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Im throwing a fiesta.....

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Yes i am renting out shark bar.....my favorite place to hang and having the 3 stooges as my promoters. im going to play my fiddy cent cd all night and dance like im "in da club" for all my mofos that come to the stooge and my party! all of cp is invited. this is going to be a fundraiser so i can get more anal beeds cuz i ran out!!! hhoolllllaaaa.................

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omg roddiggaa, this is SOOOOOOOOO funny, i actually met the promotors "the stooges" this shoud be a good night

i actually have new timberlands and paco gear i have been dying to sport for this pahte!!!!!!

i havent slept in hours hun, i have been smokin marijuana all day and i haven got any homework done, k rock has been sittin on the couch all morning scrathing his nuts and picking his nose and i want to eat but it has been grossin me out

oh roddiggaa i will def come to sharkk bar with you, b/c i would def like to share anal beeds with you, i havent' eaten corn in weeks just so we can have are moment together and not have any accidents like i did last time............

higs and kisses


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i appologize for this other roddigga with the extra A, apparently CP has retard auditions that i am not aware of, sorta like AMERCAN IDOLS the best of the worst..........

so please allow this roddigga with the extra A to post, so she, i mean he can laugh herself to sleep............

go ahead digga with the extra A, please amuse yourself and do not laugh too hard when you are posting you may drop the bowl..............and spill some bud

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Alright we already got one "yes" . And i just thought of something else. We will be giving out a complimentary anal beed and ding dong at the door. Ill even let you pick it out of my ass. Maybe ill even get jiggy wit some of the ladies or gents on the DL also. My partner in crime Dave will be running stooge security and watch out now???!!! :idea::confused::eek:

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Originally posted by roddigga

i appologize for this other roddigga with the extra A, apparently CP has retard auditions that i am not aware of, sorta like AMERCAN IDOLS the best of the worst..........

so please allow this roddigga with the extra A to post, so she, i mean he can laugh herself to sleep............

go ahead digga with the extra A, please amuse yourself and do not laugh too hard when you are posting you may drop the bowl..............and spill some bud

:laugh: :laugh:

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yes thank you all for planning on coming..you will not be let down. stooge parties r great. at the end of the night there will be a stampede for coats, shit and blood in the bathrooms and no tipping aloud at the bar. (HAHA ANGELICIOUS)

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