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Saints Cafe Tonight


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Originally posted by kostaP

You know the deal by now.

Dinner served from 5-11

Ladies free dinner from 7-11 (unescorted ladies)

No cover

Music starts at 9pm

DJ Ryan Morales

Find me for drinks/shots

for more info pm me



(201) 833-1160

Good luck Kosta, maybe I'll get up there one week to beat your ass:laugh:

kiddin' bro;)

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Originally posted by carguy19

Good luck Kosta, maybe I'll get up there one week to beat your ass:laugh:

kiddin' bro;)

haha. why dont you come for dinner. Me and Rafi Y are sittingat 8 pm. if anyone wants to join us.

Cynstam. Get your ass out. and bring tizz with you. but dont tell her sister. hahaha

Laur I'll call you later.

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Originally posted by kostaP

haha. why dont you come for dinner. Me and Rafi Y are sittingat 8 pm. if anyone wants to join us.

Cynstam. Get your ass out. and bring tizz with you. but dont tell her sister. hahaha

Laur I'll call you later.

Maybe next tues my man, i'll hit you wit a Pm I may stop in tonight if I finish my biz early

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oh what the fugg............

after a long day of work i finally check good ol cp and read this!!!!

kosta, do i have to do all the work for ya, re-read this post ya stump!!!!, ya tell carl to meet ya for dinner and tell him your meeting rafi there at 8!!!!!!!!!!!

sounds like your fuggin promotin for the blueoyster!!!!!! and let me guess, ruh and pete are gonna be sittin there too with ya........sound like a fudge packing convention kosta..........

well listen ya mo mo have a good fuggin night and i hope you and rafi have a great dinner conversation............

and when jess mo gets there, throw her a milk bone for me and tip her a dollar............


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Dicka i mean digga the dinner invite is open for anyone to join us.

is your sorry im a loser pathetic piece of turd cant hang so ill only go out till 11pm ass gonna be there??


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Originally posted by kostaP

Dicka i mean digga the dinner invite is open for anyone to join us.

is your sorry im a loser pathetic piece of turd cant hang so ill only go out till 11pm ass gonna be there??


ha ha ha ha...........................

nahhhhhh, i'd rather watch episodes of while you were out.....tonight they are re-doing a bedroom to look like a chinese temple

don't think i can make it out tonight kostaP..............

and i'll def take you two fools up on that dinner offer soon, ya think crazy shnizzle comes outta rafi's mouth, you aint heard nothin yet..............

so keep all dem ho's in check ova there, and i'll see your bald ass soon..............

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Originally posted by roddigga

to rip out dem couch sores from yo sorry ass sitting home playin your homo counter part lisquid touch in madden all night ya momo

and i'd figure i'd say wassup to rafi while i was checkin out that ass

what do you say me and you meet up and play bumper cars in the parking lot again?

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Eating dinner with Rafi.....ha ha ha......I would feel so dumb after that..........rod calls him fraggle rock......sorry im making myself laugh thinking about some of the rafi stories......rod please start a thread for sir kosta with all the stories.....start off with the little gremlin going to the nets game and getting kicked out!!!!!!

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It was funny I give you that, you had everyone at the bar dying of laughter, but I am gonna have to say it but me and kelly are gonna have to get you back. i didnt forget what you did to me over the summer, and i still havent gotten you back yet for it. Me and kelly are gonna plot something so start getting nervous. :D

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Originally posted by angelicious

It was funny I give you that, you had everyone at the bar dying of laughter, but I am gonna have to say it but me and kelly are gonna have to get you back. i didnt forget what you did to me over the summer, and i still havent gotten you back yet for it. Me and kelly are gonna plot something so start getting nervous. :D

whoa, im fuggin shaken.......................

ya can't get me j-mo, accept the fact, it's been like that since i tied you to that bumper back in the day and that mac truck dragged you across the parking lot in high school

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Originally posted by angelicious

It was funny I give you that, you had everyone at the bar dying of laughter, but I am gonna have to say it but me and kelly are gonna have to get you back. i didnt forget what you did to me over the summer, and i still havent gotten you back yet for it. Me and kelly are gonna plot something so start getting nervous. :D

jess....please add me to the group.....i would love to help plot against the digga and have been waiting for this opportunity for years......yeah, yeah, yeah.....way overdue.......burry this philopino pranksta gangsta.......your going down manu manu!!!!:laugh:

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

jess....please add me to the group.....i would love to help plot against the digga and have been waiting for this opportunity for years......yeah, yeah, yeah.....way overdue.......burry this philopino pranksta gangsta.......your going down manu manu!!!!:laugh:

hey liquidtouch, i mean dave............hey bud it's cool hop on wit da girls ya chump

plan all ya want i'll be glad to help ya out in plottin something against me..........!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by roddigga

hey liquidtouch, i mean dave............hey bud it's cool hop on wit da girls ya chump

plan all ya want i'll be glad to help ya out in plottin something against me..........!!!!!!!

no liquid touch would say....."hey beautiful...39 year old male here.....i dont know you but you remind me of a warm summer breeze and long walks on the beach.....wanna cyber"

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Originally posted by angelicious

Rod, is someone scared?:eek:

and dont think i forgot in highschool when you threw me in the school courtyard and locked me out when it was snowing and you all watched from the senior lunch room through the windows.

All this is comig back and i am getting mad :mad:

jessica.....i got back a roll of film a month ago from a camera i left at rods house.....with a picture of his roommate nick's ass with a big heart on it with my name in the middle......did i mention my mom got the film developed.......REVENGE MAFUKA!!!!!!

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