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Anyone listening to Howard Stern?

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I am not sticking up for brittney in any way but...

He doesn't have to put her laundry out man I personally think it makes him look like a sucker. It's the equivalent a woman saying her ex boyfreind has a small dick. It just proves to me he GOT ABUSED by her. I am also a little pissed about his pussy pansy ass remark he made at the award show the other night...

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I never liked Fred Durst b/c of the cocky asshole he has always been. Why he is like that, we will never know. Hasn't looked at himself obviously.

Whether or not they were together, no one really knows...

Whether or not he "ate her ass out" no one really knows either.

It could be true but it could also be bull shit he is completely making up for being shot down publically, which you have to admit is pretty humiliating. And on TRL no less....THE HORROR!!


I personally think the man is delusional and is trying to make himself look better.

Let's not forget that a month ago he was saying how much in love he was with her on his website (which is weird in itself)...

I hope we are all in "agreeance" here....;)

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Originally posted by tripinchick

I think he's just lashing out after Britney shot him down on MTV.

Gee ya think...the same exact thing happened about 2 years ago with Durst & Christina Aguilera. He wanted a piece and she publicly trashed him saying how she would never want anything to do with him, bla bla bla. So he started sayin shit about her out of left field. Same thing here...he was working with her on a song for her new album, wanted a piece, but she wasnt havin it, so he goes around sayin shit like that. Its high school all over again for these people.

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Originally posted by mangos

Gee ya think...the same exact thing happened about 2 years ago with Durst & Christina Aguilera. He wanted a piece and she publicly trashed him saying how she would never want anything to do with him, bla bla bla. So he started sayin shit about her out of left field. Same thing here...he was working with her on a song for her new album, wanted a piece, but she wasnt havin it, so he goes around sayin shit like that. Its high school all over again for these people.

I agree...

The guy obviously has the maturity level of a 5 yr old.

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