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Congress Seeks to Ban Music and Dancing - please get off your asses!

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Originally posted by pkern

Well, yes and no. i can understand the need for separate smoking sections - but i do have a problem with the current ridiculous and disproportionate reaction to smokers - as if we're running around, injecting people with cancer.

I mean, c'mon. Are people really dropping dead from having sat in a smokey bar for a few hours? I bet the nine pints of Guiness they drink cause much more physical harm.

We're turning into a country of puritans, and we keep trying to legislate morality. Lighten up, folks. You're gonna die anyway, even if you never smoke, drop a pill, whatever.

it doens't matter Whether or not those pints of guiness are hurting them. It's not about which substance is more dangerous. It's about infringment of rights smoking in its self no matter how miniscule infringes on the health of people and that's all that really matters. Now what I don't agree with is telling private institutions what to do. That's fucked up gotta find a happy medium I guess we gotta stop people from pushing thier veiws on us damn liberals

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Originally posted by siceone

who was talking about the artists I was talking about the sub culture.

big difference.

subculture built around artistic foundations, no? You think the producers don't make music to interact w/ the substances? The blinking lights are to help you read a book?

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Originally posted by Randy

subculture built around artistic foundations, no? You think the producers don't make music to interact w/ the substances? The blinking lights are to help you read a book?

there are blinking lights at rock concerts too friend go read the sub culture is built around the music not the artist because as long as there is the music people wont even care who's pumping it out. again you're wrong man.

strobes lasers and lights of all sorts have been in use for years they weren't invented to blow you up.

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Originally posted by siceone

Name me a subculture that glorified drug use so openly More so than the american dance music subculture.

I dunno, how about hippies?

ever heard hte line "sex, drugs, and rock and roll?"

people seem to be getting high in the rset of hte world too.

perhaps the only reason to glorify the existence of the consumption is simply to throw that back into the face of authority. young people do like to break rules and doing drugs is an easy way breaking rules.

instead of harping on the natural inclinations of people to explore enjoyable altered states, how about bitching about the retarded laws in the first place?

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Originally posted by Randy

I dunno, how about hippies?

ever heard hte line "sex, drugs, and rock and roll?"

people seem to be getting high in the rset of hte world too.

perhaps the only reason to glorify the existence of the consumption is simply to throw that back into the face of authority. young people do like to break rules and doing drugs is an easy way breaking rules.

instead of harping on the natural inclinations of people to explore enjoyable altered states, how about bitching about the retarded laws in the first place?

yeah and look what happened to them I forgot to put since the 60's and try a contemporary sub culture Cmon man you're gonna argue todays issues with yesterdays info. We know what happened to the hippie movement their overt drug use got them nothing but trouble and on top of that killed off dozens of the most talented musicians. to boot

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Originally posted by siceone

yeah and look what happened to them I forgot to put since the 60's and try a contemporary sub culture Cmon man you're gonna argue todays issues with yesterdays info. We know what happened to the hippie movement their overt drug use got them nothing but trouble and on top of that killed off dozens of the most talented musicians. to boot

Actually - and i'm not necessarily advocating drug use here - but the 60s are in some ways an example of successful drug use. Nobody's brain exploded from LSD like the government predicted - the masses didn't go crazy, just like our spines haven't turned into mush from ecstasy. And at least the 60s had a philosophy and some political conviction. What do we stand for? At one time, rave culture did stand for the same peace and community as the hippies did, but unfortunately this message seems to be lost (with some exceptions - dave seaman nights at vinyl for example) .

Also many of those 60s musicians died from alcohol, not drugs. or, they died from a bad combination. Also, most were depressed. Think of all the other artists who've blow their heads off or drank themselves to death throughout history.

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Bush's rating is sliping. Should we bomb someone already? 'Wag the dog' anyone?

I think the solution is not less drugs. We all know the cliche of 'more people die of lung cancer from cigarettes than from drug use' but what else can you say? the only reason that alcohol is legal is because people rebelled against prohibition in the 20s and because it still has strong lobbying in congress. Mobsters made fortunes while the government was chaising its tail.

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