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Iraqi Drones May Target U.S. Cities


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Iraqi Drones May Target U.S. Cities

Monday, February 24, 2003

WASHINGTON — Iraq could be planning a chemical or biological attack on American cities through the use of remote-controlled "drone" planes equipped with GPS tracking maps, according to U.S. intelligence.

The information about Iraq's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program has caused a "real concern" among defense personnel, senior U.S. officials tell Fox News. They're worried that these vehicles have already been, or could be, transported inside the United States to be used in an attack, although there is no proof that this has happened.

Secretary of State Colin Powell showed a picture of a small drone plane during his presentation to the U.N. Security Council earlier this month.

"UAVs outfitted with spray tanks constitute an ideal method for launching a terrorist attack using biological weapons," Powell said during his speech. "Iraq could use these small UAVs, which have a wingspan of only a few meters, to deliver biological agents to its neighbors or, if transported, to other countries, including the United States."

Powell said there is "ample evidence" that Iraq has dedicated much time and effort to developing and testing spray devices that could be adapted for UAVs. "And of the little that Saddam Hussein told us about UAVs, he has not told the truth," Powell said.

In the arms declaration Iraq submitted to the U.N. Security Council in December, the country said its UAVs have a range of only 50 miles. But Powell said U.S. intelligence sources found that one of Iraq's newest UAVs went 310 miles nonstop on autopilot in a test run. That distance is over the 155 miles that the United Nations permits, and the test was left out of Iraq's arms declaration.

Officials tell Fox that there is solid intelligence that Iraq has tested many different types of sprayers on these drones to disperse chemical and biological weapons.

President Bush addressed the threat in October in Cincinnati, making his first big case outlining Iraq's defiance.

"We've also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical and biological weapons across broad areas," Bush said in preparation for a congressional vote authorizing the use of force against Iraq. "We're concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs for missions targeting the United States."

The president noted, however, that sophisticated delivery systems aren't required for a chemical or biological attack. "All that might be required are a small container and one terrorist or Iraqi intelligence operative to deliver it," he said.

Even though it has been mentioned a few times by administration officials, the issue of UAVs and their capabilities has been largely overlooked.

But some experts say that even if the UAVs do get assembled for use in the United States, the chances that they could cause widespread damage are low.

"These technologies are not terribly well proven," F. Whitten Peters, a former Air Force Secretary, told Fox News, referring to vehicles that can be used to disperse harmful agents.

Peters said in order to go undetected in the air, the UAVs would have to be small -- and therefore would not be able to carry too much of a harmful substance, and they would have to fly over densely populated areas if they want to achieve maximum casualties.

But because many large metropolitan areas such as Washington have air traffic watchers keeping an eye out for any nearby planes that have not filed a flight plan, the UAVs likely would not succeed in a large-city attack.

It's the smaller cities and towns that would be more vulnerable.

"It's not clear air traffic would actually see this aircraft," Peters said, adding that if the vehicles flew low enough to evade radar detection, "they would be basically invisible."

As to what the government could do to protect Americans from any threat UAVs may pose, Peters said: "I don't think there's much to be done besides the steps we're already taking to deal with chemical and biological threats."

Fox News' Bret Baier and Liza Porteus contributed to this report.

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Originally posted by dnice35

I will be sure to arrange for you to stay at one of the millitary bases, I just hope our bombs dont keep you up at nights.... :laugh:

idiot. keep your word. send me a ticket to iraq.

was this comment supposed to be funny..because it sure as hell isn't...

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Originally posted by sassa

idiot. keep your word. send me a ticket to iraq. i will go there, at least then i won't have to believe the bullshit the media tries to portray as being the truth...

where should I send it to? dont be too upset if I only send you a one-way ticket..... :laugh:

speaking seriously though, do you really think human rights are respected in Iraq? you dont believe that Saddam opprecess the Iraqi people.

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Originally posted by dnice35

where should I send it to? dont be too upset if I only send you a one-way ticket..... :laugh:

speaking seriously though, do you really think human rights are respected in Iraq? you dont believe that Saddam opprecess the Iraqi people.

why is it NOW you're bringing up human rights? the last thing off your checklist for reasons to invade is it....

saddam is an asshole, no doubt. i am not questioning that. but there are better ways to smoke him out, this war is bullshit and i am kicking myself for doing my taxes this year, knowing where my money is heading....

if you are going to use that as a reason to attack saddam, then why are we not attacking china, egypt, turkey, russia, zimbabwe, colombia? why...because they are not economically beneficial for us right now..and iraq has oil...the blood of this country, and the black gold that families like the bushes need to keep themselves above the rest of society....

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just so you kids know, 'military intelligence' is an oxymoron. i wouldnt put too much faith in this report. and on that note, anyone want to start a wager on when exactly the war will start? i got $5 on March. the ides of march has a nice ring to it. i hope bush launches it soon already, the deployment is costing us quiet a penny, each day our forces are there.

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That is the best part about a nice robust debate, starts off as one tiny topic then (seriously pardon the punn) blows up to many topics.

As far as with any debate, you must pick a side, or at least in my case, lean to a side.

I lean to sassa, she is a bit more of a realist then you other guys. I mean, granted war is definately going to happen, and yes people are going to be blown up etc.

But candidly speaking, I can understand your comment to "nuke em", but in all seriousness, IF you stand by the same quote, then do me a favor.

Goto your local library, look up and research (im not being sarcastic) nuclear warfare, and effects of radioactivity etc.

Seriously dude, its some really fucked up shit..... majority of people probably couldnt fathom such a day where as dodge a sniper's shots to goto the store, and checking the direction of the wind to avoid the radiation cloud, and having to travel 500 miles for fresh water.

Ok, Im going all over the fucking place, but seriously, think about it..... nukes are bad, end of story...now I have more important things to worry about....which of the 7 reality tv shows to watch....none...ugh..

Time for a nap;;:D

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my sister participated in specialized training for medical emergency personal in regards to bioterror attacks....she trained with top military experts (including the US scientist who weaponized anthrax) and they said that the it is already known that if anyone attacks us with bio-weapons we will 100% launch a nuclear attack......thats the story that was passed on to me by my sister and you can take it for what its worth.....i am assuming that we would only attack if we could trace who attacked us though

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Originally posted by underwater

my sister participated in specialized training for medical emergency personal in regards to bioterror attacks....she trained with top military experts (including the US scientist who weaponized anthrax) and they said that the it is already known that if anyone attacks us with bio-weapons we will 100% launch a nuclear attack......thats the story that was passed on to me by my sister and you can take it for what its worth.....i am assuming that we would only attack if we could trace who attacked us though

Dont take offense, but its hear-say,

Think about, you cant forecast a nuclear invasion from a friend of a friend of a sister's friend's gut feeling while taking a biochemical warfare training course...

I cant even remember how this conversation started, and Im too lazy to read the previous posts...lol...

and on that note...I looove cheesecake and can make 7 different varieties...:hat:

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Originally posted by eccentricmofo

Dont take offense, but its hear-say,

none taken...it was actually my sister that did the training and directly heard that from top military brass....however....it was about 6 months after 9/11 and i am sure that it was a little far fetched....look what we did to japan after pearl harbor?.....imagine if we lost another 3-10,000 people in a major us city.....i could picture us retaliating with every weapon under the sun.....cheescake is tasty.....

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