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Baaaaaad People...


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Why is it that bad people always get what they want ?? For example: There's one person who's a hard worker, nice to others etc & then there's the asshole...who manipulates, selfish, mean etc. Why is it that good people finish last & the idiots who don't deserve shit get everything w/out putting in hardly any effort in

Will these people get what they really deserve later on in life ?? Or will the good ones just have to suffer & slave for nothing....ANyway I hate people who have good luck & don't deserve it...While the good people out there get the shaft :mad:

Sorry ~ just a little vent :)

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Why is it that bad people always get what they want ??

Will these people get what they really deserve later on in life ??

Sorry ~ just a little vent :)

Bad people always get what they want its true.

It seems like if you're a bad person, you have a good life...if you're a good person you have a crappy life. Unfortunately i'm beginning to doubt that bad people will get what they deserve later on.

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Because unfortunately, the way that society is and the social constructs we have created for ourselves, nice people often get stepped on..

Sometimes I seriously feel like it's every man for himself.

People are pushy and conniving and ruthless in life. And those are the ones that get what they want a lot of the time.

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Well, you know, my boss is the EPITOME of a bad person that gets what he wants.

He's the Managing Supervisor of our records dept. Def. makes good money, gets to tell people what to do, etc..

BUT, and this is a big BUT,,, bad/mean people are never fully satisfied, never gleefull, never truly happy.

Now if i could take being nice but dealing with shit, or being a bad ass that gets his/her way more often but never is content, I'd take the former in a heartbeat :aright:

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Ehhh...it just gets me frustrated...I was thinking about people (friends in particular) who I used to associate myself with that ALWAYS had good luck with EVERYTHING who by no means deserved it....I guess I would rather be happy knowing I'm a genuine person over knowing I'm a toxic person getting what I want based on being EVIL LoL....But once in a while it would be nice to be rewarded in some way...Have some good things come my way but oh wellll....

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Originally posted by sweetie029

But once in a while it would be nice to be rewarded in some way...Have some good things come my way but oh wellll....

Well, for starters, life isn't always fair. THat's the unanswerable question for everyone: that people who don't deserve credit get credit.

No offense , but your last sentence sounds kinda sad. Do you NEVER get credit where credit is due?

Cuz i must say, im a nice guy, go out of my way, and occassionally do get rewarded, be it from people thanking me for listening to them/offering advice, or getting a compliment for a job well done at work.

You prolly get rewarded, it's just not always overt

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Originally posted by sweetie029

Why is it that bad people always get what they want ?? For example: There's one person who's a hard worker, nice to others etc & then there's the asshole...who manipulates, selfish, mean etc. Why is it that good people finish last & the idiots who don't deserve shit get everything w/out putting in hardly any effort in

Will these people get what they really deserve later on in life ?? Or will the good ones just have to suffer & slave for nothing....ANyway I hate people who have good luck & don't deserve it...While the good people out there get the shaft :mad:

Sorry ~ just a little vent :)

That is so true, I cant stand it. Its true in other aspects of life too...for example...i hate those bitchy girls that deserve nothing, yet their boyfriends kiss the ground they walk on and give them the world...ugh! mean people suck:mad:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

No offense , but your last sentence sounds kinda sad. Do you NEVER get credit where credit is due?

I do get credit where it's do at times.....I'm by no means trying to feel sorry for myself...I'm just at a point right now where when I thought things couldn't get ANY worse......they did....I'm just pissed at the fact that these types of people constantly have good things in their favor....I'm jealous!! LoL:mad:

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

That is so true, I cant stand it. Its true in other aspects of life too...for example...i hate those bitchy girls that deserve nothing, yet their boyfriends kiss the ground they walk on and give them the world...ugh! mean people suck:mad:

Ha..I know someone who fits that description perfectly....Ungrateful bitches I tell ya :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sweetie029

I do get credit where it's do at times.....I'm by no means trying to feel sorry for myself...I'm just at a point right now where when I thought things couldn't get ANY worse......they did....I'm just pissed at the fact that these types of people constantly have good things in their favor....I'm jealous!! LoL:mad:

Damn, i hate those moments. I hope u get better. It can ONLY get better now :isok:

These people may get their way, but they will be forever unhappy people. If you think about it that way, i actually feel sorry for them ~

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is this the unoffical 'im a hater' thread..shit happens...ull get urs...ppl always do..and as far as luck and whos deserving goes...its luck...it just happens that why its called luck

im a firm believer that if u want somthing bad enough and are really willing to give it an effort u will recieve it...anything is possible

and if somthing doesnt happen exactly they way u wanted it..like u dont win the lotto...u gotta look at the reasons why ..maybe u didnt need to..maybe ur already rich

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Originally posted by Destiny

Bad people always get what they want its true.

It seems like if you're a bad person, you have a good life...if you're a good person you have a crappy life. Unfortunately i'm beginning to doubt that bad people will get what they deserve later on.

I agree! I think people good or bad get what they want alike... I just think people tend to look MORE at the bad people or the bad things people do to get there, cause its just an easier route to travel. I believe it all catches up to you eventually... Being good is just the RIGHT way... And what goes around comes around! :idea:

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