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Cable Companies Suck

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No offense to any of you's who work for one...but cable companys suck ass. For real. This is why.

Reason 1- I bought a cable modem, to find out now, that they have not only billed me for buying it, but also billed me for renting it. Now, of course they have no record of me buying it, so they want it back.

Like HELLO, they owe my ass money for 2 years I have been paying for a rental and didnt know it.

Reason 2- I turn off the cable modem because I am moving. So I scheduled it to be turned off on Monday, and the TV's to be turned off on Thursday. So what did they do??? Turned everything off yesterday, so now I have no mother fucking TV until I actually get situated at the new house. I call up and they tell me, "Sorry maam, but if we turn one thing off in the house, we turn it all off". That doesnt make any sense. What if i wasnt moving? Id be ass out of a TV?

Not only does the cable company suck balls, but so does moving. :rolleyes:

Sorry. Needed to vent.

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Oh wait, I forgot 2 more reasons.

So after they turn off our tv's in error, we call back and they say, ok we'll turn it back on by 7pm. Check at 7, its not on. Call back 2 more times, they say, "it will definetely be on tonight". Checked this morning-still not on.

Then the new cable company, all I wanted was hbo and basic cable. But you dont have that option anymore- you HAVE to get digital cable. I mean, thats fine cuz I like the movie chanels, but like, what do you mean I cant get normal cable? Rip offs.

Im done.

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Originally posted by perns2002

Ask to speak with a higher up..........

I did just now, and the supervisor tells me that if the error (meaning that they billed me for rental and purchase of the modem) is not recognized in 3 months, they only credit you a partial amount. So at this point I flip out because they never gave me itimized bills....so after I flipped out she agreed to send me a $90 courtesy check and void my last bill. Which comes out to around the same amount, so thats OK. And hopefully the cable will be back on tonight.

I know accidents happen, but with the aggravation of moving you dont need added bullshit, ya know?

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I did just now, and the supervisor tells me that if the error (meaning that they billed me for rental and purchase of the modem) is not recognized in 3 months, they only credit you a partial amount. So at this point I flip out because they never gave me itimized bills....so after I flipped out she agreed to send me a $90 courtesy check and void my last bill. Which comes out to around the same amount, so thats OK. And hopefully the cable will be back on tonight.

I know accidents happen, but with the aggravation of moving you dont need added bullshit, ya know?

Your right........ That does def. suck ............

We only have one cable company in our area that serves us, they blow, and it's a monopoly so I have to deal - IDIOTS..........

Good luck on your move.......... and here :kiss2:

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I only watch educational tv...:rolleyes:


Me too, the other day I was watching Discovery I think where they do surgery on TV, you the one I'm talking about, the real graphic one?

..................yeah, some chick was getting her boobs done.

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Originally posted by ou812

Me too, the other day I was watching Discovery I think where they do surgery on TV, you the one I'm talking about, the real graphic one?

..................yeah, some chick was getting her boobs done.

If it werent for those shows, I would have probably gotten whatever plastic surgery I could have afforded...LOL

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL

Yeah right, when did porn become educational.....On second thought....:laugh:

What company do you use for your tv and modem?????

Hey now, Porn is plenty educational :laugh: :laugh: You crack me up....

I use comcast. If anyone is in need of a modem, send me a pm.

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Originally posted by ou812

Me too, the other day I was watching Discovery I think where they do surgery on TV, you the one I'm talking about, the real graphic one?

..................yeah, some chick was getting her boobs done.

TV is Satan's alter

...I hate it when they show lipo...eeewwwwww....gross!!!!!

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Jill you have no idea how much i feel you on this one

i wanted to get high speed at home and it took 2 days of phone calls

to both the PHone company AND my ISP

all to find out that it will cost me something like

800+ to 900 dollars JUST to get started with the lowest possable highspeed connection for residential use-

i cant get a dish cause in this area (mountian)

they will only switch me to a ,and like (meaning bypass the dish)

when the weather is slightly bad

cant get cable cause there are no cable lines running past my house -- i would have to paythem to attach them to the house

and run them down the street to the nearest junction-

that would let anyone else be able ot get cable access to their homes

and DSL?? hmm that was a fukin murderuous conversation ---

i cant ge tthat either cause theres supposed to be specific type of connection on the telephone pole and im like 300 feet away from it so they wont connect me to that either

i cant believe these ppl

i actully spent 5+ hrs on the phone on the first call

all because they kep bouncing me around from on connection to another tellin me

"oh you have to ttalk to such and such department.. hold ill connect you.."

i finally got someone when i said



fukin rejects dont konw what they are doing

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