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motherfucker has 40 posts...NO room to talk ...does not know anyone from clubplanet personally...thinks linabina is hispanic (christ u ARE a dumbmotherfucker aren't U?)...yet thinks he knows people juding from posts so goes and calls them fags and nice tits nice ass etc etc.

dude...get a fucking life lol

then come have a beer.

For someone who is tryin to play someone out on clubplanet sounds like u read more of our posts then we do yers....then again u dont have many to read.

Its alright though i understand...its hard being the hardass lurker...we have all been there...all hardass behind their keystrokes then buying u a round of beer the next.


Originally posted by yaknow03

hahah dave i think ur shits funny....whats even funnier are these post fags who take this shit seriously on a fuckin board...fuckin CUNT LOSERS

You are a fucking mouthbreather that could only pray to know the game. . . Eat shit and die cockmonkey . . :aright: . . .

Originally posted by phuturephunk

You are a fucking mouthbreather that could only pray to know the game. . . Eat shit and die cockmonkey . . :aright: . . .

. . . hey look at me . . . i am cute . . . i write like this . . . i think it's cute . . . cunt drippage

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