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suicide bomber kills 15 in israel....

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This is really sad.

HAIFA, Israel — A homicide bomber blew himself up aboard a crowded bus in this northern Israeli city Wednesday afternoon, killing at least 15 people and wounding dozens of others.

Television images showed bodies and wreckage strewn across the street after the blast.

Israeli media reported that the blast was caused by up to 130 pounds of explosives -- an exceptionally powerful bomb. Its force ripped the roof off the bus and caused damage and debris to cars as far as 30 yards away. The blast toppled palm trees and left the bus a skeleton of charred and twisted metal.

"The scenes are horrific here, twisted metal, it is very difficult to look at," a witness told Israel Radio, according to the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz.

Witnesses said the explosion occurred just after the No. 37 bus stopped in the hilltop neighborhood of Carmelia at 2:17 p.m.

Officials said that because of the hour, the bus was packed with students from the University of Haifa.

The driver, Marwan Damouni, told Army Radio the bus exploded as he opened the doors to let passengers off.

"I suddenly heard an explosion, " said Damouni, who was being treated at Carmel Hospital. "I tried to move, to see if there were wounded ... I couldn't hear anything because of the force of the blast."

It was Israel's first terror attack in two months, and there was no immediate claim of responsibility.

"Once again the bestial hand of Palestinian terrorism has struck at the heart of Israel," said Mark Sofer, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, adding that in the past two months Israeli forces had thwarted almost 100 attempted attacks.

Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat condemned "any attack that is targeting civilians, whether Palestinian or Israeli. But he added: "We reject the Israel government finger-pointing that the Palestinian Authority is responsible."

Haifa police chief Yaacov Borovsky said the explosion was caused by a homicide bomber, and police sources said at least 15 people were killed.

Avi Zohar, a rescue services spokesman, said there were "dozens of casualties, among them at least two dozen seriously injured. Some of the wounded were being treated at the scene, and others were evacuated.

"I suddenly heard a huge explosion and all the lights in my beauty parlor broke," said beautician Ronen Levy. "I am still in shock."

Ovadia Saar, who was driving a bus just behind the one that blew up, said he saw "the back of the bus fly into the air, and the windows blew out and a great cloud of dust covered the bus."

"I got out and ran toward the bus. It was a horrible sight. There were a few bodies in the street," he said. "Those we saw breathing we evacuated."

Israeli police went on alert throughout the country amid warnings that more attacks were planned, reports said.

The Haifa blast was the first terror attack in Israel since Jan. 5, when a pair of suicide bombers killed 23 people in Tel Aviv.

Abdel Aziz Rantisi, a spokesman for the Islamic militant Hamas, praised the attack but did not claim responsibility. "We will not stop our resistance," he said. "We are not going to give up in the face of the daily killing" of Palestinians.

The attack comes days after the establishment of a new, right-wing government in Israel. Some of the key Cabinet ministers have in the past called for Arafat's expulsion.

It also coincides with a two-week-old Israeli military offensive against Hamas strongholds in the Gaza Strip in which dozens of Palestinians have been killed, including some civilians.

Arafat, meanwhile, is considering appointing a prime minister in coming days -- a move that has been demanded by the United States and Israel as a means of sidelining the veteran Palestinian leader.

"We are facing a (Palestinian) leadership which at best is unwilling to act, and at worst is actually complicit in many of the terrorist activities that we see," Sofer said. "What we see is terror, slaughter of innocent children, people going about their daily lives."

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i just heard about this....haifa, i used to go there and have the best food....only an hour from where i used to live....what a shame...and the cycle will continue when israelis kill palestinians....then they will retaliate (or rather, hamas/jihad/etc etc)...........it never ends....


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Originally posted by sassa

i just heard about this....haifa, i used to go there and have the best food....only an hour from where i used to live....what a shame...and the cycle will continue when israelis kill palestinians....then they will retaliate (or rather, hamas/jihad/etc etc)...........it never ends....


this defenetly can not go unpunished!

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Originally posted by sassa


it doesn't need to be retaliated either, that's why this bullshit killing is still going on!

so what do you recomend they do? maybe they can have lunch together and discuss why the suicide bomber killed all those innocente people?

*cough -saddams money- cough* before they take him out of power and those little bonuses are gone.....

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Originally posted by dnice35

so what do you recomend they do? maybe they can have lunch together and discuss why the suicide bomber killed all those innocente people?

*cough -saddams money- cough* before they take him out of power and those little bonuses are gone.....

do i REALLY have to point out how incredibly STUPID your last comment was? wtf does this have to do with saddam and his money????


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Originally posted by sassa

do i REALLY have to point out how incredibly STUPID your last comment was? wtf does this have to do with saddam and his money????


the donations he makes to the suicide bombers..... not that they can use it now, but Saddam does donate money for evey attack doesnt he? I mean I could be mistaken. so correct me if I am wrong.

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Originally posted by dnice35

the donations he makes to the suicide bombers..... not that they can use it now, but Saddam does donate money for evey attack doesnt he? I mean I could be mistaken. so correct me if I am wrong.


i won't even justify this with a response...

you are clearly trying to lump the two together.

you really amaze me sometimes.

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Originally posted by underwater

why is everyone secretly attracted to sassa?.....you guys are so weak.....it makes me sick....

theres nothing more that I would like to punish her for her war crimes and anti-american attitude......

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