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I believe it was in Time magazine, this past week where as this one gentleman with talking about this bill he was putting together to be considered by congress about reinstating the draft.

Granted that is a whole other issue in itself, but the phrase; "patriotism lite"...

Stuck with me, I mean makes sense...put a sticker on your car and your serving your country, so Ya...nuke up all right?

Ha, I shant go overboard with this if I havent allready, but i just think halfassed people suck.... so if your going to talk about military action...BE in the military...

If you are going to talk about how saudi's, arabs etc..are the scum of the earth, dont be a pussy then, say it to their face...

If you are not going to walk your own talk, then please do the opposite of slim shady..and please sit down..Please sit down..

THankyou..and come again..:hat:


so if i want to complain about the economy should i be an economist....if i want to talk shit about the NFL do i have to be a professional football player.....discussion of politics and leadership is as old as mankind.....people have every right to agree with going to war or argue for peace....but they definitely do not have to join the military to make their views justified.....i'll tell you what is half-assed though.....people who would rather read in style magazine vs. time or watch the bachlorete vs. keeping abreast of the world news. ....then they say something like....oh yeah, i don't believe in war cause its gonna like have huge karmic retributions....

Originally posted by underwater

so if i want to complain about the economy should i be an economist....if i want to talk shit about the NFL do i have to be a professional football player.....discussion of politics and leadership is as old as mankind.....people have every right to agree with going to war or argue for peace....but they definitely do not have to join the military to make their views justified.....i'll tell you what is half-assed though.....people who would rather read in style magazine vs. time or watch the bachlorete vs. keeping abreast of the world news. ....then they say something like....oh yeah, i don't believe in war cause its gonna like have huge karmic retributions....

I agree with you a bit on the whole treehugger's suck mentality..I cant stand it either the fact that some people who never even heard of a the New York Times, can sit and try to make a point against me as well.

Haven taken me a bit out of context, I was saying with the walk the talk comment was just that.

I mean, sadly neither you nor I have the choice whether or not to push that button to send the nukes anywhere, none the less to Iraq, so why bother saying something negative, in a hopeful manner?

I was trying to just allow you to take a step back and think simplistically was going on here. Meaning in general, worldly speaking etc.

In a nutshell, Its bad shit, and you shouldnt hope it to get worse, becuase its allready enroute to such a happening.

Your friend,

The talk walker... (get it, I walk the talk...get it.... answering my own cliche'...Im ok)

Ill get another beer...

peace (punn intended)


Gutless Leader

You can take your government

And shove it up your ass

Drafting innocent men

To die on the grass

You're wasting money on a war

You know is just not right

But there's people starving

In our homeland, put money towards their plight

Priorities are all screwed up

We are killing our own kind

All for one, and one for all

Our leaders are so blind

Draft a few more men

Who don't want to fight for you

Send them off to the battlefield

Cause there's nothing left to do

Why should I fight you war

When I don't give a shit

All I want to do is live

Find someone else to fight it

What ever happened to

The "land of the free"

If we all can only be

What the government wants us to be

Originally posted by eccentricmofo

In a nutshell, Its bad shit, and you shouldnt hope it to get worse, becuase its allready enroute to such a happening.

great point....why wish things get worse...i totally agree and my views have been slanting to wishing that iraq would just cooperate and disarm....i used to be full on steam for war, but i guess i feel the exact point you just made......its like if a person is in a downward spiral in life and they just keep seeking out things that will exacerbate the situation.....nice...

Originally posted by normalnoises

Gutless Leader

You can take your government

And shove it up your ass

Drafting innocent men

To die on the grass

You're wasting money on a war

You know is just not right

But there's people starving

In our homeland, put money towards their plight

you are truly one of a kind....


I still stand with my views from before, it would be cheap for me to change them just yet, but one thing I must repeat for my own sake, is that this is bullshit.

I mean aside from the shit going on day to day in the world, as if that wasnt even enough to be troubled with, where I work we quarenteaned (most positive that it is spelled wrong) for fucking three hrs today due to an anthrax scare... this is fucking pathetic.

I mean if we were really going to be attacked by such a manner then there would not of been two or three or five "warning" letters sent in the begining of this mess, but rather thousands sent all at once.

Just another means of fucking people up, and on that note....

Next time anyone goes clubbing, dance until the sun comes up and instead of sleeping in the next day, stay up, watch then sunrise, drink a shitload of coffee and just pull it through.

I dont know about you but Im getting every second to be worthwhile, have been for the past two years and will continue til whenever...

So, I think thats a pretty good rant for now, Im going to lay down...


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