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For those that have a general understanding of chaos theory, you should be able to understand that it not only applies to the various stockmarkets, but to life, itself.

Now that I see that chaos theory is everywhere, I'm wondering how much of our lives is really under our control. Obviously you can make choices which send you down different paths, but in the big picture, how much is under our control?

I do believe that hard work pays off, but think about how much is circumstance, also. Let's say there were 2 Tom Cruises, both trying to become movie stars. Say they both worked as hard, but one day, Tom Cruise #2 wakes up 15 minutes late and is 15 minutes late for a movie audition. Tom #1 arrived on time and completed his audition on time. Tom #2 showed up late, but by showing up late, he met someone that was not there 15 minutes ago for Tom #1 to meet. Let's say this person helps Tom #2's career immensely and leads to him becoming a movie star.

You can see that although 2 people can try just as hard, it can be chaos theory which determines your fate. So now let's say Tom #2 becomes a huge movie star because he got his break, and Tom #1 is still struggling. All because of an event that was not really under their control/planned by them.

If we accept that life is just a bunch of probabilities, how can we make the best out of it?

There are some that say, "everything happens for a reason." I HATE when people say that. Yes, you do have some control, but a lot of it is just circumstance. If you get in a car accident and lose a leg, it's just WHAT HAPPENED. There's no ultimate purpose for it occurring. There's no point in asking, "why me?"

One more thing, does anyone believe anything is random? I don't think anything is random. Even if a computer generates a random number, there was still some set of circumstances that led to the computer picking a number. We may think of it as random, but what really is?!!!

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Originally posted by dgmodel

For those that have a general understanding of chaos theory, you should be able to understand that it not only applies to the various stockmarkets, but to life, itself.

Now that I see that chaos theory is everywhere, I'm wondering how much of our lives is really under our control. Obviously you can make choices which send you down different paths, but in the big picture, how much is under our control?

I do believe that hard work pays off, but think about how much is circumstance, also. Let's say there were 2 Tom Cruises, both trying to become movie stars. Say they both worked as hard, but one day, Tom Cruise #2 wakes up 15 minutes late and is 15 minutes late for a movie audition. Tom #1 arrived on time and completed his audition on time. Tom #2 showed up late, but by showing up late, he met someone that was not there 15 minutes ago for Tom #1 to meet. Let's say this person helps Tom #2's career immensely and leads to him becoming a movie star.

You can see that although 2 people can try just as hard, it can be chaos theory which determines your fate. So now let's say Tom #2 becomes a huge movie star because he got his break, and Tom #1 is still struggling. All because of an event that was not really under their control/planned by them.

I used to think of this a lot. Even from the time we were born, and how our parents met, it all seems like it's not in anybody's hands, just thin air.

I think luck has a lot to do with it. This really smart guy once told me that if he had the choice btw. luck and intellect, he would choose luck. I think i would also.

There are some that say, "everything happens for a reason." I HATE when people say that. Yes, you do have some control, but a lot of it is just circumstance. If you get in a car accident and lose a leg, it's just WHAT HAPPENED. There's no ultimate purpose for it occurring. There's no point in asking, "why me?"

Verrrry Existentialist thinking :cool:

But you can take what happened and draw conclusions from it. I.E. why did the accident happen? How can u prevent future accidents? There is no solid meaningful REASON why things happen (it does not reflect you as a person), but i believe we can trace various causes as to why it happened (bad driving, lack of road awareness, etc... So in a way, there is/are reasons for why everything happens, but they don't happen for a reason.

One more thing, does anyone believe anything is random? I don't think anything is random. Even if a computer generates a random number, there was still some set of circumstances that led to the computer picking a number. We may think of it as random, but what really is?!!!

I think random is too general a term to explain how things happen.

I know this is a long shot, but like the Ying Yang, i believe there are forces out there (like hot and cold), or magnetism, that is beyond our perception. These waves guide things in directions, and make things happen the way they do.

But as far as randomness goes, i think that things are chosen with some preconceived guidelines. Although it is random, the way to get random is usually based on some method of choosing.

If we accept that life is just a bunch of probabilities, how can we make the best out of it?

I think "arising to the occassion" is the best we can do. For instance, if someone invited you out to a party, that a much better way (most likely) to live life than sitting at home on your couch watching TV. I believe life is all about pushing limits, setting new goals, and transcending what is the current status quo.

So, when the opportunity arises, most of the time, jump for it, and live it up to the fullest.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

One more thing, does anyone believe anything is random? I don't think anything is random. Even if a computer generates a random number, there was still some set of circumstances that led to the computer picking a number. We may think of it as random, but what really is?!!!

Have you been watching "Pi"?

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Wow....A thread that requires a little brain work ....

Unless we lived this world in a bubble ..It's virtually impossible to live without chaos...

We make choices for ourselves of course (ie: school, work, location) but too many outside factors & elements exist interfering with our "plan" for ourselves & if these "bumps in the road" didn't exist then what would be the point of living ? It would defeat the purpose of life b/c it's not meant to be easy all the time & if it was what would be the point of life ??...Everything that happens good or bad we have no choice but to accept & deal with....The whole things happen for a reason stuff is total bullshit (imo) Destiny & Fate are also bullshit....ANY external element can effect what happens to us...& these elements are here for a reason....to mess with the dynamic of our chosen paths....It's unfortunate when bad things happen...but a majority of the time they are beyond our control....(except for things like suicide)....So, take what life throws at you, deal with it, Learn, move on

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  • 7 months later...

there is new (relatively) literature out there...i published by the Santa Fe Institute....and which has a large academic and has some major investor following...they believe that stock markets are actually complex adaptive systems....and not governed by chaos theory, okay my brain hurts...enough of this...let me go back to the Drug forum

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Now that I see that chaos theory is everywhere, I'm wondering how much of our lives is really under our control. Obviously you can make choices which send you down different paths, but in the big picture, how much is under our control?

I do believe that hard work pays off, but think about how much is circumstance, also.

You can see that although 2 people can try just as hard, it can be chaos theory which determines your fate. So now let's say Tom #2 becomes a huge movie star because he got his break, and Tom #1 is still struggling. All because of an event that was not really under their control/planned by them.

Originally posted by dgmodel

One more thing, does anyone believe anything is random? I don't think anything is random. Even if a computer generates a random number, there was still some set of circumstances that led to the computer picking a number. We may think of it as random, but what really is?!!!

Aren't you contradicting yourself here? :confused:

Originally posted by dgmodel

There are some that say, "everything happens for a reason." I HATE when people say that. Yes, you do have some control, but a lot of it is just circumstance. If you get in a car accident and lose a leg, it's just WHAT HAPPENED. There's no ultimate purpose for it occurring. There's no point in asking, "why me?"

I agree more or less with what Papa Smurf had to say... I don't believe that things happen for a reason, in the sense that it's all already mapped out, it's fate, or what have you... rather that *you* have to apply meaning to your existence... it's the only way to learn from your past, and to grow as an individual.

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i feel like we are still just like a bunch of ants with big brains that run around like we own this world and that we can bring "order" to it.

Here is the problem...we are not special, we are still PART of this world, this universe, etc. which is one big cluster fuck but we refuse to admit it and try and WILL IT to our rules and boundries and morals/values. And when shit goes wrong, we are shocked and amazed that it could be so (i myself am still victim to this on many an occasion)...sometimes i think the fact that we have such intelligence and potential is like one big friggin joke/curse....we are screwed because we are aware of something we will most likely never understand or accept.

Im not sure how much control we actually have, and i try not to think about it too much...it can get depressing and confusing...which leads to doubt and apprehension which just kills your dreams and motivations.

I really think people need to find something they really love and can dedicate themselves to, almost like a reason(s) for living. I dont know. blah. i will stop rambling now.

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First off... kudos to DG, intriguing thread.

In a grandious scale of things we are a small small part of this universe.

A speck of sand or small pebble on a never ending beach small part.

But the same time even small parts can make a drastic domino-like affect on the rest of the world. That small pebble can alone cause ripples that in turn effect everyone if not all.

Not to get to philosophical here but life is short, is lived only once, and under-appreciated. Those first cliche's massively under rated and blindly understood.

Living life is not about the wealth nor success, but rather the accomplishment of being aware and enjoying it.

To be honest, not to sound cocky, but I feel sorry for the many that focus on the wrong things in life. Granted its not my right to say whats right, but on my own behalf, concerning moi...Im allowed.

In summary...

Do not eat McDonald's 4 times a week if you want to age past 32.... thankyou...and have a nice day...:finger:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

how so???

First you said that we're not entirely in control of our destiny b/c at any point in time, something random could be thrown at us, and completely throw us off course...

And then you said that nothing is random.


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