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I was just flipping channels, and I caught DMX talking about his song "X gonna give it to ya"... and he went on to say that he heard the beat, wrote it, and layed it on a track in 1 night, in an imprompt-to recording session...

now, while at face value that sounds great... if you think about it... how much really went into that song if it was created from conception to completion in one evening???

now, don't get me wrong... this thread isn't directed at DMX... It just got me thinking back to some bands of the early 90's that are considered to be "legends" or "icons" at this point... and how much went into their songs... days, weeks, months, etc..

it also dawned on me how artists used to be in charge of conceptualizing and the creative end of their music videos...

as i flip channels, day after day, it seems painfully obvious someone created a machine that you just plug in a few of the band's variables and it pops out a shiny clean video for all the teen demographic to enjoy...

now, i'm no elder, but if my memory serves... wasn't the point of music to convey emotion, or speak out about a cause, or something like that??? NOT to get rich, have hte #1 hit on TRL for 60 days straight, and go platinum in a week???

seems like everyone handed in their passion, beliefs, and angst for a new car and a record deal...

The grammys just passed... and very few artists used that venue to speakout about their views on the war or anything else... that used to be a common thing...

thoughts, questions, comments, opinions????

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Originally posted by joeg

I was just flipping channels, and I caught DMX talking about his song "X gonna give it to ya"... and he went on to say that he heard the beat, wrote it, and layed it on a track in 1 night, in an imprompt-to recording session...

now, while at face value that sounds great... if you think about it... how much really went into that song if it was created from conception to completion in one evening???

now, don't get me wrong... this thread isn't directed at DMX... It just got me thinking back to some bands of the early 90's that are considered to be "legends" or "icons" at this point... and how much went into their songs... days, weeks, months, etc..

it also dawned on me how artists used to be in charge of conceptualizing and the creative end of their music videos...

as i flip channels, day after day, it seems painfully obvious someone created a machine that you just plug in a few of the band's variables and it pops out a shiny clean video for all the teen demographic to enjoy...

now, i'm no elder, but if my memory serves... wasn't the point of music to convey emotion, or speak out about a cause, or something like that??? NOT to get rich, have hte #1 hit on TRL for 60 days straight, and go platinum in a week???

seems like everyone handed in their passion, beliefs, and angst for a new car and a record deal...

The grammys just passed... and very few artists used that venue to speakout about their views on the war or anything else... that used to be a common thing...

thoughts, questions, comments, opinions????

I don't know, The Beatles used to write a lot of songs like that, and I think they are a pretty safe bet to label brilliant and original.

But fuck DMX anyway, my dawg aint John Lennon by any means.

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it doesn't matter how long it takes you to produce the track. sometimes the sponteneity of things gives it an energy that cannot be replicated by careful and meticulous planning.

but i agree about the grammys - those that believed should have used it as a forum against bush and for the memory of those killed at concerts. it was weak.

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Originally posted by dialectics

it doesn't matter how long it takes you to produce the track. sometimes the sponteneity of things gives it an energy that cannot be replicated by careful and meticulous planning. .

oh, i definately agree... but it just seems like EVERY track is done like this... and it seems a bit fast for a track with a lot of lyrics... unless those lyrics are of coarse: "X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA!!!! ARF ARF!!!!! "


believe me, i'm not saying it can't be done... i just feel like EVERYONE is doing it with EVERY song... which just can't be right...

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Originally posted by Reeni

the grammy's asked the artist not to comment on the war during acceptance speeches or when presenting an award


that is almost as bad as clear channel saying you can't play and rage against the machine songs after 9/11. now is the time to celebrate america and how great it is that we are free to voice our opinions.

the trouble with this country is that we've found a way to circumvent free speech - money. they can't explicitly close libraries that don't install internet filters, but they can cut federal funding so they will be forced to shut down. people have been fired from news programs because their statements disagree with that of their sponsors or the conglomerate that owns them.

the only way around it is for technologists to end the tyranny of the mass media - the few to many sources of communication and make it just as easy for someone to surf through millions of different broadcasts (e.g. internet) as it is to surf through five (or 60) lame tv stations. then the onus is on the people to use free speech, expand their mind, question ALL authority, and educate themselves.

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Originally posted by joeg

I was just flipping channels, and I caught DMX talking about his song "X gonna give it to ya"... and he went on to say that he heard the beat, wrote it, and layed it on a track in 1 night, in an imprompt-to recording session...

now, while at face value that sounds great... if you think about it... how much really went into that song if it was created from conception to completion in one evening???

It happens. I used to be in a band with some of the guys from the Murderdolls, and one night we completely wrote a song from scratch and had it recorded within six hours, and it's still one of my fav tunes we did. But some of our other tracks took us a few weeks to fill out.

I've never found an exact formula for writing tunes. Sometimes ya just go with the flow and amazing shit happens.

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Originally posted by heretic909

It happens. I used to be in a band with some of the guys from the Murderdolls, and one night we completely wrote a song from scratch and had it recorded within six hours, and it's still one of my fav tunes we did. But some of our other tracks took us a few weeks to fill out.

I've never found an exact formula for writing tunes. Sometimes ya just go with the flow and amazing shit happens.

yeah, don't get me wrong... it can definately happen... and i'm sure it does... it just seems to me like EVERYONE is doing this for EVERY song... thats all...

i'm not knocking anyone who can do great work, quickly...

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