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Last night's Reveiws

Guest genevieve

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Guest genevieve

Even though I was kinda disapointed that Seaman sold us out; I did like that " Ali Babba" guy replacing Dave. What's his name? I've never heard or seen him before. He seemed to be playing alot of the "big tunes" we all know so well (you'll never hear me complain). All I have to say is Deep Dish went OFF thE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They definatly topped off the night!!! I got so lost and over taken when DD was playing; I had totally forgot about Austin Leads!!!!!!! Did anyone catch him? I only saw him for a good 1/2 hour. It's all good my friends!!!!!!!!!!!PEACE&LOVE

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Guest genevieve

Meta4z, Atomic, James,

I didn't see anyone last night but, I did have some strange being come up to me on the dance floor and try to telepathicly tell me something? Then he starts rubbing his hands on me. All I was thinking was,"Is this one of the Club Planet.com members or just some guy feeling extra loving? Or both?" rolleyes.gif

[This message has been edited by genevieve (edited 07-04-2000).]

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hey all...this is my review i posted for global underground in full. enjoy! -james



well, well, well.... better late than never! after an exausting week of work i'm still buzzing about this party! i had such a great time! best night out since the conference, damn...one of the best nights ever!!

jon opened up with a nice building set, a little bit deeper than i'm used to from him. i heard a few bumps, but i pass that due to the placement of the monitors in the booth. jon played one of the best tracks of the night, i just wish i could remember how it went, so i could ask you! oh well... over all another nice set.

then pappa came up and went on to work his magic. right off the bat he busted in with a swooping turn of the EFX nob and bam the set began. i love it when a dj isn't afraid to work some of himself into a track. drop the bass, tweek the EQ. thats what makes pappa so fun to hear. i really wanted to go into the next room and hear wink for a while but i just kept on coming back to pappa for more. this was the first time i've seen pappa since last fall and he was stellar again. he had lots of interaction w/ the crowd, looking as if he was really enjoying himself. i can't wait til he comes back.

all though i was really into pappa's set i did manage to make it over to listen to wink for a short time. he had his room groovin and the vibe felt right. josh seemed to be having a great time too. bouncing his wavy blond curls and a constant ear to ear grin. next time he comes, i'd like to see him in the main room!

right as i came back into the main room, deep dish was about to come on. i have to say... they basically picked up where tenaglia left off back in march. just a deep assault of bass and spooky sounds from nowhere. and just when you thought the pounding wouldn't stop, they'd pull a fast one and drop something really beautiful and progressive. midway through their set is when the nitrous fog machine blasted us for the first time of the night. it was placed perfectly. but a few hours later they even one up'd it. they took the club to silence...then the fog machine began to roar. (if you've been in a club with cyrogenics you know what i mean). they let it blast us for what seemed to be a couple of minutes, but the sound system remained silent. then the lighting guy flashed us with the strobs and deep dish dropped another beautiful bomb! the club erupted!! it was one of the most dramatic things i've seen in a club! goosebumps. deep dish closed out but i don't think they wanted it to end. neither one of them made much eye contact w/ the crowd, they remained VERY focused but you could tell they were into it. i know i was. *note... sorry i missed your set austin, but i just could not pull myself away from deep dish...

now for all the smiling familiar faces, this is starting to become a family! tom, rob, meghan, katie, christine, adriana, jon, jenny, patrick, bonnie, marick, jay, mike... (sorry if i forgot anybody!) this is what it's all about!!

and a few notes for estaban...looking forward to meeting you in the near future. i think bonnies comments about the sound system were not complaints. it's just (as franklin will tell you) "twilo has the best sound system in the world!" i personally love space, the club, the sound system, everything. the way tribal rhythm pounds through those walls is incredible. i've never been to twilo, but space has the best sound system i've ever heard. and that goes for over 10 years of clubbing!

i'm not sure i should post this here, but i'd like to make a few more suggestions for space....

i personally feel that space is the type of venue that can make a worldwide name for itself. this venue is just amazing. i think that establishing a solid relationship with renaissance is a GIANT step towards achiveing this idenity. the first step was taken during the conference with danny tenaglia. this event made a lasting impression on clubbers worldwide that attended. i have yet to speak with anyone that does not 100% think that that night was the best night they have ever been witness too. this is the kind of reputation that space needs to continue build on. i also think that space is in a position to educate the clubbers of miami. i'd like to see more international talent in the coming months, and since "season" is just around the corner, space miami could easily become like space ibiza. we've got the beaches, the weather. we just need a good solid commitment to bring regular weekly talent. also right now miami lacks a good solid resident dj. i'm talking the caliber of john digweed, sasha, danny tenaglia, dave seaman, deep dish, anthony pappa, nick warren ect. a dj who truly brings a crowd. i'd also like to see global underground throwing parties at space. these are the things that really make people worldwide take notice of a club. look at the reputation twilo has built up. well anyways...just a few ideas to ponder over.

as for my wish list for the next renaissance/bliss/space party.... john digweed, dave seaman, ian ossia. load up the other rooms w/ the same quality locals as july 3 and we'll all show up!! again! special thanks to geoff oakes, jon cowan and space!!


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