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Turks come ot their senses.


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Originally posted by dnice35

I would never fight you, you might tie a grenade around your waste and run into my families house to get revenge... God knows what people like yourself are capable off......:shake:

coward.....i can probably beat the shit out of you. your stupid post proves that you're extremely narrow minded when it comes to respecting others. i really feel sorry for you....and how your family has raised you. you obviously have no respect for anyone who is different than yourself. with people like you around, no wonder there is no peace in the world....:blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

coward.....i can probably beat the shit out of you. your stupid post proves that you're extremely narrow minded when it comes to respecting others. i really feel sorry for you....and how your family has raised you. you obviously have no respect for anyone who is different than yourself. with people like you around, no wonder there is no peace in the world....:blown:

boohoo * fucking * hooo, I wouldnt fight you just cause you probably outweigh me by a coupleof hundred pounds, by the way who the fuck said I didnt respect others? I just dont respect those who hate innocent Americans like myself, fo no particular reason.

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Originally posted by sassa

i would love to see you enter this war if you really want it to happen. enlist and fight. but i am 100% you won't...you didn't give a reason before, but i am sure it's because you're nothing but a big fat pussy who probably couldn't even fight me head on if you had to.

mind your own fucking business, please.

damn that 1st paragraph got me all HOT!!!!!:laugh:

btw...this is a PUBLIC MESSAGEBOARD....anyone can get involved with anything u post...there is no privacy....;)

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

damn that 1st paragraph got me all HOT!!!!!:laugh:

btw...this is a PUBLIC MESSAGEBOARD....anyone can get involved with anything u post...there is no privacy....;)

let them know young republicans representing up in this piece!

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Originally posted by dnice35

boohoo * fucking * hooo, I wouldnt fight you just cause you probably outweigh me by a coupleof hundred pounds, by the way who the fuck said I didnt respect others? I just dont respect those who hate innocent Americans like myself, fo no particular reason.

look at what you just said....

you are full of shit. you have consistently discriminated against peoples of other origins different than yours....your avatar is one example. there are many good palestinians, writers, artists, and just common people trying to get by...same goes for iraqis, saudis, koreans, russians, japanese....yet you classify everyone as being racist, bloodthirsty,and treacherous...that's like saying all chileans are fucked up because of pinochet, or all germans are nazis because of hitler. you have proven time and again that you are unwilling to see things in a different light. you are fueled by your hate and bigotry. you are a prime example of why this country needs to revamp their educational system. if children were taught at an early age that not all people are fucked up because they look different than you and speak different languages or have different customs, maybe america would be a more tolerant place....from its beginnings, this country has had a long racist history...from murdering native americans for their land, to civil rights violations against blacks...till today, when we have a self-hating closet fag like ashcroft jailing hundreds of innocent people just because they have the misfortune of looking middle eastern or having arabic names and origins...where is the world going?

your posts sometimes make sense, i am not saying that...but your ideas are based on things that are negative and self-destructive.

so, instead of insulting me and making assumptions based on my religion and culture (the comment you made about me blowing up your family's home was very fucked up...) why don't you try to open your mind a little....and see that not everyone who has an arabic name or is from the ME is not a terrorist...not full of hate...and not against you.

grow up.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

damn that 1st paragraph got me all HOT!!!!!:laugh:

btw...this is a PUBLIC MESSAGEBOARD....anyone can get involved with anything u post...there is no privacy....;)

there is also something called a direct dialogue between two individuals...you had nothing to add to this argument. so why do you bother....i don't understand....oh wait, you had to make your little comment otherwise you would have died...is that it? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by dnice35


you dont know what you are talking about,

there no more racism in the US than in other countries,

right Matas you fucking spic... let her know.

oh really?? and you know this for a fact??? tell me how many countries have you been in?

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Originally posted by sassa

oh really?? and you know this for a fact??? tell me how many countries have you been in?

does that really matter? but if you must know I visited 5 different countries in my life time, I know I probably havent been around as much as you have, but I seen a few different cultures in my short lived life.

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to add to my post I will tell you I know of this one boy who went to Croatia and got beaten because of his latin decent, to add to that he said he had never seen as much racism as he did in that country, further more I can tell you of a few other associates who have traveled to "the open minded" European countries and they as well have been looked down upon because of their latin decent.

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Originally posted by dnice35

to add to my post I will tell you I know of this one boy who went to Croatia and got beaten because of his latin decent, to add to that he said he had never seen as much racism as he did in that country, further more I can tell you of a few other associates who have traveled to "the open minded" European countries and they as well have been looked down upon because of their latin decent.

europe is ridiculous. the french and germans are racist....

it's safe to say everyone feels ethnocentric towards their own culture. but there should also be a moral code of conduct between all human beings, regardless of race, religion, and ethnic background. of course, this will never happen with groups like the KKK, Nazis, and whatever being around..but it's a nice thought...:(

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Originally posted by sassa

why would you even suggest something as sick as this, eccentric....:rolleyes:

Hey, sorry I keep forgeting no one really knows me at all on this board, when I said this I was being oh so overly sarcastic, to prove a point to that guy that nuclear warfare is really nothing to joke about...:)

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Originally posted by igloo

Your views (and Sassa's) are offensive and insulting...far worse, than when I provide out an accurate description of you and Sassa

You do not debate..you offer repulsive, anti-American venom....not honest dissent or patriotism....nothing but hate America views and statements....which is more offensive and insulting than calling you a misfit.....but you are too dumb and narrow minded to understand that

So fuck off freak......and leave the country....

You do not deserve anything this country and government provides for you...

BTW simpleton--your use of the word racism at every turn speaks volumes to your intellect level, your understanding of real issues, and dishonors those who truly fight racism

Leave the country shithead

Why don't you come here and throw me out faggot? That's IF you got REAL balls.

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Originally posted by dnice35

boohoo * fucking * hooo, I wouldnt fight you just cause you probably outweigh me by a coupleof hundred pounds, by the way who the fuck said I didnt respect others? I just dont respect those who hate innocent Americans like myself, fo no particular reason.

Are you afraid of getting beat up by a girl you pussy???

Because you're a faggot with no balls. Why don't you come here and fight me? I bet I could pound the shit out of you and I'll make sure you see things my way.

I will fuck you up FAG!!

So bananaboat boy.. are you game or are you gay?

C'mon... I want you to come here and show me what you got.

I'm waiting.

So why don't you get in your bananaboat and paddle your way here???



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In blow to US, Turks deny bases

By Charles M. Sennott, Globe Staff, 3/2/2003

SALAHADDIN, Iraq -- Turkish lawmakers delivered a stunning setback to US war preparations yesterday, by declining to approve a resolution that would allow 60,000 US troops to open a northern front against Iraq through Turkey.

In Ankara, the speaker of the parliament, Bulent Arinc, nullified a legislative vote to permit US troops to use the bases, saying the vote did not constitute a simple majority. The vote was 264-250 in favor, but there were 19 abstentions; 267 votes in favor were needed for the simple majority.

Arinc postponed further debate until the parliament reconvenes on Tuesday.

The United States said it was seeking ''clarification'' on the vote. ''We had certainly hoped for a favorable decision,'' said the US ambassador to Turkey, Robert Pearson.

''We will wait for further information and advice from the government of Turkey about how we should proceed,'' Pearson added.

If the decision holds, the US military would have to adjust its plans for any invasion of Iraq. One option would be to insert thousands of troops into northern Iraq aboard cargo planes landing on primitive airstrips or highways, analysts said.

The US push for international support was complicated on other fronts yesterday. Iraq started destroying its banned Al Samoud 2 missiles, meeting a deadline that had been set by the chief UN weapons inspector, Hans Blix. And in Egypt, the 22-member Arab League issued a statement that expressed ''complete rejection of any aggression on Iraq'' and urged more time for inspections.

In Salahaddin, a village in the Kurdish-controlled area of northern Iraq, meanwhile, various opposition leaders wrapped up their conference with a further warning that they would resist any effort by Turkish forces to use a US-led invasion as a pretext to establish any longer presence in the region.

The developments here and in Ankara have left US war plans suddenly caught up in Turkish political wrangling and bogged down in a long, bitter ethnic struggle for control between Turks and Kurds along this mountainous and strategic border region.

With a potential war along its border holding profound economic, political, and military consequences for Turkey, the government has hesitated on allowing its bases to be used to launch an invasion.

Turkey has pressed the United States to sweeten its offer of $15 billion in loans and grants to cushion the impact of a war, and has insisted on sending thousands of Turkish troops into northern Iraq during the invasion.

The Turks say that the troops would be necessary to control a possible refugee crisis, and to prevent weapons held by Kurdish militias from falling into the hands of an armed Kurdish independence movement within Turkey.

The insistence on as many as 20,000 Turkish troops penetrating 12 miles inside the border has led to an uproar among Kurdish opposition leaders in Iraq. The development has greatly overshadowed the opposition conference, which had been intended to focus on the practical aspects of establishing a transitional government and upholding the rule of law in the aftermath of a US invasion.

Last night, the six appointed leaders of a transitional government gathered on the stage of the conference center in Salahaddin, in the autonomous region of 3.5 million Kurds of northern Iraq. It was supposed to have been a show of unity and strength among the leading opposition groups, Kurds, Shiite Muslims, and umbrella opposition groups such as the Iraqi National Congress.

But the meeting turned into an emotional warning to the US government and to Turkey that the presence of Turkish troops inside Iraq could touch off a diplomatic disaster, and could lead to clashes between Kurdish militias and Turkish troops.

Jalal Talabani, the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the elected chairman of the opposition conference, said: ''We do not accept any Turkish military presence here. . . .We demand that Turkey stay on its side of the border and if we need them, we will call them to come. . . .We are sending a delegation to urge Turkey to accept our desire.''

Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison to the opposition at the conference, sought to reassure the opposition leaders. ''Any Turkish involvement,'' he said, ''would mean that its forces have to be fully coordinated with the coalition.''

But recollections of what dissidents view as a US betrayal have cast a shadow of mistrust over the conference. After the Persian Gulf War in 1991, President George H. W. Bush urged the opposition to rise up and liberate Iraq. But the United States did not aid Shiites in the south or the Kurds in the north. And a nascent uprising was brutally crushed. More than 200,000 people were reported killed, and Saddam Hussein's grip on power was tightened.

Saedi Barzinji, president of Salahaddin University in Arbil, the de facto capital of the Kurdish-controlled area, said: ''There is a Kurdish proverb that the person who is bitten by a snake is afraid of a rope. That is what we are seeing here. . . . Turkish intervention can never be justified.''

As of last night, it was unclear whether the Turkish government would submit a new Parliamement resolution on US military access.

Prime Minister Abdullah Gul called a meeting with his top ministers. ''We will assess all this,'' Gul, looking shaken and angry, told reporters in Ankara.

Arinc, the Turkish speaker, voided the vote on constitutional grounds, ruling that a majority of legislators present had not voted in favor.

Just before the vote, tens of thousands took to the streets in the largest antiwar demonstration so far in the Turkish capital. Opinion polls in Turkey indicate that 94 percent of the population is opposed to a war and any Turkish involvement in it. Washington has planned to use bases in Turkey to stage any invasion from the north and bases in Kuwait for an invasion from the south, effectively dividing Hussein's army. Through two weeks of delays of voting and now the failure of the resolution to pass on its first reading, the US Army's Fourth Infantry Division has been waiting aboard ships laden with tanks and heavy armor, just off the coast of Turkey.

Major Charles Heyman, editor of Jane's World Armies, a monthly publication that assesses global military strategy, said in a telephone interview from London: ''The delay has slowed any invasion down tremendously. And now it looks as if it may be very difficult for the Americans to sort this out.''

Heyman estimated that for the Fourth Infantry Division to be operational inside Iraq would take up to one month, seriously setting back what most military analysts expected would be the beginning of a war in Iraq in mid-March.

Heyman and other military specialists have said that US troops will need to fight a war in the cooler winter months before the Iraqi desert begins to heat up.

''I wouldn't say the wheels have come off the US operation,'' Heyman said, reacting to news of the parliamentary vote in Turkey, ''but I would describe it as a serious setback.''

Material from the Associated Press was used in this report.

This story ran on page A1 of the Boston Globe on 3/2/2003.

© Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.

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Originally posted by sassa

there is also something called a direct dialogue between two individuals...you had nothing to add to this argument. so why do you bother....i don't understand....oh wait, you had to make your little comment otherwise you would have died...is that it? :rolleyes:

sorry honey...THIS IS A PUBLIC MESSAGEBOARD!!! i can stick my nose in any convo that i please!!!:tongue: ...just admit it, u got all hot when i said that u turned me on...u know it...i know its been months even years since u had some good "man meat"...i think u should go out and get some...cuz ur sense of humor along with ur "common sense" have left the building....seriously get some help and get some sex....ur WAY TOOOOOOOOO BACKED UP!!!:hump:

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Originally posted by normalnoises

I will fuck you up FAG!!

So bananaboat boy.. are you game or are you gay?

C'mon... I want you to come here and show me what you got.

So why don't you get in your bananaboat and paddle your way here???



hmmm...for a person that uses the word "racism" and other such words...this is very confusing...but i knew that u were a two-faced liar the whole time...carry on....ur a lock for "CP's Idiot of the Century" ward....:aright:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

hmmm...for a person that uses the word "racism" and other such words...this is very confusing...but i knew that u were a two-faced liar the whole time...carry on....ur a lock for "CP's Idiot of the Century" ward....:aright:

there are a few other contenders for this award...don't rule them out...i don't think i need to mention any names..i'm sure you can all guess....:laugh:

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Originally posted by sassa

there are a few other contenders for this award...don't rule them out...i don't think i need to mention any names..i'm sure you can all guess....:laugh:

he takes the award no question about it..

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

....ur a lock for "CP's Idiot of the Century" ward....:aright:

I can't believe that a certain asshole, who claims to be an enlightened liberal, used derogatory ethnic slurs. He has no business ever posting again. He has totally shot himself in the mouth.

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