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~* The OFFICIAL Man-bitch VIP Card*~

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Originally posted by notallthere

Before you realize this im going to admit I am very insulted by that picture. Mostly because it’s a terrible picture of me and I have a very weak self esteem so it makes me feel like shit. I am going to speak out of character here. But if I don’t me will end up doing other things I will regret:

Ok you know what... fuck being civil..

I’ve kept my mouth shut for way to long.

I stopped talking to Tara out of my own choice because I realized underneath all her talk she was nothing but a self absorbed bitch and then she had the nerve to say to me that she wants hook up with me if where just going to be friends??. I told her I would not.

You want to be cruel? Fine. I can be cruel to.

I was never attracted to her by a fucking loooong shot. She knows this. The only reason why I started to be was because I thought she was kind and like me deep down inside but I was terribly wrong. How on earth could we hook up as friends Tara? I have no fucking attraction left for your stupid ass.

Are you nuts Tara?! I let you say all you wanted... I let you spread the lies that you left me...BECUASE I DIDENT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THOUGHT ..I JUST WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE…but we both know the truth... ARE YOU INSAIN YOU CRAZY BITCH? I LEFT YOUR PYSCHO ASS…Shit why I wouldn’t I leave you!?!? just about any girl on the face of the earth has a better heart then you’re twisted gross one.

So I guess I played you out no?

I love how its soooo important to you that to make everyone believe that your so strong, and your so confident but the truth is you’re a scared little girl. Who played herself out.

I don’t give a shit about you and I have kept my mouth shut on this board. But all you do is complain and post your “I want pity and look how much I don’t care that Anthony tore my heart out posts" Get a fucking life Tara. You are 25 years old you need to grow the fuck up. I didn’t say, nor do one thing mean to you. WE where never bf and gf yet U feel the need to drag this out. I told you to leave me the hell alone that’s all I wanted.







Hi my name is Tara.

I want everyone to believe that I am not insecure and self loathing. But I am.

I am loud, I am cocky, I do not listen to anyone else’s advice because I am self centered and think I have it all figured out. But I don’t.

Man bitch card? What? Ha-ha just the fact that you would take the time to post that proves that I own you.

The only man bitches Tara has are the guys that try to put up with her annoying loud mouth with the chance to get her in the sack. But really can any of you truly imagine spending allot of time with Tara? Trust me its hard work if you’re sober...

Response from a cp member:

Hey I would spend time with her!!... (Just another guy trying to get laid)

Face it the only guys you ever hook up with are the ones at the clubs when they can’t see strait and you’re all fucked up on coke and alcohol. I feel really sorry for any guy you sucker into marring you because you care for know one but yourself.

You can all believe her lies, shit she told me herself she’s a great lier and can manipulate anyone into believe anything shes says. and why do you all think CALEB isent as raunchy and funny as he used to be? She told me she was going to have her big bad Guido friends break Caleb’s knees because he insulted her on the message board. IF she is so confident why would she resort to this? She told me she was telling me the truth so I told him to stop because I realized how nuts she was and I was genuinely worried that she would have had people do horrible things to him

This girl is not mentally stable believe me or not but spend enough time with her and you will know the words I speak are true.


Hey hey hey now. How did my name get thrown into this. I dont want to beat anyone one up. If I did believe me it would have happened already.

Anthony you and I talk all the time where is this coming from that you put my name in to this I am very angry and dissapointed. I dont get my hands dirty with other peoples drama are you's all out of your minds. Please I would love to know where this came from?

The only thing running around in my head every day is how to make money and retire early not this childish bullshit. Anthony Im your friend and im Taras friend and as for your girl I dont know anything about her expect what has been told to me and I always said hi to her out of respect to my friend badass now theres all this drama so i just stay away. Look leave me out of this sheet.

Tara is my girl thats not going to change you are my boy and thats not going to change.

You know my opinion in this matter because you asked me at Euro Tara knows my feelings as well.

So please leave me out of this childish crap I dont have time for this

Browneyedqt for the record i dont want to beat you up I was at Euro you saw me there. I would have said somthing to you there if I had anything to say. This has been a good laugh this morning me wanting to beat you up for whats going on with your love triangle . No I dont think so. If it was my man you were messing with I would definatly get in your face but even then I probably wont fight you. The world is big ladies lots of Handsome Monkeys out there.

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Originally posted by neena16

oh dear lord somebody get me oxygen over here......

I am in total shock right now. :eek: :eek:

Chicken you think i have a curse or somthing. Mabe we should change the name of the group to Crazy Loc'ed out Roosters.


Tara Holllllllllaaaaaaaaaaa Notallthere Holllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaa

Yeah crazy chickens;)

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Originally posted by carguy19

Im gonna knock the shit outta all of you..... If anyone's fighting I am.

Actually Im just gonna give everybody a pill then we'll all be smiling andf hugging and laughing again.

Just be happy guys

I like that idea:idea:

except for the hugging part:D That would be alittle odd.:D

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Originally posted by hunnie818

the best part is... it was a joke

originally it was gonna be carguy in the pic...

it was supposed to a silly funny thing

oh well

too late

i cant drop it when someone blatently tries to disrespect me and lies about me.... nah

Keep my pics outta shit like that missy !! Yo my bitch I'm no yo bitch ;)

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Originally posted by hunnie818

the best part is... it was a joke

originally it was gonna be carguy in the pic...

it was supposed to a silly funny thing

oh well

too late

i cant drop it when someone blatently tries to disrespect me and lies about me.... nah

To bad they where not lies.

If you feel that you where disrespected by me speaking the truth about you then i guess you where. Respect from me is given to people that deserve it.. You do not. Why would you use me in your dumb little picture. Where not friends. Where not talking. We have severed all connections. You deliberately tried to insult me. So the truth about the situation was said. It needed to be told.

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Originally posted by notallthere

To bad they where not lies.

If you feel that you where disrespected by me speaking the truth about you then i guess you where. Respect from me is given to people that deserve it.. You do not. Why would you use me in your dumb little picture. Where not friends. Where not talking. We have severed all connections. You deliberately tried to insult me. So the truth about the situation was said. It needed to be told.

ugh stop fucken lying!!!!!

im really trying to stay calm.....

you stupid motha-fucka .... i ended it with you!!!! you immature...imbalanced...insecure...cheap muthafucka

you shoulda been the fucken jew! broke-ass scrub

you think by lying and trying to embarass me it will somehow make your pathetic existance more valuable???

your a fucken load that shoulda been swallowed

oh and your a dumb muthafucka too.... your not deep.. your stupid... the reason you ponder things for so long is cause it takes

you a month to figure something out

i cant wait to see the what the inside of your fucken skull looks like :mad:

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