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Only 'anti-war' citizens are news


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Brent Bozell

March 5, 2003

Only 'anti-war' citizens are news

Our world is full of danger. Think about it: Virtually everyone on Earth is threatened by evil people. Centuries ago, Edmund Burke handed reluctant warriors against evil in our time the billboard message to answer today's "peace" rallies: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Only in America (surprise) is the public heeding Burke's warning. The latest CBS News poll found that when asked, straight up, if they approved or disapproved of "the United States taking military action against Iraq to try to remove Saddam Hussein from power," 66 percent are in favor, and only 29 percent opposed. City blocks full of people armed with nasty signs railing against that alleged Nazi terrorist, George Bush, have not shaken the American people's support for the president and his mission. The public wants to support the United Nations -- which the media have presented as less controversial than either Mother Teresa or the Boy Scouts -- but they do not favor doing nothing in the face of evil.

And yet the American media are celebrating those leftists who want the forces of good to do nothing on Iraq. That's not quite correct, come to think of it. The "peace" protesters certainly don't recognize that our side is good or that the other side is evil. Many don't see any discernible moral difference between President Bush and Saddam Hussein. They don't see any moral difference between American possession of weapons of mass destruction and Saddam's acquisition of them. Some are so fixated on their disdain that they have no time to consider this fellow in Iraq as another Hitler. The beauty of the "anti-war" message is you don't have to be for or against anything, except against war, at any time, for any reason.

Isn't it amazing that liberals, who are perpetually congratulating themselves for their unparalleled sophistication and their ability to corner the market on nuance, approach the prospect of war on television with little more intellectual heft than the rudimentary idea that war is bad? Slacker rock stars mouth their "agreeance" with it at the Grammy awards show, and we simply accept that this camp seems incapable of mental exercise.

Our 21st century flower children won't confront the ugly reality of what happens if Saddam Hussein is left to keep accumulating weapons of mass destruction. They only symbolically place flowers in gun barrels and wonder why everyone can't bask in the glow of their virtue. They cannot comprehend the moral absurdity of unalloyed pacifism, the consequences of projecting weakness and endless diplomatic dithering. What if "peace" activism makes war down the road more likely and more lethal?

With all the desperation of a camp that feels it's losing the battle for public opinion, the media are avoiding any hard questions for their protesting pals. Instead, they're stepping up the praise for the perpetually "growing anti-war movement." It's reminiscent of how Dana Carvey always joked in his impression of Bush the Elder that Dan Quayle was "still gaining acceptance." Newsweek's "Conventional Wisdom" box pitched the old spin that the "not-so-silent minority is respectable and growing fast." Who's stretching now?

Last week, some reporters celebrated those "human shield" oddballs who traveled to Baghdad to stand in front of military targets and dare American forces to kill them. ABC's Dan Harris worried about the "problem" these idiots have to "avoid being tools of the Iraqi government" when Saddam is providing food and housing. The New York Times channeled the outrage of Ken Nichols O'Keefe: "They are not using me. I am here voluntarily. What is Saddam Hussein supposed to say? 'No, they can't do it'?" Is this man really so deluded as to think that Saddam is powerless in deciding which fools to import? These people aren't "shields" to glorify. They're traitors putting American soldiers and missions at risk.

Why not schedule some air time for the millions of Americans who aren't protesting in the streets, who aren't carrying signs smearing their president with swastikas and telling the cameras they're patriotic? Surely, they could protest that they're just as "anti-war." Who, after all, wants war? But the majority won't be romanticized as idealists by the American media.

Network producers think the people worth showing are "mainstream protesters," people who've come to their first protest to march alongside the hippie on his 164th outing. But they won't find it "newsworthy" to focus on the president's supporters on Main Street, or even find first-time converts to the cause of war. Why not find someone who changed his mind after 164 protests?

Easy. It doesn't serve the media's anti-war agenda.

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US students protest against war

Thousands of American high school and university students have walked out of classes in protest against possible conflict in Iraq.

The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition, which organised the protests, said that more than 300 schools and universities had taken part across the country, from the southern state of Tennessee to New York City and California.

Thousands of students also rallied for peace in the UK, Sweden, Spain, Australia, Egypt and other countries.

"We're walking out of our classes because it's completely ridiculous that students in Iraq, who are exactly the same as us, will have to face the consequences of a unilateral war," said coalition spokeswoman Amanda Flott.

"Also, at a time when many students are already priced out of higher education, the increase in funding for the military will decrease the money available for education, all to support a war that in my mind is not justifiable."

'Expressing their views'

At California's Stanford University, around 300 students marched, some holding placards declaring "It's the Middle East, not the Wild West" and "The majority of us didn't vote for this war".

Several professors at the university supported their students by cancelling classes or refusing to punish those who had walked out.

"The average student here is pretty liberal and against the war, but they're not very vocal," 20-year-old Kate Skolnick told the Associated Press news agency.

"This is mainly about getting people to express their views."

Students also walked out from educational institutions in Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Maryland, among others.

In Cambridge, Massachusetts, home of the prestigious Harvard University, about 100 students left their classrooms to express their displeasure at a possible US-led war in Iraq.

"Who says we can be the ones to decide who is safe enough to have weapons?" 14-year-old high school student Anna Ostow said.

"We feel like hurting more people is not going to solve any more problems," she added.

Global protests

Meanwhile in other parts of the globe students marched against possible conflict.

In Paris, a lively anti-war rally drew as many as 20,000 students, police authorities told French news agency AFP, although other estimates put figures at around 7,000.

Students danced and chanted their way down the Boulevard Saint Michel, with reggae and Arab music bands accompanying the marchers, many of whom were also protesting against the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Spanish capital Madrid also saw tens of thousands of student demonstrators hold a noisy protest in the main Puerta del Sol square as part of a 24-hour class boycott, some carrying placards decrying "servile Aznar" - a reference to the Spanish prime minister's staunch support for the US.

In Australia students from schools in Perth, Adelaide and Sydney walked out of lectures as part of a day of action.

In Perth, some students burned an Australian flag, while in Sydney others carried banners denouncing the US president and Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Reuters news agency reported.

Protests were also held in Britain, Egypt, Sweden and Bangladesh.

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Originally posted by normalnoises


i go to sleep every night praying that u decide to go over to Iraq as one of those "human shields" and that u become the first one to have a nice 100 lb bomb dropped on u.....:blown:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i go to sleep every night praying that u decide to go over to Iraq as one of those "human shields" and that u become the first one to have a nice 100 lb bomb dropped on u.....:blown:

lets hope our prayers are answered one day....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i go to sleep every night praying that u decide to go over to Iraq as one of those "human shields" and that u become the first one to have a nice 100 lb bomb dropped on u.....:blown:

childish.....how old are you again, matas?

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Originally posted by sassa

childish.....how old are you again, matas?

U WANT ME SOOOO BAD....i can feel it through the computer...miles away and i still sense ur desire for me...its ok honey, i know how scared u are of ur feelings towards me...i am over 18, i am legal....so just tell when u wanna do this....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

U WANT ME SOOOO BAD....i can feel it through the computer...miles away and i still sense ur desire for me...its ok honey, i know how scared u are of ur feelings towards me...i am over 18, i am legal....so just tell when u wanna do this....


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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

U WANT ME SOOOO BAD....i can feel it through the computer...miles away and i still sense ur desire for me...its ok honey, i know how scared u are of ur feelings towards me...i am over 18, i am legal....so just tell when u wanna do this....


sure. whatever you say............:blown:

btw, your bitch dnice is waiting for a reply....give it to him....:laugh:

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Originally posted by sassa


sure. whatever you say...........

btw, your bitch dnice is waiting for a reply....give it to him....

thats what i am talking about my little Chechen Sex Bomb (no pun intended)...u know ur dying to have a crazy Republican in the sack....i will send my Republican Cruise Missile into ur Occupied Region....the explosion will leave u begging for more, its that good...u know u liked to be tied up and called an infidel (u little naughty girl)....just let me know when u are ready, i will even fly to Cali to deliver the 1,000 Megaton Bomb i have in my pants....till then my Sexy Anti-American Wet Dream....:licker:


Dnice isnt worth my Laser Guided Love Rocket....but u are...YUMMY:hump:

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