer parks all over Oaklahoma. Everyone's in there.

Friends of mine who have graduated from harvard, caltech and Princeton are also fighting in this war. two are in marine aviation and one is involved in army spec forces. beyond that i don't know.

It's too easy to spout off rhetoric about the war only affecing X people while everyone else is on the sidelines reaping the benefits. That's more of what we'd like to believe because it would be easier to believe.

the fact that our political base is fragmented and fucked up i won't dispute. george carlin said it best:

"if you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to have selfish and ignorant leaders."

;) so on that note, the next person i see screaming about no blood for oil, or save the poor iraqi people from our murdering soldiers, is gonna get a kick right to their fucking throat.

very self-righteous...who the fuck do you think you are.

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Originally posted by sassa

...and you do it again, how lovely...:rolleyes:

don't put yourself on a pedestal, you don't deserve it...

babe. you really should take your foot out of your mouth. it's embarrassing.

"don't put yourself on a pedestal, you don't deserve it... "

again, i ask how you can call ME self-righteous.

i'm entitled to my opinons and i express them.

who's the more self-righteous? someone who exposes their opinions to criticism or the critic who doesn't give an opinon of their own.

who are you to tell me what i do and don't deserve?

you are nobody to me and your opinion means shit.

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Originally posted by cintron

babe. you really should take your foot out of your mouth. it's embarrassing.

"don't put yourself on a pedestal, you don't deserve it... "

again, i ask how you can call ME self-righteous.

i'm entitled to my opinons and i express them.

who's the more self-righteous? someone who exposes their opinions to criticism or the critic who doesn't give an opinon of their own.

who are you to tell me what i do and don't deserve?

you are nobody to me and your opinion means shit.

believe me, i agree likewise with what you said.

your attitude is very condescending and that's what i was remarking on....


and don't call me babe.

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Originally posted by sassa

believe me, i agree likewise with what you said.

your attitude is very condescending and that's what i was remarking on....


and don't call me babe.

you worry about your own attitude first and making final judgements and sentences of who people are and what they deserve

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