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Attn: Angelicious. PLease please talkto me. Im sorry.

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Well, I was at Caruso's thursday and tried to ask out J-mo (angelicious) and she laughed in my face. I was sincere. I really do love you. I dont want to be gay anymore. I'm tired of waking up in the morning with sperm-farts and jizz-breath. I want to be a straight heterosexual male. But listen Jess, if you do decide to give me a chance my penis is only 3 inches long fully erect. Maybe we still have a chance????

why am i so pathetic. im sucha fucking loserrrr. Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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Originally posted by r0ddigga

Well, I was at Caruso's thursday and tried to ask out J-mo (angelicious) and she laughed in my face. I was sincere. I really do love you. I dont want to be gay anymore. I'm tired of waking up in the morning with sperm-farts and jizz-breath. I want to be a straight heterosexual male. But listen Jess, if you do decide to give me a chance my penis is only 3 inches long fully erect. Maybe we still have a chance????

why am i so pathetic. im sucha fucking loserrrr. Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


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ok kosta time to wake up and pass the keyboard ova................

thanks for fillin in my shoes while i was taken the screwdriver outta my head that got jammed into my temples after deko..............

but you gotta do better than this butter nuts i let it slide all weekend cause your post were actually given me a smerck and a bit of a knee slap, but your creativity blows, kelly played a better digga, so sign on as a fake "rafiy" next time, maybe you'll actually make some sense and make more people laugh then put them to sleep......................................

so i'll HOWL at ya later kostaP............

and to kelly0616 don't be jelouse my dove, i will swoop thee off her feet whenever you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



ya can never be betta then the original!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by kelly0616

:bounce::clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :constipa:

kelly, i know it is very hard for you to type when you are on clowd nine and i see you like to use sign language with all these farken smily faces, BUT ya gotta unserstand who your replying to and i can't read smily faces..........................

so bounce, clap, clap, clap, clao and shit, right back at ya, sounds like lyrics to a hip hop song!!!!!!!!!!!1

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"sperm farts and jizz breath" LOLOLOLOL fuggin kostaP, that was actually a good fuggin line, digga likes that one, i take that back ya actually play a good digga..............

if you could have seen the excitement on a certain CP member saturday night that couldn't hold it in and tell me who the "fake r0digga was" COME ON NOW GIRL!!!!!!!!!

ya think that anticipation was really not lettin sleep at night, it made me sleep easier, put a smile on my face nowing that people like kosta want to be me.......................

and i knew it was him for a while but was gettin to amused by the whole thing...................

thanks kostaP i'd throw ya a digga chest bump, but your weak ass will prob fall over, so i'll just tap ya on the shoulder and let ya buy me a drink..................................

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