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South Beach Dead


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Originally posted by soniquarium

it not just sobe that has died a little. All though there are some great talented djs here. All of america has gotten a bit cheeser.

You really have to search to find good music and find the music lovers willing to be educated and listen to the possible future.

The same old same old is getting boring to everyone, including djs.

We need music to return to the heart and sole, to return to the true feeling the beats bring. To much prefab shit, to many labels and to many clubowners willing to sacrafice good music in the name of a pack club.

my mates from London are telling me its not much diffrent over there....same cheesy sounds over and over. From the Gallary to west end parties.

it deeply saddens me that i agree with you

It is time to disapear into the studios for a while....that is for sure.

But have faith in MIAMI....we have a great mix of people and someone will create something........but please as a newbe to SOBE....kill that fucking radio station 93.7............


electronic music is simply not a good clean word anymore... now with the rave act... dj and their ridiculous fees, and clubs having to go to extreme measures to pack the house, its hurting the scene in the long run:(


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Originally posted by soniquarium

it not just sobe that has died a little. All though there are some great talented djs here. All of america has gotten a bit cheeser.

You really have to search to find good music and find the music lovers willing to be educated and listen to the possible future.

The same old same old is getting boring to everyone, including djs.

We need music to return to the heart and sole, to return to the true feeling the beats bring. To much prefab shit, to many labels and to many clubowners willing to sacrafice good music in the name of a pack club.

my mates from London are telling me its not much diffrent over there....same cheesy sounds over and over. From the Gallary to west end parties.

It is time to disapear into the studios for a while....that is for sure.

But have faith in MIAMI....we have a great mix of people and someone will create something........but please as a newbe to SOBE....kill that fucking radio station 93.7............

I can't agree with this.

Progressive house has only emerged as a major force within the last couple of years. Before that is was disco-house fusion everywhere (ca 2000-2001) and before that 1999 trance was in full force. So to say that music has gotten stale or worse is just plain wrong (or very shortsighted).

It's been changing, you can't just look at it month by month.

This past WMC was awesome for music, the DJs were some of the best ever (Howells, Kleinenberg, Sasha/Digweed, Tomeii etc etc brought the goods). That was just in March, not too long ago.

Finally we don't have Saleen on here anymore saying that dance music is 'OVA' (which drives me crazy to no end).

And are you talking about 93.1??? Find me ANY radio station either in the states or in Europe that plays what you want to hear during the DAY and WEEKNIGHT and have to rely on commercials? It doesn't exist. That's a tough balancing act, at least they PLAY music with a 4/4 beat, no matter how cheesy you think it is.

BUT COME SATURDAY AND SUNDAY nights they put on shows that rival ANY station here or in europe for dance music. ANY.

So people stop bitching to attract attention. If you think it's so bad now you haven't been in the scene very long.

I've been listening to dance music since 1990 and personally I think the music coming out today is as good or better than anything before.

And to talk about SoBe being dead?? They play more quality shit at Crobar, Opium, Nikki Beach than ever for a commercially oriented club for the common party goer. Don't even get me started about Space....unrivaled. Even at Mynt the music is tough as nails.

Don't forget the years 1994-1996 when Crobar used to be Cameo with Party 96 parties on Friday and Saturday, and Pacha and Bash were the hot spots where they'd play euro-disco (Rythm of the Night etc).

No, for the dance music fan, it has never been as good as today.

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South beach is dead for one reason only and thats all the hip hop crap and its really dark out there now if you know what i mean :mad: The beach is really really not the same anymore since they brought that stupid memorial weekend hip hop festival down here a few years back I mean with this topic you really got me started cause i use to like going to level and going to the beach you know to hang but its like hanging out in ghettoville and being part of a rap video :mad: Its really sad to say but it wasn't always like that and to be honest the dance scene is actually moving to ft. lauderdale most of their clubs cater to: Trnace, House, Breaks and so on....... someplaces of course play hip hop but not like south beach now :( well would luv to hear the feed back

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Washington Avenue is dying, more specifically...the better clubs on the beach are off of Washington...like over on 23rd Street for example...

Downtown is thriving...Space 34, NV, I will admit, is starting to show signs of life even, and Nocturnal is going to bowl people over...:)

Lauderdale is, and will be second fiddle to the Miami area...I don't see myself going up there on a regular basis anytime soon other than to visit friends.

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I agree with a previous posting that stated that South Beach is super-saturated with thuggish hip-hop clubs. The funny thing is that I live here in South Beach and never run into these thugs when I go to the supermarket, out to eat, pharmacy, etc.

I know hip-hop is all the rage now but I and other people that live on the Beach will start frequenting more local nightlife if the promoters here will start catering to us and to not the thugs that live in Overtown, Liberty City, etc. Sorry I don't drive an Escalade or a Hummer and I don't wear gold teeth and Allen Iverson jersey when I go out on a Saturday night, which leaves me with Space, Crobar and Nerve on some nights.

As the movie "Field of Dreams" stated "Build it and they will come."

Just my 2 cents and if I offended anyone, get over it.

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Hey HomerSimpson I'm glad i have a back up on this topic because the beach is thuglife right now and its actually quite discusting :blank: I thought you went to a club to have a good time, dance, meet people and enjoy the environment. I guess the beach rather have gold teeth, skank hoes, thugs trying to be hard, chaotic scene and just str8 up garbage attend their clubs. Hopefully Downtown will keep the scene alive here in Miami because SOBE has definetly lost the battle to the hip hop and rap crap. When people think miami they think hip hop and find it suprisingly that we have a dance or rave scene :eek: But i'm glad to here feedback from every1 cause i do respect peoples opinions and thoughts. So lets keep our fingers crossed that downtown doesn't sell out for the hip hop scene as the beach has done :blown: If it was up to me space wouldn'y have a hip hop room or a nite just to make sure that element didn't come around but thats just my view ;)

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you gotta problem wit da thug life.... well here's an easy solution to that dilemma, DON'T GO TO THOSE CLUBS, or any where near them

there are still a lot of good locals friendly house music nights around, more than you'll find in a lot of other cities in the US, so quit bitchin, that thug thing sucks I know, but just avoid it...

You want local, go to Blue tonight, me and DJ Cue spin house the way it was meant to be, down and dirty, underground and floor moving....

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Originally posted by eKiTeL

you gotta problem wit da thug life.... well here's an easy solution to that dilemma, DON'T GO TO THOSE CLUBS, or any where near them

I do avoid the thug clubs as do most people that live in South Beach. But I'll be willing to check out Blue to look for an alternative. I guess the big beef people like myself have is that we pay high rents and costs of living to live here and when you have throngs of thugs in your neighborhood throwing garbage in the streets, harassing your girlfriend, starting fights, drinking and pissing in public you need to vent. I've got no problem with anyone as long as you behave in a somewhat civilized manner. I know the city of Miami Beach has put many ordinances in effect to fight this problem but the cops can't be everywhere at once.

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ok I see what you mean, I live on the Beach too, though I never really have a problem with these people since I live a away from the main strip, the only thing the city could do is outlaw hip-hop music, which is obviously not possible...

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Originally posted by lightshow79

South beach is dead for one reason only and thats all the hip hop crap and its really dark out there now if you know what i mean :mad: The beach is really really not the same anymore since they brought that stupid memorial weekend hip hop festival down here a few years back I mean with this topic you really got me started cause i use to like going to level and going to the beach you know to hang but its like hanging out in ghettoville and being part of a rap video :mad: Its really sad to say but it wasn't always like that and to be honest the dance scene is actually moving to ft. lauderdale most of their clubs cater to: Trnace, House, Breaks and so on....... someplaces of course play hip hop but not like south beach now :( well would luv to hear the feed back

your going to have bad elements regardless, of what neighborhood your in. you can't selectively choose who comes to SOBE, any more then you can pick who your neighbor is. I live on SOBE and have for some 4 years now. personally I don't care what color your skin is, or what type of music you like. just conduct yourself in a respectable manner. there is quite a difference between, SOBE during a typical weekday; versus SOBE during the weekend. there is just a lot a rift raft that just floats around, looking and inciting problems. it is that element which must be removed." THE DARK" element comes in all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities. IMO to think otherwise, would be exhibiting certain degree of unawareness.. ;)
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hey listen guyz i respect all ur opinions and views, maybe the hip hop music might not be all bad but just what type of people and behavior it attracts is what ruins it and makes it to me so unattractive. I can't stand people like what homersipmson said in his last post, they are disrespectful, out to prove something to their goldteethed boyz, looking to do nothing but start trouble and its true what he said also how they sometimes mess with your girl to get you upset and start something. Hasn't happened to me but has happened to friends of mine and to me there is no need for that, but i guess it comes with the hip hop game. It sad to say they we have to go to the beach on a weekday to enjoy dance music but these thugs and ghetto ass people have the weekend to take over Sobe and some of you seem ok with this like we should be grateful that we at least have the weekday. I forgot who said for me to stop bitching but its not that i'm bitching just stating my opinion and civil right to speak about what i feel is wrong and not right just as you have the right to do the same and i respect that, i don't call it bitching i call it expressing concern about a scene i truly want to stay and not vanish or dissappear back to the shadows. P.L.U.R.

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I watched the beach change and morph over 10 years. I lived there for a time, when it was worse than it is now. I've watched it get cleaned up, bums (almost) gone, everything shiny, new, and hip. This "decline" is expected by me, as I knew the glitter couldn't last forever. The same bums are back, and more trash litters the streets.

Boy am I glad I didn't buy a condo there, like some of my friends. Good long term investment, as it's prime real estate, and always will be...but now the beach is returning to it's roots, albeilt a little different than before. I've talked with friends who work in corporate and residental development, who have plans to revive the beach in about 5 - 7 years from now. They are waiting for the "peak" of the decline before they make their first moves, and from what I heard, it will be amazing, and will include the hip-hop( &/jazz/raggae) music that's becoming popular on the beach, and elsewhere

The scene is not declining, but changing. It does seem effected by our difficult economic times, when people don't have as much discretionary income as they used to. The parties aren't quite as ornate, but I've enjoyed some great nights out this past year, with dances, fashion shows, and other various forms of entertainment that suit me just fine. As far as the hip hop invasion, well, don't you think whatever dominated the beach in the 60's was driven out by 70's dance music, and so on? Nothing lasts forever, and the only thing constant is...change.

heh heh heh 666 posts :flame: I'm feeling diabolical right now, BWHAHAHAHAAAA!

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Originally posted by lightshow79

hey listen guyz i respect all ur opinions and views, maybe the hip hop music might not be all bad but just what type of people and behavior it attracts is what ruins it and makes it to me so unattractive. I can't stand people like what homersipmson said in his last post, they are disrespectful, out to prove something to their goldteethed boyz, looking to do nothing but start trouble and its true what he said also how they sometimes mess with your girl to get you upset and start something. Hasn't happened to me but has happened to friends of mine and to me there is no need for that, but i guess it comes with the hip hop game. It sad to say they we have to go to the beach on a weekday to enjoy dance music but these thugs and ghetto ass people have the weekend to take over Sobe and some of you seem ok with this like we should be grateful that we at least have the weekday. I forgot who said for me to stop bitching but its not that i'm bitching just stating my opinion and civil right to speak about what i feel is wrong and not right just as you have the right to do the same and i respect that, i don't call it bitching i call it expressing concern about a scene i truly want to stay and not vanish or dissappear back to the shadows. P.L.U.R.

if you think the hip-hop culture is the only group, contribtuitng to the demise of SOBE. you're living in a dream world. know one really seemed to mind two much a few years ago, when shadow lounge, the mix, etc. where around. and you had e-tard's roaming the streets, drunks passing out, peeps being rushed to emergency rooms for overdosing, peeps pissing behind buildings, people fornicating in public (ever wonder my flamingo park is off limits after 12midnight), etc. now we move a few years forward. the hip-hop culture and their music ,have done what electronicia music and its culture once did. they dominate SOBE nightlife. IMO that does not seem to sit to well with some peeps. well guess what? get over it or change it.

ever wonder why the city of Miami Beach, will give approval to a three day hip-hop festival. but conversely will stay clear of electronic festivals. it's about $$$ and PERCEPTION.

I’m okay with people coming to SOBE and enjoying themselves. without any preconceived views about their music, clothing, appearance, etc. I’m not okay with people, coming to the beach and causing problems. I'm not naïve enough, to believe that BAD Element falls into ONE model.

I enjoy the beach more during the weekday, but not as much during the weekend. however that doesn't mean ,I go into lock down mode during the weekend. it just means I pick my spots, remain conscious of what is, going on around me, and adapt appropriately

maybe it's my New York up bringing, but I can adjust myself to any social situation.it's all a matter of putting, your personal views aside, and dealing with the true reality of the situation.;)

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Hey groove eric thats what i mean just like you just said does it still exist and the answer is NO Unless ur a gangsta thug or infatuated with hip hop the beach right now is losing its european crowd and they are taking their dollars else where you think they wanna hear Nelly or P. Diddy or maybe Trick Daddy I don't think so they come to enjoy dancing and partying and hearing dance music from Dj's as Edgar V, Ivano Bellini, George Acosta, Roland, maybe if special dj's are down like Oakenfold, Tiesto, Sasha, Digweed, Scot Project, and so on ........................... no Master P or his soldiers as he puts it. Look i guess you Mr. Sobeton have to accept it cause you live there and swallow that mess but people like me who appreciate our dance scene don't and we will take our dollars where we can hear and indulge in the great sounds of Trance, Breaks, House, ETc........ so i'm now hoping that the beach wakes up and realizes the garbage that is being attracted maybe they should move their hip hop crap on the weekdays and leave the weekend to the dance crowd and people who have fun and dance and bring that good and live Vibe. Again is just my view maybe some won't agree but the ones that have truly shown their agreement thank you for seeing and opening your eyes to whats really going on in SOBE. P.L.U.R.

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Originally posted by lightshow79

Mr. Sobeton have to accept it cause you live there and swallow that mess but people like me who appreciate our dance scene don't and we will take our dollars where we can hear and indulge in the great sounds of Trance, Breaks, House, ETc........ so i'm now hoping that the beach wakes up and realizes the garbage that is being attracted maybe they should move their hip hop crap on the weekdays and leave the weekend to the dance crowd and people who have fun and dance and bring that good and live Vibe. Again is just my view maybe some won't agree but the ones that have truly shown their agreement thank you for seeing and opening your eyes to whats really going on in SOBE. P.L.U.R.

actually I don't HAVE to live, on SOBE I choose to live here, and am quite content with my surroundings for the most part. as far your appreciation for the dance music scene, I to share that passion. probably more so then yourself. I just choose not to go through life, letting my insecurities overwhelm me.. it's funny you mention europeans. when was the last time you where in europe? it might interest you to know, hip hop is as popular there, as it is here. thus they are quite in tune with that scene, I would venture say probably more so then yourself.

P.L.U.R.. :laugh: you have got to be kidding me.. do you have any idea, what the premise behind that is?:blank:

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First of All I was in the Military and traveled all of Europe so don't tell me about europe and also about PEace, Love, Unity and respect. Let me get this clear i'm not on here to challenge ur status on the dance scene or whatever you might think expressing opinion is what i'm doing and so are you so don't take it to the heart i'm leaving it at that. Thats how i feel about the beach and its scene right now as do others i'm not the only 1. O and When i mean every where in europe i mean everywhere also been to canada and Puerto Rico and Norway and Egypt and Turkey so plz don't bring have i ever left where i live speech Thanks and keep P.L.U.R. Alive along with the Scene

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Originally posted by sobeton

it might interest you to know, hip hop is as popular there, as it is here. thus they are quite in tune with that scene, I would venture say probably more so then yourself.

Hip hop is popular in Europe too, but dance music is more "mainstream" than here, if you see what I'm trying to say.

The mainstream dance music here sucks major @$$.

Long live Party 93.1

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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